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  1. F

    Very Frustrating Tank Problem!

    they are black patches spread out toward the end of the tail. yes i have 1 snail, i got recently. but remember this problem was way before i got he snail.
  2. F

    Very Frustrating Tank Problem!

    non of the fish anus are in flamed or anything red protuding, although i forgot to mention my guppy has a red tail which has black spots on it and the outer edge of it is almost clear. now i had an ammonia problem a looooong time ago, which i what i think was the cause. can this be related with...
  3. F

    Very Frustrating Tank Problem!

    there is very minimal flicking, i have seen the sunset platy flick only once and guppy does not flick, all fish eat very well and do not appear thin, none of the fish are peck at the gills, and do not appear to be breathing heavy. no jerky movement ???????????? i have tried parasite clear from...
  4. F

    Very Frustrating Tank Problem!

    hello, I am having a lot of trouble. I have a 10 gallon tank which currently contains a sunset platy, male guppy, female betta fish, and a black mystery snail. For about 3 weeks now, i lost about 3 fish to some unknown causes. generally the fish would slow down, stop eating start pooping clear...
  5. F

    Problems In Aquarium And Cant Figure Out!

    treated with parasite clear tab, and will start internal parasite medicated food. The orange balloon mollie now is swimming with its anal fin stick up, so is the male balloon mollie and rubbing on objects, what going on?
  6. F

    Problems In Aquarium And Cant Figure Out!

    Hello everyone, I have something strange in my tank and i cant figure it out. My fish are acting very strange. I have a gorgeous orange and white balloon molly who is acting weird. she hasn't been as active as usually and she has recently began, on occasion, rub against some of...
  7. F

    Male Guppy Problem

    i have put him in a separate tank, and i checked the ammonia earlier today and they were high, about 1.5ppm. i immediately treated and did a water change and added salt. is there anything else i can do? and yes it looks like a bent spine. is thaat the result of the ammonia?
  8. F

    Male Guppy Problem

    Hello i have a male guppy who seem to be having some trouble. 1. his body look like its crooked or an S shape, 2. his fin looks like its been nipped or maybe some fin rot (tail initially was orange, but started to become ragged, part are now grey/clear and black strips or areas around the...
  9. F

    Signs Of A Pregnant Balloon Molly

    hello everyone, I have a a female orange ballon molly, and i think she is pregnant, but with there big bellies its hard to tell. can anyone give some good indications she is pregnant. or what signs to look for. thanks here are some pics
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  12. F

    Balloon Mollies Question

    actually yes he chases her from underneath, near the anal area, so basically "he is trying to get some?" its the male that chase the female.
  13. F

    Balloon Mollies Question

    Hey everyone, i have a question about my two balloon mollies. I have 1 female and 1 male (i used to have a 2nd female but she died not to long about she was sick). ok, when it comes around feeding time, the male kind of goes crazy and chases thew female basically into exhaustion, and tries to...
  14. F

    Stringy White Poop

    I treated with what i already have, parasite clear tabs and will start anti-parasite medicated food(both products made by jungle labs). Until i can get some flubenol 15, it this treatment sufficent enought or will flubenol clear it completely also after parasite clear tab treatment, all fish...
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    Stringy White Poop

    Can feeding freeze dried blood worms cause a parasite infection?
  16. F

    Stringy White Poop

    thank you so much, paulf actually just sent me a mesage about flubenol 15 i will get right on it
  17. F

    Stringy White Poop

    does "parasite clear" from Jungle labs work, says for internal and external parasites
  18. F

    Stringy White Poop

    thanks for everyones suggestions, i will try what i can and post later for an update, i will definitely stop the crazy water changes. wish me luck :good: well only the female guppies seem to be experiencing that, and actually when they reflect in the light it looks like there insides are...
  19. F

    Stringy White Poop

    I clean the filter, run under tap. I siphon the tank until the water is all gone then replace the water with fresh water. treat the water and run the tank for 24 hours before i put the fish back in. I have a feeling this is casuing a problem
  20. F

    Stringy White Poop

    "and some of the fish darted" --> i meant that the balloon mollies, especially the black one kept rubbing up against the the objects in the tank, so much that its scales were coming off. The other fish that died just stopped eating and hid in the corners. The strange thing is the...
  21. F

    Stringy White Poop

    I am new to so bear with me, i have had a few fatalities due to something strang going on in the tank. I had a blue gauromis, black and a white balloon molly, and a female guppy all have succomb to what every this is. symptoms: long white srting poop, some times looked like packed sausages...