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    i know this might seem like a silly question but how long will fish live without a filter/pump working?? i'm asking this cos mine has just broken!! and being stupid like i am i've not got a spare one!!
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    Angel Fish

    the tank is 4ft ive got 2 angels 4 scissor tails, 2 molly's 1 gourami and 8 neons. everything else is fine. just seen the angel going for the gourami, so put this tread up.
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    Angel Fish

    will my angel fish kill my other fish, ive lost a plec, red fin black shark and gourami. please help me :shout:
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    Please Help Us

    i have 1 red tail shark, 8 neon's, 2 molly's, 1 gourami, 4 scissor tail's and 2 angel's. the tank has been set up for 6 weeks its 4 ft easy test ammonia this was at 0.0mg/l tetra test 6in1 and the results of this where NO3=10 NO2=1 GH= 8d KH=6d PH=7.2 CL2=0 hope this helps
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    Please Help Us

    the tank has 8 neon's 1 red fin shark 4 scissor tails 2 molly's 2 angel's and 1 gourami the tank has been set up for 6 weeks now the tank is a 4ft the testing kits are easy test for the ammonia and tetra test 6 in 1 hope this helps you help me :good:
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    Please Help Us

    please can someone help me my fish keep dying and i dont know why!! the water checks are are all ok, ive lost 4 angel's (think the platies killed them) got rid of them and the other 2 angel's are still alive lost a red fin shark and a plec and 3 neon's and today lost a gourami. please help
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    Please Help

    thanks for that help
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    Please Help

    please help my neon's are getting sucked into the filter. my filter is a interpet, any advice on how to stop this happening or do i need a different filter?? :shout: :shout:
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    yes :hyper:
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    my tank has had fish in it for 3weeks. any help would be great
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    can someone tell me please when the best time to add a plec to the tank, the tank has only had fish in for about 3 weeks.
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    Please Help

    thank for the help that did answer my question.
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    Please Help

    all the poo and things in the gravel didnt come out it was just floating round the tank and the water that came out was clean. if that helps
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    Please Help

    please help i have been out today and got a tetratec gc 40 to clean my gravel but all it have done is made a mess of the tank. could anyone please tell me if this is the right thing to use or i'm doing something wrong?? i did follow all the instructions, not that there was many to follow. thanks
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    thanks for that we have had the tank about a week and the guy in the shop told us to set it all up and out the dechlorinator in and leave for a few days before getting any fish. so we left it for 6 days and got some fish today but im starting to think there not going to live. i not done any...
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    :shout: hi guy's i'm new to this. i really dont know how many litres my tank would hold. it's size is 48 x 12 x15in and i would really like to know how many fish to put in it. at the minute i have angel fish, red fin shark, plec and 5 sunset ??? not sure of the name ( could anyone help...
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    Step-by-step Guide To Weekly Maintenance

    thanks for this, this really helps. hope lot's of newbies read it like me. tanny