Search results

  1. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    Cheers! :) I'll have a think about the kinda shape I'm after & get something on eBay, methinks. We do have a few decent LFS here but they're all out of town (although I guess a piece of bogwood ain't gonna suffer the bus ride as much as fish would!)
  2. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    Thanks, ianho! I'm not really a fan of the plantpot, either, tbh.. Remnants from the days before plants.. ;) (There are actually two of them in there, but you can't see the other one cuz it's propping up the bottom end of the fluval, to keep it from inhaling sand...) I get paid on Thursday...
  3. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    hehe, back sooner than I thought! Two reasons: this is way too addictive; and the ech.tenellus is already putting out runners... WOOOO! :hyper:
  4. bumbleweasle

    Unknown Plant Purchaced

    Hey hey, looks like a spathiphyllum sp. to me.. aka Peace Lily, is not aquatic but I've heard it's often sold as such. Spathiphyllum Wallisii link
  5. bumbleweasle

    Meet The Plant People!

    Hello! Probably a bit slow on the uptake here, but hey! ;) Forum Name = bumbleweasle Real Name = Jayneth Location = Edinburgh, UK Years in Hobby = 5 in tropical, last 6-12 months or so on the planted side! Current Tanks = 140l "mini fish" tank Current Planted Tanks = as above (low tech). Non...
  6. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    One more post & then I'll be quiet for a few weeks while I wait for things to develop. Just wanted to illustrate what happens when your disappointment in the state of your planted tank leads you to a friendly wee forum, full of jedi spam & loadsa useful info. :) Before (1st July): After...
  7. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    Yey! Thankee, FighterFishh!
  8. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    Picture update for new plants! :) Full tank shot: Managed to stash the filter/thermometer fairly low at the back of the tank, & have planted the wisteria between it & the bogwood/glass. Hopefully it'll shoot up all bushy with some regular pruning, & hide everything properly :) There...
  9. bumbleweasle

    Planting Stem Cuttings

    Cheers! Got 'em planted again for now but I've chucked an extra load of sand in me bucket for soakin', so things should be easier in future once that's in there. :)
  10. bumbleweasle

    Planting Stem Cuttings

    Is it normal to have trouble keeping your stem cuttings down in the sand? I always seem to come through in the morning to find 'em floating around! I exaggerate, lol, most of them have stayed, but I just get annoyed with having to replant the ones that don't, as it's harder to get 'em back...
  11. bumbleweasle

    Snail Cure?

    I ain't no expert, but I agree with this.. I was overrun with trumpet snails a while back.. tragedy in the family = this bumbleweasle lost the plot a bit with the tank maintenance during her grief. The substrate was absolutely covered in dead plant material, and soon became covered (literally)...
  12. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    My plants didn't show up until today, & the Indian Fern was at the bottom of the box, all battered! :-( looked like this: By the time I trimmed it clean, a few of the plantlets were down to their roots, & a lot of the leaves had to be removed on the others. They're not dead yet, though...
  13. bumbleweasle

    Shrimpages :)

    Thanks for your help.. I've done some reading here since I was directed here from the planted section & I agree it's probably OK. I'm not planning on getting any larger fish than the ones I currently have - I like the mini ones, so any further inhabitants will likely be more neons or ember...
  14. bumbleweasle

    Shrimpages :)

    Hello... Current tank occupants: 9x Golden White Cloud Mountain Minnow 5x Neon Tetra 1x Ember Tetra (he hangs around with the above lot, hehehe) 1x Scissortail Rasbora 1x Black Skirt Tetra 5x Otocinclus far too many trumpet snails... in a 48"w x12"d x15h" tropical tank with fluval 4+, Koralia...
  15. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    Am thinking if the wysteria doesn't hide the equipment well enough then I might make a wee wall/divider for that.. :) ..looks like they tried to deliver my plants while i was out this morning, so now I'll have to wait til Friday to get 'em! Boooooooooo...... (cue sense of impatience, hehehe)
  16. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    :) Got some new mosses in the tank, a new reflector, & my new Koralia pump showed up! While I was in there planting/installing, I took out the bogwood & scraped off all the BBA with a knife. Couldn't get the woods balanced back in the way they were, so did a bit of a rescape while i was...
  17. bumbleweasle

    Llj's Ada Tank "refugees From Endor"

    (*Sings...) Calliiiiiiiiitriche vernaaaaaaaaaaaa
  18. bumbleweasle

    Llj's Ada Tank "refugees From Endor"

    :D I like this tank.. one day, when the force is stronger within me, I too shall attempt a high-tech thingummy such as this, and it shall be peachy. :) oh.. and.. umm.. fontinalis antipyretica?!
  19. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    About 6 months, now, although the wood with the bolbitis was in a previous setup before I moved. I've no idea how it got so awesome, lol.. I've really not put that much effort in. :D Do you think I should trim those roots, or do I just not have enough substrate?
  20. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    Thanks, it's done not too badly considering I don't really have a clue :) You can see it best in the closeup pic of the moss - lotsa black furry stuff all over the driftwood. Was doing about 20% weekly water changes, but then moved house, got very lax with changes for a while & the algae sprang...
  21. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    Hey folks! I've not been active on the planted side for very long.. or rather, I have, I've just not done a very good job of it. I came here to learn more, so I thought it'd be good to track my progress here. :) Waiting on a new pump at the moment to give the tank some better flow, & I'll be...
  22. bumbleweasle

    The Ember Tetra

    Woo! I love Ember Tetras, & they look so good in planted tanks. I only have one left, now.. poor wee dude.. his mates all got wiped out when my tank burst while I was out at work. :crazy: ...he does seem to have made friends with the Golden White Clouds I put in last month, though, & spends...
  23. bumbleweasle

    Care Of New Plants

    lol, thanks mate.. can't believe I thought it was algae! ;)
  24. bumbleweasle

    Plant Id

    Hello :) Any idea what the dark green plant in the middle of this picture is?
  25. bumbleweasle

    Care Of New Plants

    Right.. So, Java Moss, right?!
  26. bumbleweasle

    Java Moss Finally Arrived...umm Now What?

    I grow mine with low light (~1WPG) & no CO2. it's up near the light on a tall bit of driftwood, & seems to love it! This bit sorta planted itself to be honest, i had no idea it was even in there as I thought all mine had died when I moved house, lol.. but I've tied it on with nylon...
  27. bumbleweasle

    Care Of New Plants

    Ahem. It seems my.. um.. "hair algae" is actually java moss. My bad! :unsure: I bought some last year & thought it was all dead after my house move, but apparently it was just awaiting its grand re-entrance. :lol: Have taken some pics just to be sure, will post 'em up for clarification...
  28. bumbleweasle

    Care Of New Plants

    Cheers! :D Am planning on more moss & looking at the low tech plant threads at the moment to see what else I might like in there.. This is what the tank looks like atm: it ain't a great pic, but will get more soon.. looking at it, I probably do need to lower the filter, which will mean...
  29. bumbleweasle

    Care Of New Plants

    Thanks, RadaR! :) Yeh, I want to get this right before considering high-tech, so just a powerhead for now, eh? Peachy! :) The lighting unit is being replaced because it's bloomin' ancient & has started to trip out the timer.. I was mainly thinking a T5 because it's supposed to be more...
  30. bumbleweasle

    Care Of New Plants

    Hi everyone! I used to post a loooong time ago in the tropical discussion, am now attempting to go all planty. :) Sooo, I have the following setup... HARDWARE 48"w 12"d 15"h tank (30-35g?) 40W t8 (soon to be replaced with 55w t5) fluval 4+ internal with the outflow at the surface for...
  31. bumbleweasle

    Stocking My New 4ft-er

    Cheers! Took me a while to get the cash together, but went for : 10x Endlers 10x Celestials 10x Ember Tetras 4x Otocinclus 4x Pymy Cory 4x Habrosus Cory The otos went in first, then the ember tetras about 3 weeks later.. Everything else came in one big order from Trimar at the beginning of...
  32. bumbleweasle

    Stocking My New 4ft-er

    cute l'il guys! :D thanks.. was planning on getting the others from trimar, but will check these guys out.. if i can save paying for two lots of postage for a combo of all these, that'd be ideal. :) I'll come back & let ye know what I end up with. BW.x
  33. bumbleweasle

    Stocking My New 4ft-er

    Sweeeet! Will have to see if my budget allows me to, hehe.. these wee critters are expensive! Thank you :D BW.x
  34. bumbleweasle

    Stocking My New 4ft-er

    pretty please?! ;)
  35. bumbleweasle

    Stocking My New 4ft-er

    'Ello :) My new 120 litre tank is ready-cycled & waiting for some inhabitants! :hyper: Am considering the following - 10x galaxy rabsora/celestial pearl danio 10x endlers 4x corydoras pymaeus 4x corydoras habrossus 4x otocinclus Can anyone confirm or otherwise that these fish are...
  36. bumbleweasle

    Emerald/chocolate Cichlids - Suitable Tankmates?

    Cheers.. I had already ruled out the cardinals.. I'd thought that adult rummy noses & black widows would be big enough to be OK, do you not think so? Good that I can get some corys though, I love 'em! :D ANy other suggestions as to what to keep in there? The tank seems kinda quiet with...
  37. bumbleweasle

    Emerald/chocolate Cichlids - Suitable Tankmates?

    :) Hello, I'm Jayne, I have a fairly large tank (c. 80 imperial gallons).. at the moment it houses 2 emerald cichlids & an angel fish.. not many fish, really! I'm in the process of gradually adjusting the setup to match the Rio Negro biotope as closely as I can, so I've introduced some hardy...