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    Fish game #9

    r u a communitty tank fish.
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    Nitrate high???

    do a water change every 3 daysif that dont work try adding some filter media from an established tank,gravel or even some water from that tank.also reduce feeding for afew days.hope this helps
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    Fish Game #8

    are u cyrtocara venusta
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    Need Opinions please?

    tiger barbs can hold there own if there in groups of about 10 to 12 but would not chance mixing with convits or depseys,there would not be a minuets peace in the for the neons the would be piked of one at a time.not sure about the cats.
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    Fish Game #8

    are u lake malawi
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    oscar question

    info on my tank.280ltrs,temp 78,nitrite 0,ammonia 0,ph other tank mates.the fish seem to be very at ease with there envoiriment. mosttanks is correct about the there breeding methods they do not take there fry into there mouths as they open breeders.sometimes the fry will cling to...
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    some pics

    wow great tank love the lighting what type of bulb do u use and who makes it.keep the background compliments the set up.ten out of ten
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    oscar question

    does anyone know at what age or size do oscars start to breed.also do they need a special diet tohelp them breed.ny oscars are about 7 inches andi have them about 6 months but were about 3.5 when igot does this growth rae compare to some of your oscars.
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    white spot on oscars

    my oscars recently have shown signs of my tank has a infestation of small worms on the question is does white spot efect oscars and what do i do about getting rid of those worms.