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    Female Lyretail Swordtail

    okay and that makes sense with the lyretail's behavior when i put her in with my other swordtails. She wasn't aggressive at all (even my other female gets a bit nippy sometimes) and in fact it seemed that the 3 others calmed down a lot too and aren't as jumpy. She's absolute gorgeous :wub: ...
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    Female Lyretail Swordtail

    I have a question for the general populace about this lyretail swordtail that I got at my LFS. I actually didn't pay for it because I traded in some upside down catties. I already have 3 black swordtails (2 female and 1 male) and they are well-adjusted. The guy offered a swordtail in exchange...
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    Api Testing Kit And General Filter Questions

    ok, that makes sense about not wanting to change the media unless an emergency...but i was reading some where that there is carbon in the bag and that that is what needs to be changed regularly or something. also how can you tell if the bag is breaking down if you're not supposed to take it...
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    Api Testing Kit And General Filter Questions

    so i have a few questions: i have the API master test kit and have a little silly question about it. For those who don't know, they have these really stupid red plastic guards on each bottle and are really annoying. i ended up taking them off and i was just wondering, would this effect the...
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    What's The Difference Between An Aquarium Vacuum And An Aquarium S

    unless i am mistaken, the main difference between the two is that one is powered electrically and one manually. A syphon is just a tube that uses the difference in height and atmospheric pressure to push water from the aquarium into..say a bucket. i use one and it is really easy to use :)...
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    Upside-downs Vs Raphaels

    Well i a bit new to the whole fish keeping thing, but I have three UPCs (really new, about a weeks worth of experience...but hey that's something!). anyway, from what i can tell they definitely will probably pick up the left over food from the other fish. mine are constantly eating algae and...
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    Feeding Questions

    So i have few questions about feeding times and amounts. I just announced that i picked up a few upside down catfish and i think that they'll wonderful :) however since these are my first fish i am a little unexperienced in how much i feed them and when. i know that you'll only supposed to...
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    Upside Down Catties!

    Hey everyone, just wanted to say hi and to geek out a bit with a bunch of other fish lovers :D This is my first tank (10g) and i got 3 upside down catfish yesterday. now i did read about them a bit before getting them, but i guess i didn't realize how much they hide. when i was getting them...