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  1. sawickib

    Close Up Of Fish - Whats Best Type Of Camera

     - beblondie from another forum -  
  2. sawickib

    Bugs On Top Of Water?

    Heres some photos of the bugs, very tiny. All the fish in this tank are bottom dwellers, but in my 180 gallon has them to with pearl gouramis and they still seem to be there, not very many though.      
  3. sawickib

    Als Ice Bucket Challenge

    You need to have a video of you doing it and telling me to do it for that :P
  4. sawickib

    Als Ice Bucket Challenge

    This is everywhere haha my mom just did it as well.   I havent been challenged yet and hope i dont have to, i didnt realize its for a good cause though thats good.
  5. sawickib

    4 Fms Or Oscar?

    Sorry, i just dont know what a FMs is :D
  6. sawickib

    Community Tank Advice.

    The op said its a 90 liter. The hatchets might over do it. Maybe get some shrimp or snails?
  7. sawickib

    So... Many... Babies!

    Well i know a lot of people dont like to see that answer on here, but i do fish, and fish are fish to me. I do get attached to them but i do kill fish to eat. The only thing i frown upon is mistreating fish.  And putting a smiley face after that answer really wasnt meant to be haha just did it...
  8. sawickib

    Close Up Of Fish - Whats Best Type Of Camera

    CANON esi 2    
  9. sawickib

    So... Many... Babies!

    Well, its not the most orthodox but it can be used. 
  10. sawickib

    Community Tank Advice.

    You may of forgo the schooling rule with the loaches, so on that note i would take them off the list.    Now i would drop all the guppies and platys too, unless you want a ton of fry over crowding your tank, or you get all males.   So this is the stock i would do 10 neon tetras, and a school of...
  11. sawickib

    Tumbleweed In Tank?

    As long as it doesnt mold, or rot and doesnt bring in nasty parasites your ok.
  12. sawickib

    Close Up Of Fish - Whats Best Type Of Camera

    You could take a video and take photos from the video.   Or you can buy a professional camera, canon and nikon are probably the best brand name. Whether you get a good photo or not is based on your patience, lighting, lens, and shutter speed.    They arent cheap though i might add, may not be...
  13. sawickib

    So... Many... Babies!

    Could either, keep them in a over stocked tank...   Give them to your LFS for store credit (minimum) or free.   Or kill them it your choice on what you do with your fry. :D
  14. sawickib

    Help With Golden Snails

    They usually shouldnt die from that, what are your water parameters, tank mates and parameters? Also do you handle them a lot if ever?
  15. sawickib

    Just An Axie Update :)

    I just did some research and realized they wont work, they need cold water and anything under 6in will try to take bites out of everything no matter the size...   So im going to buy 2 and separate them until they are 6in and then buy a 6in later, so then there will be 3 6in+ axies in a 20...
  16. sawickib

    Just An Axie Update :)

    Do you think i could put one of these guys in my my tank? Haha, im always looking for cool oddballs, or do they need a pretty short tank for atmospheric air? I dont know much about axies if im honest lol are they aggressive to normal tank mates? Id love to buy a gold axie, i saw one before but...
  17. sawickib

    So I Superglued My Moss And Ferns...

    Sorry about that ch4rlie, i was in a hurry that post and didnt go look for the stuff :/
  18. sawickib

    So I Superglued My Moss And Ferns...

    You need super glue that is 100% of that cyan stuff and you do it outside of the tank and put it back in once its dry, a alternative is 100% silicone, which doesnt always work because it bonds the best with glass.
  19. sawickib

    So I Superglued My Moss And Ferns...

    Could get some moss ball and cut it and glue it to a piece of rock haha ive never tried it but i hear it works.
  20. sawickib

    Bugs On Top Of Water?

    The bugs are so tiny, they look like tiny red specs jumping around the surface of my water, they arent all the same shape either, some look like peanuts and some look like ovals and some look like fleas. Uggg idk what they are, im surprised they didnt die off when i treated the tank with...
  21. sawickib

    Trick For Making Your Fish Happier

    Yea, id +1 this anyone reading this and thinking its a good idea dont do it unless its a QT or your growing them, this is unnecessary stress on you new fish. Im surprised he did this with discus...
  22. sawickib

    Tire Tack Eel Feeding Advice

    It wouldnt hurt to skip a day of feeding out the week for all your fish. You should be feeding him enough to bulge his stomach, and thats about it, again if you want him obese though go ahead and feed him as much as he can eat everyday lol just means he will grow faster, poop more, and be...
  23. sawickib

    Bugs On Top Of Water?

    Were those bugs able to fly on yours? Or were they very tiny and just hopped on the surface? I keep trying floating plants and they just up disappearing... I do however have artificial floating plants.
  24. sawickib

    Bugs On Top Of Water?

    Thanks for the advise, but i dont believe a photo would help, the bugs are so small you can barely see them with the naked eye and are constantly jumping. They are so small that they literally just hop along the surface of the water like its land. I did however notice very small nats/no cms in...
  25. sawickib

    Trick For Making Your Fish Happier

    How did he get bored of a 2in flower horn? He would of had it for a few days probably...   Whats a man made fish? Like a robot fish?  
  26. sawickib

    Bugs On Top Of Water?

    Hi, not really an emergency but ive noticed tiny, tiny little bugs living on the surface of my two tanks, the 180 and 55 gallon. They occurred after i got back from vacation, which means there wasnt a water change for 2-3 weeks. Well its been more than a month now and they are still there...
  27. sawickib

    Hi Im New

    O also, do you only feed chicken and lamb? Thats not exactly the best diet for them. Id recommend cut prawns/shrimp, fresh caught fish or frozen fish doesnt really matter, earthworms, mealworms (not to babies, and only as a snack, babies can choke and die on these), bloodworms, brine shrimp...
  28. sawickib

    Trick For Making Your Fish Happier

    Yes id have to agree with everyone on this. The only reason i could think this would be helpful is for a quarantine tank or for getting new or older fish to eat prepared foods, which is only really required with rare and oddball fish.
  29. sawickib

    Hi Im New

    Looks like i found you :P   I love bichirs, along with ninj haha    Do you know how many gallons your tank will be? My favorite out of all the bichirs is p. palmas palmas and polyperus mokelembembe. Id recommend buying bichirs from these people (if you choose to buy online). >Jurassic Aquatics<...
  30. sawickib

    My Hammers Cobalt Blue Lobster

    Wow, hes gorgeous didnt know crawfish could have tank mates like that, what else can they be with, if you know any :)
  31. sawickib

    Where Have All The Ghost Shrimp Gone?

    Hmmm, your in the UK so i couldnt say myself, i can buy them here for a dollar a dozen.
  32. sawickib

    129G Planted Oddball Tank

    Haha sorry, well when you get a chance you better take it :)
  33. sawickib

    129G Planted Oddball Tank

    Any photos of the green phantom yet? :D
  34. sawickib

    So I Superglued My Moss And Ferns...

    Hey man the glue fades, the first time i did it glue got all over my fingers only stays for a day or two, but it feels really weird on your fingers haha. 
  35. sawickib

    180 Gallon Tank

    Heres the weeksii     The ornate has gained a lot of weight jut over night.      
  36. sawickib

    Tire Tack Eel Feeding Advice

    When i had 3 3 tire track eels, it was in my experience that smaller eels will be more willing to eat provided foods and the larger older, most likely wild caught ones are less willing to eat any foods given to them. With that being said i had 3 tire track eels at a time which was a very bad...
  37. sawickib

    Removing Diatoms

    Maybe try upping the amount of water you change to about 50% and add some nerite snails? They do make lots of pesky sesame seeds though and they make strange patterns on your glass with their teeth but you can scrub off that haha. The snails wont really fix the problem though, the extra water...
  38. sawickib

    Can I Keep Two Bronze Corydoras?

    Its really recommended that you do proper schooling numbers, so i would say no to keeping two.   Welcome to TFF btw!
  39. sawickib

    Looking For Algae Eating Snail

    In the 38 gallon you could get some gold rabbit snails, they are very slow producers but have been known to eat java fern.   Another snail is the nerite snail which can go in tanks as small as a 5 gallon and produce eggs that only hatch in brackish to full marine water. They eat lots of...
  40. sawickib


    My guess is that bubbles keeps getting infections from poor water quality, so the best actions to take are to do weekly water changes of about 75% right now, since your tank probably isnt cycled. Are they gasping for air at the surface?   What temp is the tank? Can you get a photo of the fishes...