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  1. pednurkim

    8 fish dead in less than one day

    Some of the more normal ones are occasionally breathing (mouth open and closing) a little fast.
  2. pednurkim

    8 fish dead in less than one day

    I have had a total of 23 fish die from yesterday morning when I noticed 3 dead until around noon today. Since then, and my second big water change, no new deaths. Of the 15 fish I have left, 3 are not eating, hanging out near the top of the tank and coloring isn't great. One was having trouble...
  3. pednurkim

    8 fish dead in less than one day

    No flea or tick treatment. Litter is corn based unscented. It does have some kind of enzymes in it I think. I hope she didn't pee in it! She can be rotten though! I checked ammonia level and it was 0. Even with beneficial bacteria I would think ammonia would be high. Maybe? I am going to put a...
  4. pednurkim

    8 fish dead in less than one day

    I think you are probably right about the poisoning. I'm not sure from what though. After the 75% water change, I haven't had any more deaths. 4 of the fish do not act normal, but of those, 3 seem to be getting a little better. Will the salt mainly help if the problem isn't poisoning?
  5. pednurkim

    8 fish dead in less than one day

    3 of the fish are now breathing heavier and staying away from the others
  6. pednurkim

    8 fish dead in less than one day

    Thank you for the link
  7. pednurkim

    8 fish dead in less than one day

    Thank you for the info. I have seen the SAE going after some of the fish that aren't moving as much today. Some on the back. Would it harm any of the fish to treat with Kanaplex if they do not have a bacterial disease?
  8. pednurkim

    8 fish dead in less than one day

    To answer the questions: - I have 2 large sponge filters in addition to the aquaclear - I rotate cleaning the filters so all aren't done at the same time. One was cleaned with the last water change. I usually clean them when flow is starting to slow. My water is always very clear. -The...
  9. pednurkim

    8 fish dead in less than one day

    Have lost a total of 15 fish now.
  10. pednurkim

    8 fish dead in less than one day

    Pale patch showed up shortly before that one died about n hour ago. Was normal color yesterday. How do I treat those things? I have kanaplex for bacterial infections, but nothing else other than Melafix and Primafix.
  11. pednurkim

    8 fish dead in less than one day

    USA. Would internal parasites kill that many off so quickly with no symptoms except the one with the stringy white poop a couple hours ago?
  12. pednurkim

    8 fish dead in less than one day

    New symptom I have seen in only this fish. None have had this string white poop before.
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  14. pednurkim

    8 fish dead in less than one day

    Here is one of the dead fish I just took out. Not sure how long it was dead, but it was floating.
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  16. pednurkim

    8 fish dead in less than one day

    I really appreciate everyone's feedback! It is great to have a resource like this. Hopefully the water changes can save the rest.
  17. pednurkim

    8 fish dead in less than one day

    My cat sometimes gets on the tank (tried everything to keep her off). Maybe she could have gotten something into the tank??
  18. pednurkim

    8 fish dead in less than one day

    My Krib has only been aggressive to the 2 corys I had. He leaves everything else alone. He also mostly stays at the bottom and most of my fish losses stay in the middle and top.
  19. pednurkim

    8 fish dead in less than one day

    No one different here. I didn't do anything with the tank, so no hands in it. Today, one of the fish is kind of annoying the ones that aren't swimming as much, but none of the fish act aggressively normally. Doing big water change now. I have sand, so have never done deep sand cleaning. Adding...
  20. pednurkim

    8 fish dead in less than one day

    Nothing sprayed near tank. I always use Prime and matching temperature water with water changes. Heaters are working. This morning more are looking quiet. These have less color and some clamped dorsal fins. The rainbow with the black stripes is the one that has been swimming slightly tilted for...
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  24. pednurkim

    8 fish dead in less than one day

    Usually every week to 2 weeks
  25. pednurkim

    8 fish dead in less than one day

    Nothing new or moved in the tank. Substrate a little less disturbed since my 2 corys died. The Kribensis attacked them. One rainbowfish is swimming a little tilted on end, but has been this way for a couple months and is eating well and good color. One other rainbowfish has some dark areas on...
  26. pednurkim

    8 fish dead in less than one day

    I hope someone may have some idea of what is going on in my tank. I have a 125 gallon that has been set up for over a year and a half. Rainbowfish, cherry barbs, Congo tetras were all doing fine yesterday. When I fed today, the tank looked a little empty. I noticed 3 female Congos were missing...
  27. pednurkim

    Please share your photography!

    Some photos from when I went to visit my daughter in Colorado.
  28. Rocky Mountain National Park - Lake Haiyaha-47-5-1.jpg

    Rocky Mountain National Park - Lake Haiyaha-47-5-1.jpg

  29. Rocky Mountain -49-2.jpg

    Rocky Mountain -49-2.jpg

  30. Rocky Mountain National Park - Emerald Lake B&W-4.jpg

    Rocky Mountain National Park - Emerald Lake B&W-4.jpg

  31. Rocky Mountain National Park - waterfall from Dream Lake 21 - 1.jpg

    Rocky Mountain National Park - waterfall from Dream Lake 21 - 1.jpg

  32. Flat Irons - Boulder-23.jpg

    Flat Irons - Boulder-23.jpg

  33. Garden of the Gods -1-1.jpg

    Garden of the Gods -1-1.jpg

  34. Garden of the Gods-11.jpg

    Garden of the Gods-11.jpg

  35. pednurkim

    Stress or illness?

    Thank you for the response. Both fish are moved and doing really well in their new tanks. The Kribensis seems happier and out in the open more in the 125 than he ever was in the 55. The acara is leaving all fish alone in the 55.
  36. pednurkim

    Kribensis and electric blue acara in same aquarium?

    I posted in another area about one of my Turquoise rainbowfish having loss of color on his back. It turns out it is the new electric blue acara (2 in. size) biting at his back. He apparently doesn't like Turquoise rainbowfish as he went after another also. I am moving the acara to my 55 gallon...