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  1. SAChichlidLover

    What do you think is the most popular tropical fish?

    Thats so true, I think they are as popular as the neons. Literally see them everywhere too haha! I wish geophagus were more popular in the uk as I have burned £25 on just one male yesterday :oops: ?
  2. SAChichlidLover

    What do you think is the most popular tropical fish?

    Hi all, Yesterday I picked up some neon tetras for my community tank and I actually forgot how cute these little guys are.. anyways theres always neon tetras everywhere I've been and I'm thinking surely they are the most popular aquarium fish of all time! Do you agree with me?
  3. SAChichlidLover

    Should I get my EBA a friend?

    No worries my friend! That should be perfect! (great tip, if you have the choice try and go for the most active eba's as they tend to settle in alot easier and have a much higher survival rate) I would personally say it depends on how big the fish are.. if they are just about 3-4 cm then you...
  4. SAChichlidLover

    Greetings from Yorkshire

    Hiya! Welcome to the forums! :) Juwel Rio 240s are great aquariums and decently sized aswell so that opens the door to many options already.. It all boils down to what fish sits the best with you though and personally I like to make a list of species and research each one to make sure they...
  5. SAChichlidLover

    Should I get my EBA a friend?

    I would go for four and wait to see but the recommended number is 8 as you have pretty much 100% of at least one pair with 8.. EBA are in general a pretty easy fish to manage because they are not too big and nowhere near as aggressive as alot of other cichlids so I think you will be fine either...
  6. SAChichlidLover

    Should I get my EBA a friend?

    No worries at all! Yeah that should be okay, they might even get on with each other as a trio.. never know what could happen with cichlids. Yeah they like to form a pair (nuclear family) but saying that there will be some males with a harem of females aswell but thats rarer in blue and elec blue...
  7. SAChichlidLover

    Should I get my EBA a friend?

    Acaras are on the more peaceful side of cichlids (excluding adinoacara species line) and you should be fine with another acara as even if they don't pair up I cant see there being any issues with them at all :) Three acaras could lead too two pairing up and going for the third so it would...
  8. SAChichlidLover

    Guide to CA/SA Cichlids.

    Hey everyone, I'm making this thread to guide anyone who is new to keeping new world cichlids or would like to know random facts about them or experience etc.. Feel free to talk about whatever you want about new world cichlids or new world cichlids you might own! This is going to be a long one...
  9. SAChichlidLover

    Do you think that no matter how we try, we still lose fish?

    Hmm I wonder why they made that loophole.. kinda defeated the purpose of their own rule :( It's also usually the parrot fish that get it badly.. I've seen multiple websites selling "blue", "purple", "pink"etc versions and it just makes me wonder how thats actually allowed poor things :(
  10. SAChichlidLover

    Just brought home a male redhump eartheater!

    Don't worry other fishies I love you all equally I've just had my eye on the new guy a while ?
  11. SAChichlidLover

    Do you think that no matter how we try, we still lose fish?

    Another issue is that for some reason, some shops are actually dyeing their stock and/or injecting them with hormones (especially parrot cichlids) to gain brighter colours as at the end of the day alot of people want bright fish which is understandable.. The issue is that not everyone can tell...
  12. SAChichlidLover

    Is this Ich or something else on my EBA?

    86 degrees is probably the best option as ich not only dies off in hot water but it also drastically lowers chance of reinfection for a short period of time giving your fish time to recover and even possibly build a stronger immunity to the parasite! EBA's are really docile! Especially when...
  13. SAChichlidLover

    Just brought home a male redhump eartheater!

    Thank you! He's now one of my favourite fish!
  14. SAChichlidLover

    Just brought home a male redhump eartheater!

    I know! I can't wait for his nuchal hump to develop aswell, will be a right stunner once he grows up :)
  15. SAChichlidLover

    Just brought home a male redhump eartheater!

    Thank you! He's a charmer haha very active fish aswell just a shame they don't do well in unestablished groups like other geophagus :)
  16. SAChichlidLover

    Just brought home a male redhump eartheater!

    Thanks! I love him and how colourful he is considering I’ve only had him an hour haha
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  19. SAChichlidLover

    Just brought home a male redhump eartheater!

    Hey everyone, I just brought home my last fish for my 80gal and I love him! He's a Geophagus steindachneri and I got him as I was thinking of a compatible single fish to finish off the tank and after researching its interesting personality I decided to go and get a male as they seem to be...
  20. SAChichlidLover

    Happy Birthday Byron!

    Hi Byron, I'm so sorry its late but happy birthday! I wish you all the best and I hope you had a great day!
  21. SAChichlidLover

    Pet Fish keeps attacking the Filter Outlet

    Hiya! Awesome cichlid (is it a jag cichlid?) anyways cichlids are one of the most intelligent fish you can keep and we don't give them enough credit for it and they like alot of decorations to stimulate their minds or just something to do if you get me, some cichlids prefer to be housed with...
  22. SAChichlidLover

    What would you do with this tank?

    I'm sorry my brains not working very well today ? So my tank is 80gallons and houses 2 gold severums, 2 threadfin acaras, 2 bolivian rams, the two firemouths, a large synodontis (unidentified species unfortunately) and 6 rosy tetras :) The rams are at the bottom with the syno most of the time...
  23. SAChichlidLover

    What would you do with this tank?

    Hiya! I'm so sorry if I wasnt clear.. I meant what would you do with the firemouths as they are quite tough and aggressive towards my other cichlids and catfish? Say if you wanted to keep them which is what I wanna do then would you put them in a large tank with other tougher cichlids? Or...
  24. SAChichlidLover

    What would you do with this tank?

    Hi everyone, So I’m wondering what you would do in my position here as I have a few options. I wanna keep my firemouths who are growing lots but they are also the most aggressive fish in the tank and I want to move them into they’re own tank but what would you guys do with an aggressive...
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  29. SAChichlidLover

    Which Cichlids to Choose?

    I feel the same, the best bet is asking the supplier for their tank water test results etc and trying to get our tank water closer to that.. a huge misconception is that fish can only survive and thrive in exact water conditions as they would have in the wild when in reality these fish would die...
  30. SAChichlidLover

    Do you think that no matter how we try, we still lose fish?

    Honestly sometimes losing fish is inevitable, it’s very situational though for most fish but for some they are so intensively farmed or inbred that they develop lots of internal problems and genetic diseases, I recently lost my two male dwarf gourami after 7 months of good water, feeding etc and...
  31. SAChichlidLover

    Can anyone identify this synodontis?

    Mine is the exact same! Have you managed to identify yours yet? Mine barely ever comes out now as he hides in the driftwood most of the time haha.
  32. SAChichlidLover

    FM cichlids have bred!

    Thanks so much!
  33. SAChichlidLover

    What is your favourite fish you own? (Or have owned)

    Bettas are beautiful! Cichlids yep all the way are my favourite fish of all time because everything about them is perfect! Which cichlids were you thinking?
  34. SAChichlidLover

    What is your favourite fish you own? (Or have owned)

    Not boring at all! Now thats a true fishkeepers story right there! One of my first fish were angels aswell and they kicked off my love for cichlids! I wouldve loved to have met this beautiful white angel of yours bless it sounds great!
  35. SAChichlidLover

    What is your favourite fish you own? (Or have owned)

    Now that is awesome, I'm quite jealous as I love red line cleaner shrimp even though they're mainly cleanup crew they still look great in my opinion!
  36. SAChichlidLover

    What is your favourite fish you own? (Or have owned)

    Marine fish are fine to include! Definetely not jealous that you've owned a vampire tang.. Clown loaches are the sweetest little (not little at all) souls and I love how they play with each other and actually lie down to sleep haha