Minimum Tank Size?


Feb 4, 2007
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north wales
what is the absoloute minimum tank size for a betta?

and could one live at room temperature?
absolute minimum would probbly be about 2.5gal. And it depends on where you live about the heater.
The absolute minimum is 1 gallon, but they can survive in a 1/4 gallon tank, and yes they CAN live in room temp, mine do, and they are just fine.
I have around 100 bettas (90 of them are fry). I use 1 gallon tanks for my adults and they are all in a room in my basement. The water temps are around 76 degrees in this room (yeah, a warm room). I have no problem with a male in a 1 gallon. I have 5 females in a 5 gallon tank and they love it. I'd say one gallon per betta. And remember, never more than one male betta per tank, no matter tank size.
I have around 100 bettas (90 of them are fry). I use 1 gallon tanks for my adults and they are all in a room in my basement. The water temps are around 76 degrees in this room (yeah, a warm room). I have no problem with a male in a 1 gallon. I have 5 females in a 5 gallon tank and they love it. I'd say one gallon per betta. And remember, never more than one male betta per tank, no matter tank size.
up until recently i had 4 males living in the same tank for about 6 months, they were youngsteres i bred myself and they had never been sperated, they seemed to be "late bloomers" and 2 of them only just came into breeding colours and condition a couple of weeks ago...then they had to be seperated
Like others have said, 1 gallon is the minimum for an adult bettas. A constant temp. is important. If the room temp is in mid to upper 70's and is pretty constant then a heater isn't necessary, but I use heaters in all my tanks just to be on the safe side.
When I first got my male betta he was in a 1 gallon tank. I ended up getting him a 5 gallon corner tank and once I put him in there he went from being sluggish to coming alive! You could tell he was happier. Swimming all around. In the little bowls and 1 gallon tanks they just sit there and do nothing. Mine likes to hunt around. If I put in a dropping pellet or a couple times I gave him some brand new fry and he really enjoyed hunting for them. You can't do that in a small bowl. Where's the fun? I personally think it's cruel to keep them in anything that small.
I had male bettas in containers as small as 1/2 gallon for short term housing but I've found the bettas are so much more active in a larger tank. I agree with 1 gallon as minimum long term size ONLY if you can't give them a larger tank. And in most cases you can get a 10 gallon tank for about $10 and just cover it with whatever you have lying around so the fish can't jump out. The water temp stays more stable but I live in Phoenix(very hot) so I have no idea if you would need a heater for it or not. I think it gives a fish better living conditions plus you don't have to clean it as often or worry about every single little speck of uneaten food.

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