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  1. R

    Is this gal pregnant?

    I don’t think she has worms. She has well formed normal coloured ooo and weight hasn’t changed since they matured
  2. R

    Is this gal pregnant?

    Hello all! It’s been almost a month since I introduced a female to the guy, I was wondering if she looks pregnant? he has been in the whole time
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    STORY TIME - Water Parameters for a Community tank

    I love when my male bettas get along with other fish! I also have one that survived my inexperience, its a white cloud something lol Its been my betta companions for a few years now.
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    My Guppy Preggo Problems?

    At the moment with covid i cant afford one and i'm not supposed to go out. I have one that is slightly better but its cycling and has nothing in it.
  8. R

    My Guppy Preggo Problems?

    I think its 15-16 litres, so not massive. I have a plastic floating plant, two real floating plants, I have a viking hat, loads of fake plants and a fry scoop thing to put them in.
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    My Guppy Preggo Problems?

    yeah... ok. Im going to clean the tank and check everything over again then add the fishy back
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    My Guppy Preggo Problems?

    Yeah, i made the box to scoop them into if needed. I looked trough the tank, nothing.. Should i remove the one thats dropped to improve survival rates?
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    My Guppy Preggo Problems?

    So im a first time breeder starting with first time fish. They both seem to have been preggo for a long time, longer then normal. Anyway- this morning i couldnt find the pattern tailed one. I dug through the tank and removed the other fish and some decor to find her alive to my suprise. I...
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    Helppppp?? My Guppies?

    Its been a few days. Both have regular habits an no fry? I upped how many things i had in the tank incase.
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    Helppppp?? My Guppies?

    I will share one tommorow! I can't wait for the little critters!
  16. R

    Helppppp?? My Guppies?

    I also just had a gut feeling it wasn't labor last night. I've never done this before but i just had that feeling?
  17. R

    Helppppp?? My Guppies?

    I had quite a good look, she is still pretty big. Also i thought their gravid spots went dark before birth... is it normal that hers is still orange?
  18. R

    Helppppp?? My Guppies?

    Hey, so i gave it over night. When i checked her last night she was swimming around. This morning her habits have returned to normal. She is socilising wit the other fish and swimming around actively...?
  19. R

    Helppppp?? My Guppies?

    Thanks guys. I’m going to give them maybe another hour and then give them one last check. I’ll update you in the morning!
  20. R

    Helppppp?? My Guppies?

    I’ve stuffed the tank full and she’s was near the top in this. It’s getting later now so I will check in her in two hours and then head to bed.
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  22. R

    Helppppp?? My Guppies?

    By that tank I mean the tank I would move her to. I havn’t put them back back. Currently they are in a divided tank that’s all cycled and everything. All my tanks are cycled and treated.
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    Helppppp?? My Guppies?

    Ok- the tank has no others in. I have been using a gravel vac for years but I had an accident where I sucked a fighter fish up it accidentally and he died. Since then I’ve just moved them.
  24. R

    Helppppp?? My Guppies?

    Both are pregaunt. I have a set up tank currently that had a few fish moved out for cleaning as im super nervous with a vacuum. She is pestering her quiet a bit. She will back off and be back at it two minutes later. The labor girl isnt aggressive though
  25. R

    Helppppp?? My Guppies?

    She is doing the go back to the same spot thing... should i remove the other girl causing it? She isn't aggressive as such though she just moves off until the other girl moves away then goes back.
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    Helppppp?? My Guppies?

    - I didnt think about the guests! It was just worrying since i was stressed and wanted an answer asap so i knew i guess! Im not seeing alot of other labour behaviours though. I did a water change yesterday and the other girl was fine. Should i remove her? she keeps distrupting my labor girl!
  27. R

    Helppppp?? My Guppies?

    Thank you~ I'm still not sure though... are these signs of labor?
  28. R

    Man, I LoveThis Fish

    So pretty! I've had a few betta over the years and currently have a red half moon female. At the moment i don't feed live as its so hard to get with this pandemic. I feed little color pellets. You could get some of them and if you ran out of live you could feed them?
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    2 fish dead with no visible cause

    So from what i can see, it was maybe the tank set up time and maybe if the pet store had them in cold water and you changed them to warm or visa versa, it also may have been a bit of stress. I've lost fish to stress before. Don't fret it though, you know for next time. Unfortunatly as a new fish...
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    Don't quote me, i'm still learning but to me- Those look like guppies, i have had guppies for a while now and mine tend to be near the top, they are naturally near the top, however mine do dip down and go to the bottom, eat what ever is there and pop back up, then they will swim around a bit...
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    Helppppp?? My Guppies?

    Hi again, ( SOOO many people have viewed and not said anything and i'm feeling a little stressed here... ) So i have a guppy that i'm told is due any day now and another due in a few weeks. This may not be accurate as it was via this forum and i'm a first time breeder. So, i had four females and...
  32. R

    Guppy Preggo info

    Thanks, i stuffed it full of some fake plants i had, they arn't the silk ones but i have had a few in tanks before and never had a problem, even with betta. Theyre is two girls in the tank. The person feeds daily but not very much so it works ok. Apparently they havnt spotted any babys yet so...
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    Guppy Preggo info

    Thats like the only thing she didnt have though. And im concerned because i am away for a few days and they are left with someone who feeds but doesnt have the knowledge
  34. R

    Guppy Preggo info

    Hi all again! So it has been confirmed that my guppy is pregnaunt and expecting in the coming days/weeks. I watched some things on them and she has all the signs of labour except she isnt still in the tank or isolating. She is breathing rapidly, on the surface, she has the boxy shape, she has a...
  35. R

    Guppy pregnant

    Its just a plastic grass plant. I had it for year and saw someone else do it and i thought it may help. At the moment they just have the guy in the tank with them and i have a seperate tank with a female betta, a neon tetra and my other two guppy girls. I am going to clean out the other tank...
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    Guppy pregnant

    Thanks SO much!! I dont think the box will be here in time and i was going to net them into it anyways. I think though i might put them in a seperate tank and i have decorated my tank super heavily with fake plants since i kill real ones so easily. I will be away at the end of the week and im...
  37. R

    Guppy pregnant

    Hi all, Ive just started using this forum litrally five minutes ago as im a newish person to guppys. I got my guppys off a friend as fry due to them breeding, So ive had mine since they were babies. Anyway, i decided to start breeding a while ago but unfortuantly the only male i got had passed...
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