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  1. N

    Help plssss

    Hi, i have a 20gl tank and it has had water in it for only 1 week before adding fish - what is that recomended time? Also the Ph of the tank is 7.4 is this to high for tetras?
  2. N

    Help plssss

    Hi all and thanks for recent help. Out of the 6 Tetras i first put in the tank only two remain, and dont look to good :-( I added the fish after only running the tank for a week. Should i have waited longer? I have done as instructed. Declorenated the water. And tested it on the PH Nitrate...
  3. N

    Very newbie

    P.S thankyou David also ;)
  4. N

    Very newbie

    hi again, Im going to leave the tank for a few weeks now beforw i put more fish in . God i wish i had read some forums before i started very very useful. what are the best fish is to a new tank? Luckely my remaining neons seem to be doing ok. Thank
  5. N

    Very newbie

    Thanks all will do as suggested Thanks again
  6. N

    Very newbie

    Hi Sue Thanks so much for the quick response. people on this forum are dead nice. Anyway at the moment im watch another tetra on its way out. its the one i thought would be first to go. its been weak from the start. (very sad) I have tested the water for PH, Amonia, Nitrate and GH and all are...
  7. N

    Very newbie

    Hi I have recently bought an aqarium 20gl. And have tested the water which is fine. I have added 6 neon Tetras as advised to start with. I have had one death in a 24hr period. My question is that my fish seem to get buffeted quite badly by the water coming out of my pump. i have a Biolife...