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  1. S

    Red Gills On Tiger Barb

    ok I will get the nitrite, nitrate and ph testers next time I go to town
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    Red Gills On Tiger Barb

    sorry I only have an ammonia test kit and the reading is zero. I dont think it is my tank b/c i have 3 healthy active rosey barbs and the other tiger barbs are healthy and active. the only one worried about is the one I just got yesterday. I'm thinking they had really poor water quality at the...
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    Red Gills On Tiger Barb

    Do you think the red color in the gills is just coming out because it's albino?
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    Fish Fins In A Net

    I would let it fall off by itself. This happened to a sushui(sp?)koi in my pond when transferring it, I just cut the net and eventually the net fell off the fin.
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    Red Gills On Tiger Barb

    I got some albino tiger barbs from a local pet store, and one of them had inflamed gills and one of the gills was pointing outwards. I took that one back and got another one that looked healthy. After putting them in my tank I noticed one of them had red gills. Do you think it has gill flukes or...
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    Tetra Id Needed

    I got this fish as a gift and I do not know what kind it is, although I know it's some kind of tetra. It's very bright neon blue and silver and has a pinkish orange spot on its head, kind of like a brain. It might be a color injected fish, i dont know. here is a pic, sorry about the quality(its...
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    Can Someone Identify This Tetra?

    No, the picture doesnt really do it justice. It's silver with bright blue tone
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    Can Someone Identify This Tetra?

    i have a bleeding heart tetra, it's not that. It doesnt have the same fins or the red spot. i think it might be the skirted tetra with dye injection.....
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    Can Someone Identify This Tetra?

    heres a better picture
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    Can Someone Identify This Tetra?

    I got this fish as a gift and I do not know what kind it is, although I know it's some kind of tetra. It's very bright neon blue and silver and has a pinkish orange spot on its head, kind of like a brain. It might be a color injected fish, i dont know. here is a pic, sorry about the quality(its...
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    White Spots Appearing On Fins

    Sorry I couldnt get a picture that showed it with my cell phone.
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    White Spots Appearing On Fins

    I have a tiger barb that had a little white spot on its bottom fin, then the next day when I looked the edge of his bottom fin was white and jagged looking and his top fin is doing the same thing. Is this fin rot, ich or what? What medication should I buy?