Search results

  1. S

    Could I Add These Fish To My Setup

    I am looking to add a flying fox, some bolivian rams, 3 more angels, a keyhole as well as getting some more corys, kuhliis and clownloaches. Can anyone also tell me whether yo yo loaches would be ok for me as i dont know alot about them, are they similair to clownloaches? I currently have 2...
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    5ft X 2ft X 2ft Tank

    I am looking for a tank this size and i was wondering how much would i expect to pay for one? i've seen a juwel 450 for around £550.00, i was wondering is there anyway that i can get one for alot cheaper than this? as i don't want to pay out too much. Thanks.
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    5ft X 2ft X 2ft

    I am looking for a tank this size and i was wondering how much would i expect to pay for one? i've seen a juwel 450 for around £550.00, i was wondering is there anyway that i can get one for alot cheaper than this? as i don't want to pay out too much. Thanks.
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    Diy 5ft Fish Tank Advice

    I would like to try and build a 5ft fish tank but i was wondering how much would it cost to make, also how hard would it be to put together? I've seen some 5ft tanks for £600.00 and if i could make one for alot less than that then i would rather build my own. Obviously the most expensive...
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    Reasonable Price Fish Tanks

    Does anyone know any good websites or anywhere that sell big tanks for a reasonable price and deliver, i'm looking for 5ft and 6ft tanks. Thanks.
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    I bought some of this a few days ago and apparently the balls dissolve quite quickly, however i have checked my filter today and the balls have still not dissolved, i need some advice on this as i have lost a few fish lately, it is supposed to lower ammonia and nitrite levels.
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    150 Gallon Tank

    I'm going to upgrade to a 150 gallon tank at the end of the year, i was hoping to stock it like this:- 5 clown loaches 4 angelfish A few plecos 2 Pearl Gouramis 1 Red tailed black shark 20 different tetras 10 rasboras 6 corydoras And maybe a few others.
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    Question About The Juwel Vision 450

    The juwel vision 450 tank is supposed to be 450 litres however when i put the measurements in on a volume calculator website it says it is 600 litres which is 130 gallons, can anyone shed any light on this?
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    4 Dead Fish Today

    Thing is i added two pots of bactinettes to the tank afew days ago, i was told that i would be able to add some more fish once adding this as i would have added alot of live bacteria to the tank.
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    4 Dead Fish Today

    No i haven't seen any chasing or nipping, i haven't really got any fin nipping fish. I will be getting a 150 gallon tank near the end of the year as i know clownloaches get quite big :D
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    4 Dead Fish Today

    No, the fish have been fine, they seem to be playing with each other and seem happy, they are eating ok as well but i think it could be a ammonia spike.
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    4 Dead Fish Today

    I have noticed that 4 of my fish have died today, 3 rumynose tetras and 1 angelfish. My tank has been cycling for 20 days now, a few days ago i added some bactinettes to my tank to help produce more bacteria in the tank. The remaining fish i have in my 45 gallon tank are 3 clownloaches, 1...
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    I Need A Question Answering Regarding Stocking

    Right my tank has been cycling for around 17 days now, today i added bactinette to my tank. I added a few more fish today, so far i have 5 zebra danios, 3 neons, 1 really small angelfish and 5 rasboras in the tank. Tomorrow i may be purchasing a red tailed black shark but the thing is i want...
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    Red Tailed Black Shark

    I've heatrd bad things about the red tailed black shark but alot of people say that they are not as bad as people make them out to be, is this true? i know my parents have had them before and they seemed ok, some people say that they are all mouth and once a fish stands upto it the red tailed...
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    What Is Best For Bacterial Infections

    I was just wondering which medicine is the best for bacterial infections? i want something that will not do any damage to the bacteria etc. Can anyone recommend me something? thanks.
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    Is Stuff Like This Actually Fake And Dont Work?

    I've just been on the phone to my lfs and they sell refrigarated live bacteria for £5.50 that treats upto 100 litres. He didn't say what it was called but this should speed up my cycle and allow me to add some more fish.
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    Is Stuff Like This Actually Fake And Dont Work?

    Does anyone know of any live bacteria that can be bought here in the UK??.......
  18. S

    Is Stuff Like This Actually Fake And Dont Work?

    I have no idea if my lfs sells freeze dried or live beneficial bacteria, i will have to try and find out, i've never heard of those before.... Look at this another product that claims to instantly cycle and yet again is probably aload...
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    Is Stuff Like This Actually Fake And Dont Work?

    I was looking at this: I was wondering does stuff like this actually work, i've been trying to get some mature media but something like this could come in handy but the thing i am wondering is how can it contain beneficial bacteria?.....
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    Anyone In Sheffield Who Has Any Mature Media

    I need some mature media if possible please, i am in the sheffield area, i have already tried asking the people on the thread with people who donate in my area, one has not got back to me even though i messaged them over a week ago and the other person lives quite along way from me and they have...
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    Stocking Ideas

    Sorry forgot to say, it's a 50 gallon.
  22. S

    Stocking Ideas

    My tank is still cycling, i'm in the 10th day now and my 5 zebra danios are doing fine, nothing seems to affect those fish. My levels seem to be stabilising, next week i may be adding some more fish to the tank. I wondered if stocking it like this would be a good idea: 1 red tailed black...
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    Getting Ready To Put Some New Fish In

    Thanks for all your replies, they are very helpful :D, something i forgot to mention was that i would like a flying fox as well but i'm not sure what they are like aggressive wise, i've read on a few sites that they keep themselves to themselves.
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    Getting Ready To Put Some New Fish In

    Thanks for your reply :D, I've read that it is ok to keep 2 clown loaches but 5 or 6 in a group is recommended, regarding the candy striped pleco, i looked on this website and it says they grow to 10cm so they dont get that big.
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    Getting Ready To Put Some New Fish In

    My tank has been up and running for just over a week now, i'm hopeful that the tank will be cycled within the next 7-10 days. At the moment i have 5 zebra danios in my tank, they seem to be doing well, i know they are strong fish and probably one of the best fish to use if your cycling your...
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    My 180 Litre Tank

    This is my 180 litre tank, it's been running for around 1 week now, i have 5 zebra danios in there, they are the best fish to cycle with as they seem to live through anything. I'm planning on adding quite a few new fish to the tank in the next 2-3 weeks. Here's the tank...
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    How Much Sand Would I Need For My Tank

    2cm in height really? that doesnt seem much, i didnt know that any higher than that would be dangerous, thanks for the info....
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    How Much Sand Would I Need For My Tank

    I'm putting sand in my 170 litre tank as i thought it would be better than gravel, how much sand would i need roughly? I know argos sells 15kg bags for £2.49. Cheers.
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    What Filter Do I Need

    Can anyone tell me what filter i need for one of my tanks, it's a 170 litre tank. I have a interpet PF2 internal filter in the house somewhere but i dont know if it would be ok for the tank. Thanks.
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    Need Some Advice Regarding A Marine Setup

    I am currently cycling my 200 litre tank, it is going to be a tropical tank. I am also looking to setup a marine tank, is it basically the same setup as a tropical tank but with salt added into the tank? i have no idea about marine tanks so i need some advice. I am looking to setup a 20 gallon...
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    Red Crab Compatibility

    What do you mean make a big island?
  32. S

    Red Crab Compatibility

    I've decided that i'm going to buy a 50 litre tank and put 3 or 4 crabs in there on their own, can anyone tell me how much salt i need to put into the tank to make it brackish etc. I'm going to have angels, gouramis, danios, dwarf frogs, bolivian rams, euro rams, candy striped pleco, corys etc...
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    Red Crab Compatibility

    Thanks for the reply boboboy, what would be the best thing to do regarding the brackish water as it would be kept in a community tank with other fish that probably would not appreciate brackish water, also i still dont know what to do regarding giving it access to dry land and i want to do...
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    Red Crab Compatibility

    Thanks for your replies, much appreciated. There's still alot i need to know, i will be keeping the crab with angels, clown loach's, neons, zebra danios, dwarf gouramis, candy striped pleco etc etc. What i may consider doing is getting a divider and split my tank up so that the crab or crabs...
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    Red Crab Compatibility

    I need some help on this, i know that the crabs need access to dry land, how am i going to do this? also i will be having sand and not gravel in my tank, the only thing that would worry me is them getting out, but i need to sort something out regarding the dry land area. Cheers...
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    Red Crab Compatibility

    Thanks for your reply boboboy, i think i'll go for a crab as the first thing to go into my tank which should be next week. Do they cause any problems with other fish, such as eating them or anything. I think i'd rather go for a crab rather than a blue lobster as the crab would probably be more...
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    Red Crab Compatibility

    I was wondering about the compatibility of red crabs, i know they dont get very big, are they ok for a community aquarium? I've seen loads of them kept with guppys, platys, mollies, swordtails etc in my local fish shop.
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    Best Website To Get Sand From

    Does anyone know any good UK websites that sell sand reasonably cheap, i dont want to spend a fortune on sand. Cheers.....
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    Is There Any Turtles You Can Have In A Tropical Fish Tank

    I was just wondering if there are ant turtles that you can keep in a tropical fish tank? if so are they big or small. Any advice would be much appreciated :good: