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  1. T

    Flaky Epidermis - what's wrong ?

    Planaria are flatworms and members of the Platyhelminthes phylum. The planaria won't hurt the fish, but they are a symptom of too much gravel containing too much uneaten food. Planaria are omnipresent (they’re everywhere, like the bacteria in your filter) and cannot be elliminated. To reduce...
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    Moving Four Corys

    That's very close but, not exactly. Still waiting to borrow my neighbors camera.
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    Moving Four Corys

    My lfs sold them as Corydoras Julii. I know that's not right. That was my plan also, to move them in a big tupperware thing. Wasn't sure if thier barbs might injure each other that way tho. I'm holding off moving them due to one getting a barb stuck in the magnetic glass cleaner. It was caught...
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    Moving Four Corys

    I need to move four corys to another tank. Is it best to move them all in one big container, or one at a time? BTW - excuse my ignorance but are these Corydoras surinamensis? As shown here. Here are some bad pictures I took with my cameraphone. I'll try to get some 3MP shots if it'll help. TIA
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    Female and Male in Adjacent Tanks

    Well, she was calmer the next morning - him, not so much. Both are eating and the fin flaring seems to be helping with that - little white patch of whatever it is - on her dorsal fin. Very fascinating fish to watch.
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    Female and Male in Adjacent Tanks

    I just put my female three spot in an isolation tank in order to treat her unknown illness/parasite/growth. It’s right next to the tank that has a male in it. They’ve been displaying to each other through the glass since I put her in there. I’m now wondering if this is such a good idea. Will...
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    Ick Clear "Fizzing" Tablets

    Thanks, wasn't sure if I should remove the meds all at once with new charcoal or wait and reduce the meds with water changes first. Guess I'll leave the lights off til then also. I wonder why do the directions say no need to increase temperature? Is that to sell more of their product? I did...
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    Ick Clear "Fizzing" Tablets

    When do you place the charcoal back into the filter system and turn the lights back on? 24 hours or 168 hours (7 days)?
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    Ick Clear "Fizzing" Tablets

    The product:: “Ick Clear Tank Buddies” by Jungle. They’re tablets that “fizz” when added to the tank. (shouldn’t it be “Ich Clear”, I’m guessing it’s a trademark thing) The question: When do you place the charcoal back into the filter system and turn the lights back on? Instructions say a...