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  1. Z

    Mother Molly Help

    the tank was fine and ammonia free since I believe December (07). I normally do a 20% water change weekly or 25-30% if I miss a week... but I've been busy for the past few weeks and was unable to do a water change for about 2.5 weeks, as mentioned, I finally got around to it on monday. :angry...
  2. Z

    Mother Molly Help

    hey all, my adult Dalmation molly is acting very sluggish. Monday I did my 20% water change (I was late by like 2.5 weeks, so there was a big jump in the ammonia but everything else was normal ... odd) she was fine, not running (swimming rather) after anyone or being semi-normal (for her) but...
  3. Z

    Shrimp Help!

    I got 'em from PetCo, but seeing how two died en'route home (20 mins) I guess not... granted that doesn't mean much. Shrimper - I'll try to get a pic of the female.
  4. Z

    Shrimp Help!

    Thanks, yeah I think they died, cause neither was moving .... and the other, whole one, is pink now. :sad: but, on the plus side: the female I got has a tailful of eggs! but I dunno what to do with her/when ... they are in a 10 gal by themselves. later this week a small fish pair will be...
  5. Z

    Shrimp Help!

    ok, I just bought 5 ghost shrimp. At the store, the store, they seemed fine, but when I got home, 2 weren't moving. Figuring they were dead I put the bag asside and dealt with the 3 remaining. Then it hit me that it might be a molted shell (dont ask...) or dead so I squeezed one just in case and...
  6. Z

    Tank Stocking

    WOW! THANKS!!! the post was kinda just for ideas sake, I am getting a pair of L. Brevis Zebra for my empty 10 gal tank, and I'm going to wait until they settle in and are comphy before I think about possibly adding a top dweller. The 20 gal is currently filled with my Dalmation molly mother...
  7. Z

    Tank Stocking

    ok, I have two tanks: a 20 gal long and a 10 gal. (the 20 stays at home while the 10 travels to school when I'm there, however I'm taking a semester off so it'll be home until atleast Sept. 08) originally I was going to stock my 10 gal with a pair of honey gourami and some cory fish, but then I...
  8. Z

    Aggressive Dalmation Molly

    I thought the easiest way to tell the male from female was to look at the dorsal fin, males (atleast my male) fins are bigger and flare up/down every now and again. also, females have two sets of fins on their abdomen, while males ... dont. I could be wrong, but that my experience. and I...
  9. Z

    Typical Questions From A New Starter, I Guess!

    1.) all I can say is ask around, have you called all the local fish stores? I'm in MD and ours do take fish granted they have to be a certain size ( I have to wait to give my dalmation mollies because their still too young), for store credit. if not, as funny as this sounds, call the animal...
  10. Z

    Empty 10 Gallon

    I dont know, I'm still worried about the size ... I keep seeing 2'' in certain places, but I'll go see how the ones at the store are doing ... I just dont want my fish cramped (which was why I was going for the pygmy cory and maybe some shrimp...) but those are so cute! :blush:
  11. Z

    Empty 10 Gallon

    would he mix well with cories? or shrimp? I never did like the idea of the "lone betta" in a tank, I know I'd go nuts if I were alone in a tank! :unsure: Granted fish are different then folks, but you get the idea. well, my 3 faves were panda, skunk and dwarf, but I think 4-6 panda or skunk...
  12. Z

    Empty 10 Gallon

    ok so planted with a few fish, do you know of any good resources or books I can read up on? I'm new to the planted world and the different substrates are confusing me honestly... I was thinking about stocking it with either: 2 honey gourami 4-6 dwarf cories or 3-6 sparkling gourami 4-6...
  13. Z

    Empty 10 Gallon

    I have an empty 10 gal, sitting outside as we speak. I was thinking about setting it up, and either making it a planted tank, betta tank, or some other species only tank ... I'm not too big on keeping it as a breeding/quarantine tank since I'm sure if an issue comes up I can get small 2.5 gal...
  14. Z

    What Names Have You Given Your Fish?

    My old Betta's were Issac (my male), Gabriella (blue female), annnd I think Ruth was the third (red) female ... but I forget, my friends named the two females while I names my yellow male. Man I miss them (they were too aggressive toward each other and I was too new to fish keeping to know what...
  15. Z

    Stocking Question

    I have both a 10 and a 20 gal long tanks, however I'm also a student, so my 20 gal stays home while the 10 I take to campus. er, ok I supposed I really should be focused on the 10 gal then, ANYWAYS I have a female Dalmation molly who has about 9 fry. I do plan on getting a small tank and...