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  1. D

    Has Anyone Tried This Cycling Method?

    -_- Can anyone advise on this please? Cheers, Paul.
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    Has Anyone Tried This Cycling Method?

    Got a similar question so thought I'd add to this thread rather than making another one... I have an established tank a camen 80 and I'm now setting up a second tank as I want to change the gravel in my main tank and plant it. The filter will not fit in the new smaller tank so instead I've added...
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    New Pictures Changed To Sand

    Cheers fella! :D
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    New Pictures Changed To Sand

    Got a link to Wolfs article? :good: Cheers. Paul.
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    I Don't Understand What's Wrong

    No rubbing that I'd seen. Will get a ph test kit (didn't manage it last night) and if all test's fine will replace the loach and catfish and monitor. Cheers.
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    I Don't Understand What's Wrong

    I do have a thermometer. Will try smaller water changes.
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    I Don't Understand What's Wrong

    Hi, Thanks for the reply, I posted pretty much just before going to bed so didn't get a chance to retest the water. The results seem pretty consistant whenever I check them. I use Stress coat de chlorinate the water. Fish are fed tropical fish flakes. The Loach I never saw really go for the...
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    I Don't Understand What's Wrong

    Over the last 3 weeks or so 3 albino catfish and 1 clown loach have died and another clown loach probably wont make it to the mnorning. :( I've did a 50% water change on Thursday and checked the water today. Amonia = 0 Nitrite = 0 Nitrate = 5 I've not got a ph test kit at the mo. I still...
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    Neons Dropping Like Flies.

    After this episode I'm deffinitley setting up another tnak for new arrivals to go in for a couple of weeks before adding to the big tank.
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    600l Tank - Finally Built - Day Three Pics And Update

    Subscribed to this thread, can't wait to see updates! :)
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    Neons Dropping Like Flies.

    K looked round this site and found a post containing the following link... That seems to be it, thinking back I do remember seeingthe white spot :( I assume this only effects Neons?
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    Neons Dropping Like Flies.

    Hi, I've add 3 neons in a biorb for around 6 months, around 3 weeks ago I moved them (and the other fish) to a cycled 150 litre tank. After a couple of weeks I bought 3 more neons. After about a week or so one of the original neons dissapeared. then about a week after that one of the new neons...
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    Fishless Cycling

    Should be a sticky!!!!
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    New Tank Setup

    Today (20th) Levels are; Ammonia - 0ppm Nitrites - 10ppm Nitrates - 255ppm Seems to be munching through the ammonia ok :) Hopefully not 2 long to go.....
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    Water Results And Nitrate

    Failing that Boots sell 'house hold' ammonia, white bottle blue cross on the front. For cycling try this link. I'm doing the add and wait method. Paul.
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    New Tank Setup

    Yeah, I wanted something that albino catfish would stand out against but wouldn't be too dark. It looks nicer in the flesh. :D
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    New Tank Setup

    ****UPDATE***** Thought I'd stick an update on. After reading the posts regarding my queries I went to Boots the following day and purchased some ammonia. I began cycling on the 9th April using the 'add and wait' method. By the 12th the ammonia levels were as follows; Ammonia - 3ppm Nitrites...
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    Anyone Id This Plant?

    That look like it! nice one :good: :good: :good: What's that then? :unsure: -_- :look: Ta :)
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    Anyone Id This Plant?

    Bought this plant, my first, ever... at the weekend but forgot to ask its name. :blush: Hope this pic isn't too huge! Anyone identify it? Ta in advance. :good: :) It came attached to some bogwood, if that helps at all....
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    How to do a fishless cycle

    In the 'alternate recipe' article is that 5ppm or 0.5? no idea what ~ signifies... Cheers. Paul.
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    New Tank Setup

    Cool, do you think the Neons were gasping beacause of the dust? Be good if I could transfer them all in one go.... Will look at the options, just bought a 500 ml bottle of ammonia from boots so ready to do a fishless cycle if need be. Ta folks!
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    New Tank Setup

    Cheers for the replies. I've had the filter and heater running since sunday and it is getting better. On Tuesday I tested the water all seemed fine so I did actually add my 3 neons to the tank thinking the cloudiness wouldn't be a problem for them and that due to their small number nitrites...
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    New Tank Setup

    Hi all, I currently have a Biorb 30 litre which (after reading this forum) would appear to be a little overstocked :blush: Current occupents are; 1 cherry barb. 3 neon tetras. 3 silver tipped tetras 3 lemonbarbs 2 'orange fish' name escapes me at the moment On Sunday I bought a 150 litre...
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    Hi There

    Hi, My names Paul I live in Cheshire UK. I've had the current tank, a 30 litre biorb for about 6 months now and have decided to upgrade. Bought this setup yesterday Just reading up on cycling now... Cards behind the bar, what you having?