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  1. I

    Fish In Cycle

    aren't you cycling with your danios? don't add any ammonia if you're gonna cycle with fish.
  2. I

    Fish In Cycle

    i'm still learning so i wouldnt want to give you any wrong advice. the guys and gals here are pretty knowledgeable and quick to response so you're in good hands. my fish were left in the bag with top open for 30 mins, add some tank water into the bag and leave for another 10 mins then the same...
  3. I

    Fish In Cycle

    yeah it's a fishbox 48. fish in cycling is doable but a lot a lot a lot of water changes (as in frequent) needed in order to keep your fishies healthy.
  4. I

    Fish In Cycle

    I am doing a Fish in Cycle as well. this might be useful.
  5. I

    Fish In Cycle

    yeah i attached it on the first post as i didnt know how to attach the file on a reply box then later realised that i could. also forgot to mention that the two ammonia tests, one was tap water. i was thinking of doing some water change later today. do you think i should leave it until wednesday?
  6. I

    Fish In Cycle

    water parameters stayed the same since ammonia and nitrite went to zero on wednesday. It's friday now and havent done any water change since tuesday. been feeding daily but still small portion. have i cycled my tank? what am i supposed to look out for next?
  7. water.JPG


  8. I

    Fish In Cycle

    ok. so just like magic, this morning ammonia and nitrite both read 0. both ammonia and nitrite didnt get to more than 0.25 since day 1. should i be expecting a nitrite peak?
  9. I

    Fish In Cycle

    ok so finally getting some nitrite reading. it was 0.25 this morning and ammonia still around 0 - 0.25 while nitrate is between 40-80. question: what do i do now? continue with 20-25% water changes every other day again? and same with feeding? how long would it roughly take for nitrite to go...
  10. I

    Fish In Cycle

    are we being a little bit harsh on the lfs? to their defense, they actually stopped my mate from adding fishies to her tank as her nitrate is still 0. anyways, will reduce water changes to once a week (20% or more?) and continue with the alternate day feeding. and monitor for the next couple of...
  11. I

    Fish In Cycle

    brought water sample to lfs and they reckon my ammonia is 0 and not 0.25 nitrite still very much 0 but nitrate is a lot darker than what it was before. is it possible that my constant water changes and small feeds have cycled the tank without ammonia or nitrite spikes?
  12. I

    Fish In Cycle

    update after 50% water change yesterday. PH 8.4 (has always been at this level) Ammonia 0.25 (marginal as closer to yellow than lime green) Nitrite 0 Nitrate between 10 and 20 (tap water is 5) fishies looking happy.all swimming around the tank individually but not that far from each other.
  13. I

    Fish In Cycle

    Hi all, Just did 50% water change and re-tested after about 2 hours. Ammonia 0 (was just about 0.25 before water change..colour closer to 0 than 0.5) Nitrite 0 Also tested tap water and Nitrate was 5. How will I know if my tank is cycled?
  14. I

    Fish In Cycle

    Thanks guys. I am already feeding every other day and only a small and i mean tiny portion(they finish everything up in less than a minute). How do I get readings under 0.25? it goes from 0 to 0.25 do you mean i should do a 20% water change everytime it gets to 0.25? changed 20% yesterday and...
  15. I

    Fish In Cycle

    HI tehre, Before anyone starts shouting at me, I'm doing a fish-in cycling because my lps told me it's fine to do it as my water parameters were all 0. My tank is a 48l tropical freshwater. Fishbox 48. It has life plants, air stone and the water filter that came with it. It was set up and...
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