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  1. Ridgerunner

    Who needs television when you have people fighting in carparks

    11/3/20 Totay I watched hundreds of people waiting in Dallas for the son of JFK, John F Kennedy Jr., to return to be Trump's VP. That he died 22 years ago in a plane crash doesn't matter, because Q-Anon told them this was going to happen! Amerika!
  2. Ridgerunner

    my new betta! ~name suggestions please~

    Carmine, Ruddy, Cinnabar, Rufous, Blaze, Titian
  3. Ridgerunner

    Bubble Nest

    I have three Three Spot Gouramis. I've had them for nearly a year. They look mature to me (from coloring). Do these fish make bubble nests? I'm pretty sure from experience with bettas, that there are bubble nests on the surface.
  4. Ridgerunner

    Advice, Please

    I've been unable to maintain live plants in my aquarium. Every plant has melted away: planted, glued and floating. My fish are fine. What are the secrets to keeping healthy plants. What are the parameters of a successful living plant tank? What plant food is good?
  5. Ridgerunner

    Water Hyacinths

    Are these plants suitable to use in a fish tank? I know they are used in outdoor ponds, but I'm curious about inside tanks. Thanks.
  6. Ridgerunner

    red in my tank is fading

    From what I've read elsewhere, it's lack in the light spectrum that gives the red plants their color.
  7. Ridgerunner

    What Fish Do You Regret Buying?

    I regret buying my three spot/golden/sunset/???? gouramis. Not only do they chase one another, they chase smaller fish as well. They just chase, don't fight. I'm tempted to turn them in for something else. They are beautiful, but a pain in the derriere.
  8. Ridgerunner

    Miracle fish still alive!

    it was cycled long ago (started in May) . This seems to be another problem altogether.
  9. Ridgerunner

    Miracle fish still alive!

    Sorry for the typo. Tank is 30 gal. It's been running for 6 months. I had excellent parameters, PH 6 Ammonia .53, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 0 Hardness 5.1, Alkalinity 8 average. I was told by someone here that because I have low PH, the Ammonia didn't matter. I've been doing the same 30% water...
  10. Ridgerunner

    Miracle fish still alive!

    I thought I had passed these miserable milestones of too high ammonia, to high nitrites, to high nitrates. Yesterday, I did a `10-12 gal water change on my 320 gal tank. Tonight, I did the testing and they were all through the roof. My poor fish, I had no idea. Again, I did a 10-12 I did...
  11. Ridgerunner

    How does one afford this hobby??

    I found some pretty ones at PetSmart. Unfortunately, not really small ones.
  12. Ridgerunner

    How does one afford this hobby??

    Thankfully, I live alone so I only beat myself up about how much money I'm spending. I also have three tanks (so far) and have spent hundreds on chemicals, rocks, lights, UV filter, live plants, silk plants, etc.. The fish have been the smallest expenditure of all. Right now I'm contemplating...
  13. Ridgerunner

    Frustrating advice for newcomers to the fish world

    The absolutely most frustrating is contradicting advice on compatibility. For instance, bettas can be housed with blah, blah. Fish X is only aggressive during breeding season, and so on. Newbies often don’t know what to believe. The second most confounding is super in depthq explanations...
  14. Ridgerunner

    Frustrating advice for newcomers to the fish world

    I, for one, use this site for the information available and for clarification of things that confuse me. I haven't had a tank for close to 20 years and nearly everything has changed except cycling a tank: new fish available, new products, and new hardware. Yes, occasionally the advice we find...
  15. Ridgerunner

    Cory identification sheet

    Good Grief, I had no idea!
  16. Ridgerunner

    Mixing Corydoras

    Is there any problem mixing albino and green corys in the same tank? Would they cross breed? Just curious.
  17. Ridgerunner

    What the heck kind of Gouramis are these?

    From my local Pet Supply Plus, Greenville, SC
  18. Ridgerunner

    What the heck kind of Gouramis are these?

    Eureka! After spending hours researching via internet, I believe I've found the correct name of this critter. "The Three Spot Gourami Trichopodus trichopterus (previously Trichogaster trichopterus) was described by Pallas in 1770 and is found widespread throughout continental southeast Asia...
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  21. Ridgerunner

    What the heck kind of Gouramis are these?

    I believed I originally bought golden/sunset gouramis, but after about five months they seem to be changing color. These pictures don't show the darker color well, but the "pearls" weren't there, neither were the vertical darker stripes. There are no midline markings or dots of any kind. I...
  22. Gourami 4.jpg

    Gourami 4.jpg

  23. Gourami 3.jpg

    Gourami 3.jpg

  24. Gourami 2.jpg

    Gourami 2.jpg

  25. Gourami 1.jpg

    Gourami 1.jpg

  26. Ridgerunner

    Tourmaline Balls

    UPDATE: This is the blurb on seller's Amazon ad: Vibrant health: Just like vitamins, minerals and pH balanced water for humans, your Shrimp, Bettas, Crayfish and Snails also need those things for bright colors, healthy breeding, molting and play! So, when you add DDSG Mineral Balls to your...
  27. Ridgerunner

    Tourmaline Balls

    Are these minerals necessary for Betta Health. Same for Almond Leaves. How to they benefit my Betta? Thanks for your enlightenment.
  28. Ridgerunner


    What type of snail is the best (non-propagating, non-destructive, and a communal asset)? I've read several discussions online about varieties of snails and their habits. I'd like some recommendations on what snails you'd like and how to care for them. Thanks in advance.
  29. Ridgerunner

    HELP! Water is a mess.

    Thank you so much. I took biology, not chemistry. It's all Greek to me.
  30. Ridgerunner

    HELP! Water is a mess.

    Not sure what you mean. Please be specific.
  31. Ridgerunner

    HELP! Water is a mess.

    Thanks to all giving me guidance. I've answered the questions below. My tank is a 30 gallon
  32. Ridgerunner

    HELP! Water is a mess.

    Yes, I have 3 reddish pink gouramis, 1 blue gourami, 3 corys, 1 pleco. About a month or more ago, I used Ammo Lock, then realized I'd never get an accurate reading using that so I stopped. The only decay was from the plants that melted.
  33. Ridgerunner

    HELP! Water is a mess.

    Red Dwarf Lotus (sorry)
  34. Ridgerunner

    HELP! Water is a mess.

    The ammonia is .53 from the water company.
  35. Ridgerunner

    HELP! Water is a mess.

    The Ammonia is .53
  36. Ridgerunner

    HELP! Water is a mess.

    Anacharis (sp) died. Frogbit died. I'm not having much luck with plants except Java Fern and Dwarf Red Lilies. I did try tablets under and liquid added to water for fertilizer.
  37. Ridgerunner

    HELP! Water is a mess.

    This are my tested tank numbers: PH - 6.0 Hi Range PH - Bright Yellow Color not on chart Ammonia 1.0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 0 This is the TAP WATER on Water Plant site Hardness 4.3 to 6.2 Ave 5.1 Alkalinity 4.4 - 10 Ave 8 Ammonia 5.3 This is going on three months. I...