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  1. R

    Will the glass break?

    This is a non-fish-related question...but concerning a fish tank. I just purchased a used 120 gallon tank. 48x24x24. Corner overflows and drilled bottom. I purchased the tank to build into a vivarium for poison dart frogs. My two options are...obviously one building it as a top access vivarium...
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    Pics Of My Bichir

    Mine would eat from my fingers and if I made an O with my fingers he'd swim through it. Very cool fish and I really like the fact they can live 20+ years. I ended up giving him away and I am sorry I did. I will get more bichirs someday. I just recently fired up the old 75g again but this time...
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    Wtb...low Tech Plants

    Figure this section is pretty dead but can't hurt to post. I am looking for low tech plants, Java Fern/moss, Amazon swords, ect. for my 75g I am setting up. I have decent light but have not plans of upgrading or adding CO2 or anything like that. Let me know what you have. THanks.
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    Hi Again From Wv

    Decided to start my tank up again. I have been away for several years and I'm ready to give it a try again. This time I am going for a planted community tank, 75 gallon. Just wanted to say hi.
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    Freshwater Barracuda Acestrorhynchus Grandoculis commonly sold as FW barracuda. Acestrorhynchus falcatus Is also very common.
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    My Tiger Barbs

    Mine do the same. Seems from day to day they are varying shades of black. Mine seem healthy, have a great appitite and are very active, so I wouldn't worry.
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    Freshwater Barracuda

    FW cudas are listed as getting 12", but often get no bigger than 8-10".
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    Best power filter???

    IMO, if you want a great power filter, go with AquaClear. Very good filtration, super quiet, and so easy to maintain. And the price can't be beat. Also, I have not heard much good about the TetraTec filters.
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    Anybody ever raise payara's ?

    Payara also called Vampire tetra are commonly kept in aquaria and are very awesome fish. For some unknown reason though, they very rarely live past the 12" mark. Seems that as soon as they hit that size they die for no apparent reason.
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    Freshwater Barracuda

    They are awesome fish and do great in schools, however a 30 gallon is not enough. They get up to 10" or so and are very fast swimmers and nead lots of swim area. Length of the tank will be much more important than depth as they are top swimmers. A 75 gallon would do well for a school of 3 or 4...
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    What size tank???

    The bigger the better. I would suggest a bigger tank. Bigger tanks are easier to care for, and allow more room for newbie errors. Also gives more options on what to put in your tank.
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    One more ? then I'll shut up,

    Make sure you have enough oxygen for your fish, feed lightly everyother day and try not to change your water at all during the cycle as this can increase the time it will take to finish. Keep an eye on ammonia levels but more importantly, watch your fish for signs of trouble. During my cycle, my...
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    your recomendation

    You have to strip down UGF every so often because of all the gunk that gets sucked under the filter plate and has no way of being removed, except tearing it down. Otherwise you could be looking at water condition problems and a clogged filter too. I would steer clear of UGF and go with power or...
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    aggressive barbs

    Their bellies have been swollen for a couple months? Could they just be getting fat? Maybe try adding a few more barbs to the school. This often times curbs or even eliminates aggression. I don't know anything about strawberry barbs, but if they are anything like my tiger barbs, they do like to...
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    New tank

    $160 for lights? You should be able to pick up a double light strip on the net for around $40, add a couple tube bulbs for less than $10 each and your looking at $60 at the most. Of course this will be a low/moderate light setup so you will have to choose plants accourdingly. Or you can go to...
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    White fuzzy stuff on Hornwort?

    No CO2 injection, though I do use Flourish Excel. I am thinking it is food that got stuck in the needles of the plants. Anything I should do to rid my plants of this stuff? Of course from now on I am going to watch for the food in the plant to prevent further problems.
  17. R

    White fuzzy stuff on Hornwort?

    I have this white fuzzy looking stuff starting to grow on my Hornwort plants. Any idea? I figure it is a fungus, but what could cause this and what do I change in my tank to fix the problem, preferably without having to use chemicals?
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    My common pleco is doing fine. Seems to have grown alittle already. Had him about two weeks. He is still a bit shy, but I really like him already. My rubber pleco, well, he is doing okay as well, though I rarely see him. He is very shy. Can't tell if he has grown, but judging by the mess I clean...
  19. R

    Leaf Zone/Blackwater Expert for plants?

    I am getting ready to try some blackwater expert in my tetra tank. It is a planted tank. Currently I use leaf zone liquid plant food. Is this enough, the leaf zone and blackwater together, or should I add anything else for my plants?
  20. R

    Running a fluidized bed filter?

    I am working on putting together the equipment I will need to set up and run a 75 or 90 gallon tank this spring. It will be well stocked with fish so I am looking into a fluidized bed filter for my bio-filtration needs. The one I was looking recommended atleast 150p gph flow. Well, my question...
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    fish game #5

    Are you a fahaka puffer?
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    fish game #5

    How about a peacock bass.
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    Just wondering about feeding plecos. Got two today, they are my first ever. I got a common and a rubber pleco. I got some algae wafers for them, and will feed veggies as well. When feeding the wafers, do you just drop them in the tank and let the plecos find them, or do you stick them to the...
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    New plants w/o roots

    I just picked up some new plants (Anacharis) today and they don't have any roots. I was wondering what the best way to plant them would be? I removed the lead band and right now I am just floating them.
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    Fish Game #1

    Are you a Giant Gourami?
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    How much $$$ for a Spiney pleco?

    My LFS has one for sale for like $50. It is about 8"-9". I am looking for smaller. Just wondering if this was an average price.
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    How much $$$ for a Spiney pleco?

    I am very intersted in getting a Spiney pleco (L160). Anyone here ever had one? What would be a fair price to pay for one of these guys?
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    Reverse flow UGF

    Does anyone use one? I am not sure if I understand them. They are a standard UGF, but the power heads push up thru the gravel to allow a second filter to clean up the mess in the water, rather than sucking the dirt and stuff down into the gravel,using the gravel as media, right? If this is...
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    Snake heads (anybody hear of them)

    Not illegal to buy or own, only to import. My LFS has a source that is working on a breeding program so they can sell them to fish stores.
  30. R

    Looking for catfish

    Yeah, the barracuda are true FW water and most are listed as getting up to 12", but I have been told by people who have kept them they rarely get over 9-10". I think basicly anything too big to fit in there mouth would work, as long as the cat itself was not aggressive. The cuddas tend to be...
  31. R

    Looking for catfish

    This summer I am planning a 90+ gal setup. I plan to have a school of fresh water barracuda. They are top swimmers and are very wimpy fish, easily bullied by others. I am trying find some catfish that might do well in this setup. I would like something that gets around 6" but not much more than...
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    Tank still cycling

    My tank is on it's last leg of the cycle. Ammonia 0 but nitrites still high. I would love to start replacing my plastic plant with live, but wanted to see if I should wait for the tank to finish cycling first. Also, if I start adding live plants before the cycle is complete, will fertalizers...
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    Puffer compatability ???

    Yeah, they are one in the same.
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    Freshwater barracuda

    Anyone here ever keep them? Something like the Acestrorhynchus falcatus/isalinae or the Ctenolucius hujeta? If so, could you tell me a bit about them, size, tank requirements, compatibility, anything basicly. I have been doing some research, but would like info from someone w. experience keeping...
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    Nitrite levels have me concerned

    I came to work this morning ( my tank is in my office) and found that one of my tiger barbs had passed. This happened the night before. All others looked okay. I did tests for ammonia and nitrite. ammonia 0 (down from 2-3ppm two days ago) nitrite 5+ppm I guess this just means my tank is...
  36. R

    First plants in my first tank.

    This is my only tank. It has been running since12/4, fish have been in since 12/6. I lost two fish ,one gold and one barb, but that was very soon after getting them so I think they were sick fish. All others doing great. No outward signs of stress. Everything in the tank was new, I didn't have...
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    Puffer compatability ???

    I have 7 tiger barbs and 2 cory cats. I am planning to add 2 south american puffers sometime after first of the year. I am not worried about the barbs, but how will the puffers and cats be together. I was also hoping to add a couple more cats if things work out. BTW, I have a 30 gal tank.
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    First plants in my first tank.

    Okay, here is what I have: 29 gal tank 7 tiger barbs 2 cory cats 3 common golds (will be moving to new home soon) Plastic plants and some drift wood with pea sized gravel. Aquaclear 200 (upgrading to 300 soon) Will be adding 2 south american puffers after Christmas. Unsure about light, single...
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    Newbie here

    Hello all. My name is Chad and I live in WV. Just started my first tank, a 30 gal set up. Right now I have a small school of Tiger barbs (7) and a couple cory cats. I plan on adding a couple South American Puffers ( Colomesus asellus) when the tank is mature enough.