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  1. K

    coral in tanks

    Hi Lynn, I keep Malawi Cichlids, which need a higher Ph value than normal... Was your dentists tank a Mbuna ( rock dwelling malawian fish) tank? If so, the rocks and coral you mention could just be the, as you say, Marine stuff you find in your LFS. They help buffer the Ph of the...
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    Tank with sump filter..advice please.

    Hi!! Thanks for replying, it is partitioned, aragonite in the sump, and mechanical in the other side of the partition. Mechanical being foam, plastic hose pieces, and some sintered glass, the tank has been run for 12 months, and has survived some power cuts ( demonstrating that it shouldn't...
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    common breeding signs?

    Isn't it fantastic to watch??? I have just bought some melanachromis Auratus, and the male is turning black...looks like more fry to Kev
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    Tank with sump filter..advice please.

    Hi all, Just been offered the bargain of the year, 60x18x18, with beautiful mahogany cabinet, two blue actinics, sump with all pumps etc mechanical filter as well. All for £200 GBP. I have never used a sump set up and wonder what the pitfalls are, the tank has been used for marine, but...
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    common breeding signs?

    :D HI JV!! :D Sounds like :wub: is in the air... From the advice I have been given from this forum, my tank has flourished, with three different pairs all breeding, I have two batches of fry swimming, and my female Afra has just aquired another mouthful..(ahem) Some of the...
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    thanks.... lost one fish.. and a rusty has turned silver, the affected fish seem to be picking up..treating with protozin Kev
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    Never had this before, two fish with white spots and slightly off balance? is this ich? Ph 8.2 nitrite 0 trate 0 temp 78 daily 3 gallon changes in a 55 gallon tank, would some one be kind enuff to advise on the treatment for this please Kev
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    Malawi tank

    Don't blush CM... Take the praise, thru your good advice, my tanks are flourishing, THREE pairs ( aoulonocara stewargrantii, pseudotropheus (zebra) and yellow labs) are all swimming round with gobfulls...time to buy some breeding tanks... any body in the north west of england want some Malawi...
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    Nitrate high???

    Hi Fin Fluval 404, bio load should be low as fish are only small. Pseudothropeus has a gobfull now, and white top's shimmying.. water must be getting better Kev
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    Nitrate high???

    Cheers Cat Man. I can understand that, great advice mate..Ta! MUST BE DOING SUMMAT RIGHT.... :wub: YELLOW LAB FEMALE'S GOT A GOBFULL... :wub: i'M GONNA BE A DADDY!!! Pass me a cigar!!!! Thanks all for all the help Kev
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    Nitrate high???

    I live very near to the source of my tap water... may that have something to do with it??? Hmm tested it and it was deffo zero.... RO unit sounds good, LFS and all round good guy Steve has done me a majorly good deal on one.. Got some zorb in too...see what happens... will Malawi's breed in 25...
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    Nitrate high???

    Hi Both, ty for replying..tank is mature... and tap water is always dechlorinared and filtered before changes...could be the gravel though....
  13. K

    Nitrate high???

    Hi all.. Running odd shaped 60 gall tank for malawi's, with 4 yellow labs, 1 stewartgrantii (aulonc) 2 white tops, three Aulon Nyasse 2 johanni and an Ahlii..... Water is 76 deg, ph 8.2 nitrite o ammonia o gh and kh spot on in the mid ranges...BUT Can't get nitrates below 25 mg/l Do a three...
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    A quick recommendation

    :wub: TOP CICHLID SHOPS IN THE NORTH :wub: Hi all, anybody up north should try either pennington aquatics nr Wigan, or in the liverpool area, brownmoor lane nurseries, crosby. Sandra at brownmoor is wonderful, nothing is too much trouble, is very knowledgable, and gives after sales service...
  15. K

    Are Malawi's Stressheads in transit???

    It's rift lake salt.. according to the dealer, all his water is 8.2 for malawis.... I've started buying from a solely malawi dealer are much better quality and not dying off!!! apart from a scriv tanganyikan...sob..
  16. K

    Canister Filters

    OOOOHHHHH!!!!! I run a fluval 404... and have to keep replacing the impeller.. it's noisy, a chore to clean, and quite expensive to buy substrate/filter media for... I have been toying with switching to Eheim, i'm that fed up with the fluval HTH Kev
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    Are Malawi's Stressheads in transit???

    Am I doing something wrong??? Every time I bring some new fish home, I lose one or two.... last one was in the tank 24 hrs....feeding, usual malawi things, sex, violence and murder... Got up morning later and dead.... no visible signs... Her mate Aulonocara stuartgranti, is doing...
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    Good way to keep my PH up?

    just got some proper ph .. for rift fish... says don't add til you've put salt in...any one else seen this?
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    what's the best cannister filter?

    Hi all!! I've been running my Fluval 404 on a 70 gallon tank, I seem to be constantly changing the impeller and o ring to the point where it's going to get filed...... under b for bin.. The question... does every cannister filter have these in built flaws? am I unlucky? or, is there...
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    Malawi's and stuff..

    Cheers for that Mac.... That was, however, one of the sites i had seen... I am finding it increasingly difficult to identify these fish... maybe as they grow into adults, the colours will change as it says on the site. off to the shop to get some more...
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    Malawi's and stuff..

    Hi all.... Sadly, the time had come to trade in my Oscars, much as i loved them. I have now just introduced some Malawi Cihclids to my fairly large (38 L 24 D 34H) corner tank. They, from what i read are all Mbuna's, and I would really love to be able to identfy them.. I have tried...