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  1. Oblio

    Fun Facts We Didn't Need To Know

    You can, I believe there are plans where you can use it for a bookcase or other furniture, and it does a Transformers thing after you die. Fun fact - Eastern Orthodox monks often have their coffin in their cell as a reminder of their upcoming and certain death.
  2. Oblio

    Fun Facts We Didn't Need To Know

    :lol: Burial vaults and embalming are often not required by law. Vaults are sold to make money and reduce ground subsidence. You can avoid embalming by packing the coffin with dry ice.
  3. Oblio

    Fun Facts We Didn't Need To Know

    Many burial 'laws' are not actually laws, but rather a way for mortuaries to make money and make grounds-keeping easier.
  4. Oblio

    Is the python actually worth it?

    Technically plastics are permeable, but practically speaking in the context of aquarium usage they are not. It is more of an issue for gasses, e.g. CO2 outgassing in carbonated beverage containers.
  5. Oblio

    Is the python actually worth it?

    Vinegar is an acid (acetic) , pH ~2.5, and is not applicable to porosity discussions WRT water. Even so, the acetic acid may bind to the plastic and leave a residual smell, that in no way indicates porosity which is a mechanical and not a chemical property.
  6. Oblio

    Is the python actually worth it?

    Soak a Python or airline tube in water for a month (or more), drain any liquid from inside and dry the outside. Extract any remaining water. Report findings.
  7. Oblio

    Is the python actually worth it?

    Same as Python hose, They are not Neoprene, my guess is Polyvinyl
  8. Oblio

    Is the python actually worth it?

    Uh, no, Colin is correct. You can get porous hose for soak watering, but standard garden hose is not porous.
  9. Oblio

    Your favourite jokes

    Wait for it ...
  10. Oblio

    Your favourite jokes

    Could be worse for the father who worked for Heinz
  11. Oblio

    Ants and Aphids

    Didn't want to shake off so I just clipped the bunch off and swirled in the tank and the aphids plus a tiny worm dislodged for a meal.
  12. Oblio

    Cloudy water and dying fish

    Can you tell us how approximately much water you drained, and how much fresh you added? This may help the analysis. i.e. Did you drain 75% and then add 25% (of the tank volume)? This would leave you half full and equivalent to a 50% WC.
  13. Oblio

    Cloudy water and dying fish

    Hmmm, not an expert on OTS (Old Tank Syndrome) if that was the cause. Under normal circumstances I would say drain and add but will defer to the experts.| Can you tell us the pH if you got that test? I think OTS has something to do with pH going too far, then raising it with fresh water which...
  14. Oblio

    Ants and Aphids

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  17. Oblio

    Ants and Aphids

    I can't recall. I'll try to post a pic later along with observations as we are getting much needed rain :) Small ants, brown, thankfully not fire ants. Aphids are greenish yellow as I recall.
  18. Oblio

    Is the python actually worth it?

    Same here, I'm a novice fishkeeper but I like to fill in any engineering gaps since that is my profession.
  19. Oblio

    Ants and Aphids

    Awhile back I noticed a few ants on my Basil and didn't think much of it, extra protein and all. Recently I've noticed the top leaves tightly bunched but still green and loaded with ants. I pinched one bunch off and found it was loaded with aphids, and ants too. Question: I assume the ants...
  20. Oblio

    Cloudy water and dying fish

    What did you clean the decor with?
  21. Oblio

    Cloudy water and dying fish

    I'm more apprehensive about relocating the fish to a temp home while I change the substrate. I might actually get a smaller tank, perhaps 55 gallon. While I have a large house, the 125 takes a lot of space and limits where I can place it.
  22. Oblio

    Cloudy water and dying fish

    I've got a AC 110 with a pre-filter, bio-sponge, and ceramics, 125 gal tank. About 24 fish - Black Skirts, Buenos Aries, Corys. Hopefully that is enough non-substrate media.
  23. Oblio

    Cloudy water and dying fish

    This interests me because at some point I want to replace my substrate with sand for my Corys.
  24. Oblio

    Cloudy water and dying fish

    FTR - I'm thinking the removal of substrate and decorations left too little BB (Beneficial Bacteria) in the filter to handle the Ammonia. It didn't help to not fill the tank as that would increase the ammonia ppm compared to full.
  25. Oblio

    Cloudy water and dying fish

    Welcome to TFF! Sorry about your losses. Do you have a test kit? If so, what are your parameter metrics? On the assumption that your cycle crashed and you have an ammonia spike ... Drain your water to 20% of full and fill to top with treated water ASAP.
  26. Oblio

    Is the python actually worth it?

    Absolutely. Air is a poor conductor of heat (this is why clothing etc keeps us warm). Water is better, which is why you can get hypothermia is relatively warm water (but below body temp). Metals usually are very good heat conductors - Silver, Copper, Steel, Cast Iron (High to low...
  27. Oblio

    Is the python actually worth it?

    Engineer here. Temp changes are not instant. dT/dt (instantaneous rate of Temperate change with respect to time) may be large, but never infinite. Carry on ... 👨‍🔬
  28. Oblio

    Is the python actually worth it?

    I find the shutoff useful to ensure I only need to keep the feed end high to keep it from draining on the floor whilst I walk it out the door to drain and coil. If you are a perfectionist, it also performs an anti-siphon function when hooked up to the water supply, after you shut off the supply...
  29. Oblio

    (Urgent) My Endler has small pebble lodged in it's mouth!

    Put the fish in a partial vacuum, this will cause the water inside the fish to boil (at a low temp) and the escaping steam will pop the stone out.
  30. Oblio

    How much to add?

    Measure halfway down the tank and make a small mark on the tank. That is 50%. Calculate the bare tank volume using maths. Divide volume by 2. You should be within a gallon or less for a large tank, smaller tanks will have less absolute error.
  31. Oblio

    Is the python actually worth it?

    If you have sensitive fish, use a thermometer. The sense of temperature is easily fooled by relative temps rather than absolute. To demonstrate this take three containers of water with hot, cold, and room temperature water. Put your hand or a fingers in the hot and cold containers for a...
  32. Oblio

    How much to add?

    The substrate is on the bottom. If I remove 50% (1/2 full) of a 100 gallon tank (50 gallons), with a substrate occupying 10% (10 gallons), I now have 40 gallons of treated water in the tank and need to add and treat 50 gallons of tap water to refill.
  33. Oblio

    Lost In Translation

    If you are not mature enough to drink or use a firearm responsibly, how are you mature enough to vote? IIRC voting was reduced to 18 as a result of the draft in Vietnam era. In the US, the age of majority is 18, IMO full rights & responsibilities should be conferred at that time. If 18 is too...
  34. Oblio

    How much to add?

    Why the difference? I can eyeball within 10 gallons and just add 10 to my estimate. e.g. 1/2 tank = ~60 gal, dose with 7 ml
  35. Oblio

    Lost In Translation

    Or vote
  36. Oblio

  37. Oblio

    How much to add?

    I like my 125, but I think I may downsize. Takes a good chunk of the room. Thinking of something about 1/2 the size.
  38. Oblio

    Lost In Translation

    Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
  39. Oblio

    Lost In Translation

    I knew that :)
  40. Oblio

    Lost In Translation

    The framers of our Constitution had just fought a war of Independence with a Government that tried to take their weapons away. Without those weapons, we would have lost. Read the Declaration of Independence, slowly and carefully. Note: I do not say this to belittle you, I have about 5 decades...