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  1. G

    How Well Can A Good Sized Red Devil Defend Itself?

    I dont have any experience with Red Devil's specifically. I really think they are beautiful fish and I would love to add one to my community. I tried once unsuccessfully to add a smaller RD and had to remove him almost immidiatly to avoid injury as it was plainly obvious he would have been...
  2. G

    Red Tailed Sharks ?

    Lets not confuse the RTBS or rainbow shark with the Black shark either lol 3 times bigger and 3 times meaner than the already territorial RTBS and it has NO red fins!:) heheh
  3. G

    How Old Are Auratus Before The Males Start To Turn Black?

    Yes I do have one and he has an attitude:) I am keeping an eye on him but for the time being everything is ok. He is a bit antagonistic towards some of his other tankmates however nothing serious. That said Ive tried unsuccessfully a few times to add new fish to the community the most recent a...
  4. G

    How Old Are Auratus Before The Males Start To Turn Black?

    Didnt know, and Im curious?
  5. G

    Water Change

    Quote: Garbage do you mean that you get it from tap same time and no 'Tapsafe'...on the day?? Mark Yup, Ive been doing once a week water changes of about 30% each week for the last 6 years straight from the hose. Ive got one of those 50ft tubes that streaches outside to the hose and I use...
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    Water Change

    Ive used tap water for years and years and Ive never had any problems with my fish dying or getting disease.
  7. G

    Sharks With Betta?

    Mark my words, the RTBS WILL kill your betta once it becomes an adult and starts getting territorial. Common sense dictates that this is a bad idea. RTBS are more often than not really agressive fish, or at least "adult" RTBS are, your betta will not be a match for him in any way shape of form...
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    Dosent suprise me around here -_-
  9. G


    And if a number of mods are part of the problem from what Ive seen? Take someone like me for example, as a person who reads more than posts, If I were to create waves especially with the powers that be here I would just be labled a newb troublemaker or even a fish abuser because of my choice of...
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    Good to know Im not the only person here who feels this way:)
  11. G


    Fair enough. I hope you don't think that's why I was asking. :unsure: I do the same as you with cichlids. You never know until you try. No not at all was I directing my comment at you!:) Dont really plan to name name's but there are a pretty healthy number of people who do post here who...
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    Well to be honest with you, I am a frequent reader of these board but an infrequent poster. The Cichlids I keep togeather would be consitered unconventional by most, unfortunatly from what I have observed here is that many of the members are hostile, judgemental, and downright nasty toward...
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    My RTBS is the sole other fish in my Cichlid tank. Only things he wont kill. Does very well with them though.
  14. G


    They dont tolorate other kinds all that much either lol
  15. G

    Just Put All My Zebra Dano's And 2 Corys In With The Cichlids!

    hehe did I get your attention?:) Its true I did put them in the same tank, but I built a really cool partition made of plexi-glass to put in the tank to keep them separate:) Its REALLY cool having Cichlids and a schooling fish like Zebra's in the same tank!!! A couple of the Cichlids like to sit...
  16. G

    Hi There, Question About Power Heads!

    Thank you for the tip, any other advice?
  17. G

    Hi There, Newbie!

    I can tell already Im gonna like you:)
  18. G

    Hi There, Question About Power Heads!

    What I was wondering, does anyone have experience with them? I want to set up a 125G tank, Im looking at power heads rated at 75G each. WOuld it be better to only have 2, one at each end of the tank, or 4 evenly spread actoss the back? Thanx!
  19. G

    Are Midas Cichlids And Red Devils Similar?

    Lfs has them both, they look really similar, ive never heard of a midas cichlid before, I was just curious.
  20. G

    Hi There, Newbie!

    Just here to say hello, nice boards!