Search results

  1. guidedbyechoes

    Has Any One Ever Done A Planted Tank?

    I mean the kind with macro algae. I've seen a larger one in a magazine and it looked really interesting. Wonder if anyone has done it on a smaller scale. The only issues I'm seeing are finding a small enough powerhead to do it and a why to illuminate it without over heating.
  2. guidedbyechoes

    Guidedbyechoes' Nano Reef Journal

    for my cleanup crew I'm thinking 1 skunk cleaner (Lysmata amboinensis) 5 turbo snails (Turbo fluctuosa) 2 banded trochus (Trochus sp.) 2 redleg yellow faced hermits (Paguristes cadenati)
  3. guidedbyechoes

    Guidedbyechoes' Nano Reef Journal

    my water has gone cloudy. I think its time to do a serious water change.
  4. guidedbyechoes

    Guidedbyechoes' Nano Reef Journal

    I finally found the cable to take a pic of my poor tank. Thats the algea that grew on a rock I just put there last week. Just diatoms and ugly algae no coralline so far. I was about to do a water change but a friend I haven't seen in months called me up. Nitrates are still way to high for any...
  5. guidedbyechoes

    Can Anyone Id This Butterfly

    Tahiti butterfly? Yep I'm pretty sure thats what it is. Its a shame the guy didnt research them before he bought them. I should have taken everything to the lfs after purchasing the tank....
  6. guidedbyechoes

    Can Anyone Id This Butterfly

    If you read my fiasco of a diary start you know the story behind this poor fellow.
  7. guidedbyechoes

    Guidedbyechoes' Nano Reef Journal

    I cleaned the floval for the first time today and I don't think its going to stay in the system right now its microbubble city in there. Not too great for coral growth I take it.
  8. guidedbyechoes

    What Corals?

    all nps?
  9. guidedbyechoes

    Salt Water Newb Question

    Sorry didnt know it mattered. I'm speaking in terms of compacts.
  10. guidedbyechoes

    Salt Water Newb Question

    Does blue lighting count towards the wpg? Or is it like in freshwater where it just help the fish look prettier.
  11. guidedbyechoes

    Guidedbyechoes' Nano Reef Journal

    Thus far the ones I am quite liking are the lavender mushroom, toadstool leather, frogspawn, zoas, pipe organ, and kenya tree. I have 4 wpg of compact florescent. I also found a guy on local classifed that has a ton of corals I have never heard of before I need to check up on. Probably mostly...
  12. guidedbyechoes

    Have You Been Attacked By Your Tank!

    No livestock yet but I have already been shocked by two dying powerheads.
  13. guidedbyechoes

    Is There A Sticky On Fragging?

    It was just an in general thing. I did a search on youtube and it seems that with the right tools its fairly simple. Leathers seem the easiest.
  14. guidedbyechoes

    Wanting To Cross Over To The Saltie Side!

    About 125 gal min for the cowfish. Based on Lactoria cornuta. 180 gal for the Paracanthurus hepatus. 30 gallons for most clown species. I will pm you a link to a place where I browse fish I don't know if it is sanctioned to post on the forum but it should give you some ideas.
  15. guidedbyechoes

    Wanting To Cross Over To The Saltie Side!

    First you need to have an idea of what size fish or what fish you want to keep. Most fish in the lfs are babies. Live rock is pretty much just rock that has denitrifying bacteria on it. If it has been shipped or out of the water for more than 15 minutes there may be some die off which is great...
  16. guidedbyechoes

    Is There A Sticky On Fragging?

    I was looking through the coral of the week and each kind looked vastly different for the most part. Is there a detailed diagram of each one on this site somewhere?
  17. guidedbyechoes

    Hi I'm New To The Salty Side

    Well I'm gonna have to wait a while on stocking it so I will have to keep adding ammonia to keep the bacteria alive. I had to slam on the brakes because there was one young woman that thought a red light meant make an illegal turn and not look to your left while it was raining. Well the brakes...
  18. guidedbyechoes

    Guidedbyechoes' Nano Reef Journal

    I have picked out the fish I want but it will be a while since 2 brake lines went out on my car and the repairs are not cheap. I have chosen amphiprion ocellaris, Gramma loreto, Amblygobius rainfordi and finally Pterosynchiropus splendidus. I am trying to narrow the coral down but that seems...
  19. guidedbyechoes

    Help Id'ing Slug

    Make sure not to squish it with your hands.
  20. guidedbyechoes

    Hi I'm New To The Salty Side

    Yes but the tank has been set up for less than a week when they appeared.
  21. guidedbyechoes

    Amazing 1200 Gallon Reef

    I can honestly say I have never seen anything like it.
  22. guidedbyechoes

    Hi I'm New To The Salty Side

    well I'm thick I meant diatoms.
  23. guidedbyechoes

    Coral Frags

    Where are you located exactly?
  24. guidedbyechoes

    Amazing 1200 Gallon Reef

    The first one looks like a bunch of separate reef tanks combined into one big area. Looks way to industrial, too orderly. The second on the other hand looks amazing. This one is ridiculous and almost a quarter of the size of the...
  25. guidedbyechoes

    Mandarin Goby , Tigger Pod Question

    How do you add micro algae into the sump without turning the display tank water green? Also if you have a skimmer won't this suck it out?
  26. guidedbyechoes

    Hi I'm New To The Salty Side

    I thought cyno outbreaks took longer in a saltwater fish tank. Yesterday my nitrates were up to 25 pp and now I have a cyno outbreak.
  27. guidedbyechoes

    Hi I'm New To The Salty Side

    What would be the best way? In a sump or through an outside method. I know you have to use plankton.
  28. guidedbyechoes

    Guidedbyechoes' Nano Reef Journal

    Yeah and no hitchikers so all I can do now is watch the bluegreen algae grown.....
  29. guidedbyechoes

    Guidedbyechoes' Nano Reef Journal

    I thought it looked quite similar to a Tahitian Butterflyfish. I need to find the cord for my camera as my cell phones ability to take pics are fairly poor. I did get a test kit set today. Ph- 8.2 Alk 3.4 N02 0 pp N03 0 pp Amonia .25 pp
  30. guidedbyechoes

    Hi I'm New To The Salty Side

    Cardinals are known to hide a lot and thats kind of boring. I have thought about the firefish and a flasher wrasse. I want to get a mandrin even if I have to wait a year to put it in there if it is possible. .
  31. guidedbyechoes

    Guidedbyechoes' Nano Reef Journal

    Today I added 2 power heads. The place I went to only had two brands marineland which I have used for all of my freshwater tanks with no issues what so ever and the other is a store brand. If either dies I will replace them. I get 350 gph from the marineland and 250 from the other. Then I also...
  32. guidedbyechoes

    Hi I'm New To The Salty Side

    I was told I should hang out in here instead of the nano section because this one gets more traffic. This is what has happened so far. I'm still trying to figure out what stocking I should do. I was thinking a...
  33. guidedbyechoes

    Guidedbyechoes' Nano Reef Journal

    Thanks man I shall I shall.
  34. guidedbyechoes

    Just Found This Its Mad
  35. guidedbyechoes

    Guidedbyechoes' Nano Reef Journal

    It's not very exciting so far. I moved some rock around to let more flow through. I still need to pick up some more power heads but as unsure what rating I should get so far. I have a 30 gal I want to set up as a sump but still would need an overflow box as it would be a huge chore to tear it...
  36. guidedbyechoes

    Guidedbyechoes' Nano Reef Journal

    As morbid as it may seem that is the butterfly after it died and I can't figure out what kind it is. I want to get another when I do a tank upgrade. Just wish it would have made it.
  37. guidedbyechoes

    Guidedbyechoes' Nano Reef Journal

    Hi I've been poking around this side of the forum for a while. I've been wanting a nanoreef for about 12 years now and finally got a break. This will be a tale of triumph and tragedy. One night I was having difficulties sleeping and I decided to check craigslist(a classified website in the...
  38. guidedbyechoes

    Changing Power Heads

    I would but it has been a really rough start so far. I already have the live rock and sand in. The guy forgot to include salt when I bought it and when I got home I realized. And the stores had closed for the night. THe only thing I could think of was to float the bags in freshwater with the...
  39. guidedbyechoes

    Changing Power Heads

    How long should a good powerhead last? I just bought a tank from a man that had the tank running for 8 years. Fowlr. He only used the power head for circulation behind the rocks. I want to set up a nano reef. Well thats all fine and good but the powerhead took a dump after all this time and...
  40. guidedbyechoes

    Any One Have A Favorite Magazine

    For marine related aquaria? I live in the states if that makes a difference.