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  1. M

    Fish At Last !

    hehe your other half look like a contemporary version of William Wallace :D Im getting me a new tank friday (hopefully) just for guppys might add some corys and snails in there too, meh. Great fish though and good luck.
  2. M

    Betta Tanks - Suitable Ones?

    Maybe u can send me the address on pm? :D danke
  3. M


    Emm maybe someone on here from the uk breeds em :/ I dont know any specific places but I did see a Lavender CT at Wildwoods in london (enfield) Aquabid usually do have some of the best ive personally ever seen but they are pricey tho.
  4. M

    Newbie To Bettas

    You can keep more than one female together but they would usually need more space than a "small" tank. As for males you can only keep one at a time in one tank and you cant keep them with females either. You can keep males in failry smaller tanks and they can be ok. They are carnivores so they...
  5. M

    Betta Tanks - Suitable Ones?

    Yar ive read up on the breeding its just i wanted to be sure on the accomodation for the betas. Ima get a 26 gal tank in the weekend and divide it up then go get me some betas. Then ill strt collecting some pop bottles and once that is rdy and my barracks (i think im starting to understand how...
  6. M

    Betta Question On Home

    My betta always stays next to the filter he only ventures out to breathe or feed, and sometimes on very rare occasions
  7. M

    Betta Tanks - Suitable Ones?

    Makes sense, Ok i can get 50 bottles np. Its just setting up the filtering and heating system that is like argh to me. All the pipe work and stuff just seems too much for me lol. Im a D.I.Y disaster. I read that article, I understand how it should work (i think) but how I gotta set it up to...
  8. M

    Betta Tanks - Suitable Ones?

    I read that article, its very large scale, would I need something that big a scale? That article was also rather confusing, probably because I havnt done anything of the sort before. Too much plumbing and pipe work :P Im a diy disaster. Ill read through it a few times again just incase tho. In...
  9. M

    Betta Tanks - Suitable Ones?

    great advice so far thank you. The pics would help loads. So lets say I used pop bottles how would I keep the water temp right in them?
  10. M

    Betta Tanks - Suitable Ones?

    I initially need tanks to house the adult bettas that im planning on breeding and then a tank to hold the fry and lastly tank(s) to put the fry into once theyve grown and need to be seperated. Sorry if I wasnt clear enough on my first post, hope that answers ur queries. Again thanks for any...
  11. M

    Betta Tanks - Suitable Ones?

    Hi there, New to the boards. I just got a wee little question to ask. Right then, Ive kept bettas before one at a time with other suitable fish. Have very fond memories of my bettas. However I have just recently decided to breed them. So I wanna get small suitable tanks to keep seperate...