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  1. L

    Gravel Vac

    Okie Dokie, Here we go, when using the gravel vac, is it alright to leave your fish in the tank, I'm guessing your supposed to take them out. The last time I did it, I took them out, but it made a lot of mess that was uncalled for, is there an easier way of doing things? :angel: Hugs! ~Jill
  2. L

    my new gobi dragon

    I've seen those at the LFS, my roommate Tim really wants one, he's really into dragons, and that thing just caught his eye, he also wants a rope fish, I think they're pretty ugly myself, but the dragon is cool. :P Hugs! ~Jill
  3. L

    My roommates fish

    Oh sorry, I should have explained better, we did get a 10 gal between the three of us, but then she decided not to be a part of it with us anymore, so she went out and got her own. lately, shes been acting like she knows all, when I'm the one reading the books and stuff. Anyways, I'm happy to...
  4. L

    My roommates fish

    Ok so here's the deal, one of my roommates (Rachel) decided that she too wanted to get into the fish keeping hobby, but she wouldn't read my books, wouldn't listen to me about anything, she set up the tank, put the chemicals in, got the right temp, and a day later put like 15 fish in (10Gal...
  5. L

    Book reveiw

    Hey, has anyone read the book: The Ultimate Aquarium by Mary Bailey & Gina Sandford? I picked it up tonight, it seemed like a nice book and I want to eventually have a decent fish book library. hugs ~Jill
  6. L

    Iridescent Shark

    Oh yeah I've seen those guys. If they're that territorial, then wouldn't they not be a good choice for the community? At the moment my tank is over crowded, my 2 roommates and I are working on getting a larger tank to fix that problem, so when I take my baby back I probably won't pick out...
  7. L

    Iridescent Shark

    Hmm, I knew it was considered a cat fish and that he was gonna get big but I did not know he wasn't good for the community, but I trust your judgement and I don't want an unhappy fishy so I'll take him back. This kinda bites the big one though, I love sharks (well :look: just the little ones...
  8. L

    Newbies and Plants

    Well, A few people have told me that live plants aren't suggested for beginners. I was wondering what everyone else's opinion on that was. And, if I was to try live plants, but are good plants for beginners? Thanks! ~Jill
  9. L

    Iridescent Shark

    Ok here's the deal, One of my roommates (Tim) noticed that I fell in love with this 2inch iridescent shark, so being the nice guy he is, he surprised me with it. He's made a really cool memeber of our tank, but I've noticed that 95% of time he swims in just one spot, it's like he hovers...
  10. L

    Stuff for cleaning

    Hiya everyone! I'm getting really compfortable here really fast :rolleyes: thanks! Ok so here's my question, I would like to know exactly what you need to clean the tank, and do the partial water changes cuz I'm not exactly sure, and how do you get the new water your putting in, to the same...
  11. L

    Newbie in the tank! :-)

    Hey all! Well everyone, my name is Jill, I live in Mass. I'm not only new to this forum, I'm also new to this great new hobby! :hyper: My 2 roomates and I just recently bought a 10 gallon tank, we plan to get a bigger one very soon but we decided to start with something smaller just so we can...