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  1. N

    Established Tank. Big Problems

    we have 2 dogs and 2 female runner ducks so i thought that a few fish wouldnt hurt. my wife used to keep fish about 4 yrs ago but had an accident so we sold them as she couldnt do the care needed. she was a member of pfk forum so she knows the importance of cycleing etc.
  2. N

    Established Tank. Big Problems

    we only moved into the area a few months ago and its a small hamlet of around 20 houses. im sure the wife can follow some instructions and supervise the water changes once a day and do the tests.
  3. N

    Established Tank. Big Problems

    Ive just found out that i need to go away from next wednesday for about 5 days and theres no way the wife will be able to change 60 ltrs of water a day so am a little stuck. I might ask a nieghbours son to help out with water changes with my wife supervising. phoned a few lfs today and no help...
  4. N

    Established Tank. Big Problems

    its a bit daunting but ive learned a lot since tuesday. i was a bit surprised that the 3 lcal maidenheads wouldnt help. ive even been on ebay to see if there are any mature filters for sale but no luck. will test and water change later. good job im working from home this week and next
  5. N

    Established Tank. Big Problems

    im hoping the only prob ive got at the moment is getting some mature media. i dont mind going upto 50miles to get some
  6. N

    Established Tank. Big Problems

    i spoke to the son earlier and he doesnt think his mum will be able to go back to her house after hospital and he asked if i would take the tank and fish and keep them. the tank is a rio125 ltr and a 205 fluval pump. i moved the tank into my lounge so i can do water changes and keep an eye out...
  7. N

    Established Tank. Big Problems

    i have just looked at the link thanks. of the 5 people nearish to me only one has a current active account so hopefully they will get back with some media. so it looks like i still check daily for ammo and nitrite and do 30 percent water changes ?
  8. N

    Established Tank. Big Problems

    sorry for the cross posting on emergency forum but i wanted a wider audiance for advice i knew NOTHING about fish until tues and have done many hrs of reading an elderly lady neighbor went into hospital last week and tues i saw her son and was helping him move a few things and i spotted a...
  9. N

    Established Tank. Big Problems

    i knew NOTHING about fish until tues and have done many hrs of reading an elderly lady neighbor went into hospital last week and tues i saw her son and was helping him move a few things and i spotted a algea covered tank. the 205 external wasnt running becuse the electric is on a pre payment...