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  1. K

    My journal to the central of sarawak,Borneo.

    Where is Punjab? a province in India? :unsure:
  2. K

    My journal to the central of sarawak,Borneo.

    Yup....but some fish will put back into the stream after taking pix.Can't bring everything back especially the snakehead!
  3. K

    My journal to the central of sarawak,Borneo.

    U r from west Malaysia? :)
  4. K

    My journal to the central of sarawak,Borneo.

    Thats the common puffer....a female.I hope i can catch the male next time because the male got red belly...damn beautiful!
  5. K

    habitat of Betta ibanorum

    My cousin is my best partner.Without him,it will be bored to go into the swamp or jungle to look for different species of wild betta. B)
  6. K

    My journal to the central of sarawak,Borneo.

    Yes,you can find Betta pugnax in Pulau Pinang of west Malaysia. Even you go to Thailand,Cambodia & laos,u still can find wild betta...but their species are not the same as those in Borneo.Borneo is the center of biodiversity for wild Betta. Through out the South east Asia, Borneo is the only...
  7. K

    habitat of Betta ibanorum

    Welcome! :P
  8. K

    Exploring upper Sarawak river

    here r the fishes of upper Sarawak river. local flying fox,paracrossochilus vittatus: Hill stream catfish, Glyptothorax major: It got adhesive organ to cling on the rock of the fast flowing stream Borneo sucker...this 1 very common:
  9. K

    habitat of Betta ibanorum

    Betta ibanorum is a new description of wild Betta found in western Sarawak,Borneo. In the past,some people thought it is Betta akarensis.Here r the pix of its habitat: a slow moving blackwater stream...very low ph: Betta ibanorum: My cousin is collecting betta: Can u see the aquatic...
  10. K

    Exploring upper Sarawak river

    Here are some photos taken during my exploration in upper Sarawak river,Borneo. (not fish picture yet...will shoot the pix tomorrow...all in my tank) a millipede: common butterfly: freshwater crab: limestone hill Upper Sarawak river flowers...i love this color! a paddy...
  11. K

    My journal to the central of sarawak,Borneo.

    ok,got the id.This betta is undescribed people called it Betta sp. "kapuas".
  12. K

    My journal to the central of sarawak,Borneo.

    Yes,its an expensive fish....but they are not available in our local fish shop because all of them export to overseas to earn foreign until now I haven't seen it in my place even it can be found in northern Sarawak state of East Malaysia. Yes,post ur wild betta pix,see i can id...
  13. K

    My journal to the central of sarawak,Borneo.

    There are some interesting fish in sabah! But i haven't go that far...thats northern Borneo,too far from my home(I'm in south-western Borneo)!! B.macrostoma can be found in small jungle stream....of brunei.....hope i can see them next time I visit Brunei. But in our northern sarawak also got...
  14. K

    My journal to the central of sarawak,Borneo.

    Brunei! Then u must have seen that "Brunei beauty",Betta macrostoma!!! U got any pix of that fish??? B)
  15. K

    My journal to the central of sarawak,Borneo.

    Betta macrostoma also my dream fish! But still, I haven't go to find their natural habitat near Brunei. That pix is taken by my friend,not me. Where did u get the Kapuas betta? Which species? :thumbs:
  16. K

    My journal to the central of sarawak,Borneo.

    Yup,most of the wild betta found in low ph water....slow moving blackwater. But some species found in higher ph water,clear water & fast moving stream. But in limestone area (ph more than 7) I can't find any betta at all! most of the fish pix are posted in my another site...
  17. K

    My journal to the central of sarawak,Borneo.

    Yup....mostly small fish such as rasbora,tetra,betta and barb. I like small fish. :)
  18. K

    My journal to the central of sarawak,Borneo.

    I am Michael Lo from Kuching,southern Sarawak state of East Malaysia,Borneo. On my recent trip to a town called Sibu,central of Sarawak,I took a few pix.Its all about fish collection trip. Here are some of the pix: Giant mudskipper....I didn't collect this: Puntius sp.: Rajang river...