Search results

  1. Gidge

    Just Made A "tree"

    Okay, I LOVE the grouping on the left, that has some real potential! That is going to look awesome when the Java Fern starts getting big. I personally wouldn't touch that.    The tree looks a lot better where it is now. But something needs to be put at the back. I would suggest getting a black...
  2. Gidge

    Pesky Snails!

    Never heard of Botia loaches before! Will give them a Google. I can get away with clown loaches in this tank, because once they start getting big I can put them in my 420L with the others.       Thanks for taking the time to read them! I don't have an updated one of the cichlid tank at the...
  3. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    Hopefully a good ride!?  And thank you very much. As you can tell, I change my mind a lot, and not always happy with the outcome.    Any suggestions on the GBR vs Fire mouth topic?
  4. Gidge

    Stocking Rethink - 120 Litres. Help!

    I've had loads of bunnies. Absolutely love them. I can't have them now because of my dog :(    I have no experience what so ever with shrimp! Hopefully someone will come along and give you some info on that. Looking forward to seeing some pictures of this too. 
  5. Gidge

    Pesky Snails!

    I just had a quick look, and couldn't see any known fish stores that keep them. Blast! Lots of Apple/Mystery snails, but no assassins   I have a thread on my 165L, it's looking a bit shocking atm, it's due for major maintenance and pruning, but I'm unfortunately crippled at the moment!  The...
  6. Gidge

    Stocking Rethink - 120 Litres. Help!

    It was pretty heart breaking :( Ahh a fellow rabbit lover!!    As for the cory's, I personally would be comfortable with doing that. I have 7 in my 165L and they are very spaced out. Someone may disagree with me though. That's the thing about fish keeping, a fair bit of it is personal...
  7. Gidge

    Pesky Snails!

    Assassin snails ey? I'm gonna look into these joyful critters! Hopefully I can get some out here in the Southern Hemisphere!    Thank you for getting back to me so quickly!
  8. Gidge

    Pesky Snails!

    Hey guys!   Title says it all really. In my planted 165L I have somehow gained an infestation of snails! There are two varieties that I can see.    1. A light brown round shell, that sort of coils around like a spiral.  2. Cone shells that range from light grey to black.    Both of them are...
  9. Gidge

    Stocking Rethink - 120 Litres. Help!

    That's Charrlie, he is rather handsome isn't he! :) I had him for 8 years :(    Back to Cory's! I haven't kept either of them, I've only kept Sterbai's. Absolutely love these guys, remind me of little leopard soldiers. Leopard's because of their spots, and soldiers because they seem to...
  10. Gidge

    My 125 Rio Setup

    What plants are you thinking of?
  11. Gidge

    Stocking Rethink - 120 Litres. Help!

    Great idea! But with Cory's :P
  12. Gidge

    Stocking Rethink - 120 Litres. Help!

    I would certainly choose the cory's over the plec. They are so much more fun to watch! Chilli Rasbora's would look pretty neat too. Especially with a decent number of them.  If you were heading in the guppy direction, what about platies/swordtails??
  13. Gidge

    New 60g Planted Journal

    Oh my, I adore that wood! Would look beautiful with the fish swimming in and out of it. And I love your hill! You've done such a great job. 
  14. Gidge

    My Old Aquaone 850

    He mentioned he has moved the shark to the new bigger tank. :)
  15. Gidge

    My Old Aquaone 850

    Well that's a bit poo! Such a shame really, it's beautiful. If you're interested, head over to my thread, and let me know what you think of my 850!
  16. Gidge

    New Tank, New Beginning

    I think you should put another Java Fern in between the two you already have. I reckon that would look sweet!  Other then that, I actually really like it. Love the wood. 
  17. Gidge

    Aquascape Ideas For My Tank Please!

    I find it hard to give advice on where to position wood and plants, it really depends on what you like and what you're aiming for. I went through the 'member pictures' on this forum, and got ideas from there. Taking bits and pieces from tanks I really liked. I've found you can never just stick...
  18. Gidge

    My Old Aquaone 850

    Wow I absolutely love that fern!! Great job. I'm hoping to get CO2 set up on mine, but it's just a matter of funds :(
  19. Gidge

    My Nd Aquatics 600L Tank

    Please do! Would love to see it. 
  20. Gidge

    Under The Mangrove

    First time I have ever seen Electric Blue Rams and I'm in love. Your tank is stunning, so jealous!
  21. Gidge

    New 110l Tank

    Considering the plants are artificial, I think you've placed them very well. Great job. 
  22. Gidge

    My New Rio 180

    Plants have filled out beautifully. Great job. 
  23. Gidge

    2X Aqua One Tanks

    .... Wow. Just wow. The 850 is my favourite. I'm looking at my 850 and thinking 'time to do some rescappiinnngggg!'
  24. Gidge

    My 125 Rio Setup

    The wood face reminds me of Davy Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean haha!
  25. Gidge

    Some Of My Aquarium And Fish Photos.

    Absolutely adore this!  I have a pet hate for tanks that are half full, but your scaping more then makes up for this!!
  26. Gidge

    My 125L Planted Tank

    Lots of reds in there! Looks great. 
  27. Gidge

    My Nd Aquatics 600L Tank

    It looks like a painting of the stone age! Everything is so clean cut, neat and precise. I don't usually like tanks of this type, but this one has me staring at it. Well done, and lovely photography. 
  28. Gidge

    I Think I Am Finally Happy With The 75 Community :)

    Absolutely beautiful. Job well done!
  29. Gidge

    Pics Of My Tank

    I am super super jealous! That tank is stunning. I love your 3D background and your angel is beautiful!  Ahhh so much hate :P
  30. Gidge

    My Old Aquaone 850

    We have the same tank!  Glad you got back into the hobby, was looking a bit baron there at the end! Love what you have done with it now. You're Kribs look beautiful too. 
  31. Gidge

    Any 54 Litre Tank Pics?

    Your piece of wood looks like a sea urchin! - I thought that was pretty cool :P   Sometimes it's hard to find inspiration, I usually start with looking at what plants I like, and what I can look after with the equipment I have. Once I get images of plants, I'll stare at the tank for hours and...
  32. Gidge

    155 Litre Blackwater Tank

    Absolutely love that piece of wood. Looks fantastic, great job. 
  33. Gidge

    Angelfish, Rams And Kribs Pictures

    Absolutely loving the GBR! I've always had a soft spot for these cute critters! 
  34. Gidge

    My Planted Fluval Roma 125

    Very nice, would look great with a backing too!
  35. Gidge

    My 60 Litre Freshwater Fish Tank

    That looks fantastic!
  36. Gidge

    Double Nano Planted Tanks

    Wow that is incredible. I have never seen a 'fern filter' before!
  37. Gidge

    My Mbunas In New Tank

    Looking really good. I love the colour of the slate (is it slate?) underneath the rock.  As for the colour of lighting, I have a blue tube and bright white. I find, both of them turned on together make the water look absolutely pristine! And having the blue light on just at night looks wicked...
  38. Gidge

    From Iwagumi To Jungle The Journey So Far! Juwel Rio 125

    Holey Moley! Great looking tank!
  39. Gidge

    March Tank Of The Month Competition Entries

    Are we going to be able to vote anytime soon??
  40. Gidge

    Aquascape Ideas For My Tank Please!

    Welcome to the planted side of fish keeping! It gets addictive trust me!    I personally like the Hygrophlia Corombosa or Hygrophilia Stricta for a heightened back ground plant. I too have sand for my substrate, with no CO2 or Ferts. Mine have been super successful. As they grow taller, you can...