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  1. C

    White Gills On Betta

    That is way to much of a bioload on that size of a tank and i dont suggest keeping it that way. I would suggest daily PWC or else you continue your water problems and the excess ammonia will burn the fish and nitrIte poison them.
  2. C

    Spikes Turnt Mean! :(

    Take your filter off your cycled tank, go over and squeeze it into the water of your uncycled tank. Take some gravel from your cycled tank, tie it into a hose and drop it in your new tank. All that bacteria will cycle your new tank in no time.
  3. C

    Slight Panic - Snails

    Depends on what you want to do with them. I wont go into out to rid of them. I dont care for using chemicals such as Had A Snail etc. I love snails. Put a lettuce leaf in the tank and watch them attach themselves and you can lift them right out.
  4. C

    Betta Listless, Losing Color, Rests On Tank Floor--what To Do?

    Bettas in bowls should have their water changed 100% everyday to every other day. It may seem like over kill to some but that 1 gallon of water is not much water and can become polluted very fast. It seems to me the water quality if the most likely cause if he perks up with water changes. Also...