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  1. S

    New Breeding Tank

    Very nice tank. I love the 4x1 tanks.
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    Different Sand Options?

    I've heard of people using pool filter sand. I read this somewhere and now I cannot remember where. But many sands are either too sharp for alot of fish or have unwanted chemicals. However, i have read that pool filter sand is just right, the grain are supposed to be rounded instead of jagged or...
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    Arowana Advice Sought

    Yeah, i have to wait until i finish moving first. Then ill move him.
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    Quick Question About Pvc Piping

    Ok, thanks for the reply. I'm just a little cautious about what I do.
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    Ultimate predator!

    Personally my African Butterfly is m favorie predator. It is fun o watch. It is very agressive during feeding times. It stalks its prey, then pounces in. Anyone who has an african butterfly knows that the size of their mouth is huge. It can eat almost anything you could want to feed it. I feed...
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    What Are You Listening To?

    Disturbed - Hell before: Disturbed, well, every disturbed song, what can I say, I'm hooked.
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    Guppy- Is She Pregnant?

    lol definetly pregnant. And with that many females pregnat, you can expect ALOT of fish if they are not first timers.
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    New Member Hello I'm Sheldon

    Welcome, and definetly looking forward to seeing some posts.
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    Minimum Tank Size?

    I have around 100 bettas (90 of them are fry). I use 1 gallon tanks for my adults and they are all in a room in my basement. The water temps are around 76 degrees in this room (yeah, a warm room). I have no problem with a male in a 1 gallon. I have 5 females in a 5 gallon tank and they love it...
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    I've Got A New Tank...

    If you want to do plants, you are making a good decision as long as you have adaquate lighting. The general rule of thumb is 1.5-2 watts per gallon. Be prepared to leave your lights on for a decent amount of time a day. I run my 55 gallon planted tank with the lights on for about 12 hours a day...
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    Dwarf Puffers

    I have over 150 fish, and these are by FAR the most fun of all my fish and I have an arrowana, Bettas, High-fin harks, angels, TONS of fish. They are incredibly smart fish. I have 5 DPs and I have not had any problems at all with them. not with teeth, agressivness, anything. Though one of mine...
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    Arowana Advice Sought

    I have an arowana in my 55 gallon. I have a 600 gallon lined up for it already whenever it's needed. However, I've had im for about 4 months now, and he is 1 inch bigger than he was when bought. Every fish has a different growth rate, just like us. Some will be little fishes and some will be...
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    Quick Question About Pvc Piping

    I have a piece of pvc piping in my basement. I was thinking about using it for my fire eel. However, it is sanded. Is this ok? I was just wondering because I've never seen anyone using a sanded piece. I can tell it is sanded because the sides are rough and the endges are smooth. Don't mind me...