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    A philosophy of aquascaping and fish keeping.

    Ki Ora, Your spot on mate... it's how everyone should look at it, but obviously the truth is most people see an aquarium and think that'll look nice in the lounge and go ahead and put beautiful fish in it, maybe plastic plants, a statue of SpongeBob etc.... and they're not wrong, it would be...
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    A philosophy of aquascaping and fish keeping.

    People often lose sight of their responsibilities towards their fish as they obsess about the latest kit, or don't realise a fish is a sentient being, capable of making its own decisions, we must respect that by being holistic and give them what they need to fulfil their decisions. Sometimes it...
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    🐠 TOTM Rocky998 - August Tank of the Month Winner (31 gal & larger)

    Kia Ora. See you read my thread on composition and our natural inclination to see things, I'm glad you liked it, because I'd just looked at your TOTM and thought this guy has hit all the marks. I don't know if you're trained or have a natural eye but that tank you entered was/is excellent on so...
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    🐠 TOTM Rocky998 - August Tank of the Month Winner (31 gal & larger)

    Brilliant, love this, well deserved. Did you consider adding tannins? Doesn't matter it is quite lovely. I love the way it flows and leads your eye. to the spectacular planting on the right. It looks so well balanced.
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    Things as a photographer I can bring into aquascaping

    Kia Ora, Hi, These are artistic tricks that apply to any form of art that you are creating or viewing and help make the image pleasing, it applies to most creative arts, of which aqua scaling is one, but photography, painting, sculpting etc... First of all is the rule of thirds...which refers...
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    Fluval canister filter leaking

    Bite the bullet and take it back mate... even if there's something you've missed they find that'll still be a good thing for you, and us if you share. Let me know how you get on if possible, I have a 407 and it's been faultless.
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    Supporting structure in tank substrate.

    I wasn't't sure about this as I've never done it, I always feared to item might leach something into the tank and maybe even break down. But I was watching a build at ADA in Tokyo. The Akashi Amano centre. and the guy doing the build had some large pieces of plastic which he placed at the back...
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    Finally Fluval

    I'm quite clearly if you see some of my posts a Fluval fan boy... Tanks, canisters, not additives though... its Fritz for me. But one thing thats bugged me for a while is the inability to fit a Inline CO2 diffuser on the outlet, I've seen some people bodge them with other manufacturers diffusers...
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    Fluval canister filter leaking

    Is the lid on the motor assembly securely shut and sealed, it may not allow a full closure if it isn't flush. But you've got a warranty and you can take it back.
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    Fluval canister filter leaking

    Take it back it sounds faulty, but just have a close look at the "o" ring for any small nicks.
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    Pressurized Co2 for 33 Long

    fair points. I think if you're buying a kit though usually airline comes with the manifold, like Co2Art and some others. I suppose often, and it bugs me we're sent down rabbit holes by marketing men whose sole job is to sell something to people who often don't need it. Sometimes I think its...
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    Water change or let the plants/ bacteria do their thing?

    I'd add although he's probably already doing it, to use a dechlorinator. I think yours is the best post on this thread Byron. Certainly one I'd go with, although there are now substrates like Fluval Bio mass that has dormant bacteria infused in it, I'm keen to try it actually as its a very small...
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    Pressurized Co2 for 33 Long

    I don't think so, the silicone is still a very soft material and prone to deform, if you but a decent manifold then you will usually get a length of the correct hose with it. If you just want the hose check out the Co2Art spares section at Horizon Aquatics, I believe they have different...
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    Pressurized Co2 for 33 Long

    Kia Ora, Thanks for the reply Colin, this is for a new tank, I'm just gathering the aqua scape for, but it will be well planted with a carpet at the front and a side, probably hair grass, then something long and flowing at the back behind the hardscape. Moss. More I haven't settled on yet but...
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    Managing aggression

    Kia Ora, thanks for the reply... moving around your aqua scape you've spent months and money preparing and achieving sounds a nightmare. I think the answer maybe to layering your fish, ie top water dwellers, mid water fish and a hardier bottom dweller. The semi aggressive fish I'm thinking of...
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    Managing aggression

    Yeah true should have said between a year and never. The only man to enter parliament with good intent was Guy Fawkes.
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    Pressurized Co2 for 33 Long

    I'm just about to buy a few fire extinguisher bottles, I don't know the size but if they are less than two I probably won't bother, but five tanks of co2 for £50 should go a long way, even though I can't find anyone to refill them unless I've rented one of their own tanks. Anyone know of someone...
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    The Impossible Dream

    Haha brilliant,
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    Local tank for local people.

    Kia Ora, hi Wills. Yeah I'm sort of stuck with what I can lift with my arthritis.... you're right about the chalk, I remember as a lad cycling with my friends there when it was still a chalk quarry. But I'm pleased it's all still there and no one has laid the foundations for a housing complex. I...
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    Managing aggression

    Kia Kaha and hi Thanks for the reply Byron. I really like the two quotes you've added. I think that whilst aquascaping, or even fish keeping per se can be classed quite rightly as an art, lets not get so caught up in the aqua scape that we forget were dealing with a sentient species... however...
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    Local tank for local people.

    Kia Ora, Hi, Anyone who knows the East Riding especially, the Humber Bridge area, or Hull, Cottingham, Swanland, Beverly, Hessel etc... will have heard about or have visited "Little Switzerland". Its a well established ex quarry with many very mature trees and some ponds, and next to that is the...
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    Managing aggression

    Kia Ora, Thanks BettaFishGirl. I suppose part of it all is the type of fish, maybe if you already have fish that are mid water, or fish that go to the surface a lot the question isn't so valid. Thanks for the reply.
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    Oh Wills what have you done...

    Good grief Wills you're incorrigible. brilliant. How many projects are you on now?
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    Managing aggression

    Kia Ora team. Hi, hope all are well. Could someone tell me if it's even relevant? But should you introduce a fish known to stake out its territory aggressively (well semi aggressively hopefully) into a new tank first and let them make their home first and let them establish that area. Then add...
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    Fluval ribbed hosing. Some truths and myths.

    Kia Ora Amin. Great points, I don't know why other companies don't use ribbed hose, it may be an aesthetic thing, clear plastic looks cleaner than black pipes (until it grows gunk inside) but is also more susceptible to ambient light causing growth.,I also like your swimming pool analogy. It may...
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    The Impossible Dream

    Kia Ora, Really like the way this is heading. I'm excited to see which way you jump next.... two islands, a classic V shape? You could just carpet it all now eh? You have certainly left doors open for yourself. If you're stuck for a heater the newer Flugal T series are excellent. Which way will...
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    Fluval ribbed hosing. Some truths and myths.

    Kia Ora. Hi Wills. When I was talking about Fluval canisters I was only really thinking about the newer four series, which I think addresses much you have mentioned. The only bugbear I've got is they won't sell fittings to attach an inline diffuser on the output, although I've talked to them...
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    The Impossible Dream

    Lol a chisel........ I'm looking at hardness as a challenge. As I'm sure you already have. I do know you have vastly more experience than me and I'm sure I'll repeat some of your failures. But yes I'm not rushing anything. Your selection of fish look great anyway! All I can say is Yorkshire...
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    The Impossible Dream

    Kia Ora. Just out of interest, you've mentioned sand as a substrate, do you intend using anything like aqua soil beneath it? Just thinking about our horribly hard water. Phil.
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    The Impossible Dream

    Kia Ora, This is great, so many possibilities. I love the size too. I was pleased to read you call it a slow burner. I was recently watching a video of a guy who took photo's of the water which he wanted to recreate, then he used photoshop or equivalent to take drop readings of the colours, then...
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    Kia Ora, Thanks Wills, I'll have a look. I'm going to Horizon in two weeks so maybe they'll have some. I think I'll have to get my card reinforced with titanium. I'm looking at a CO2 Art manifold kit too. So two weeks to decide which way I want to go. I don't want to go and wing it. Thats not my...
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    Air pumps - opinions

    I think it's a few questions, do you mind the sound of the bubbles? Do you like the way it looks then go for it, its yours to do with as you please, there is also a minor benefit of the surface water been broken and allowing a minute amount of Co2 in. Some fish like the bubbles too. But you can...
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    Fluval ribbed hosing. Some truths and myths.

    I've seen and heard a lot of people speaking badly of the Flugal ribbed hosing on their filters. I thought I would way in with my two pence worth. There are a few misconceptions.... Ribbed hosing is black, clear hosing looks cleaner.... but not forever, and the build up in clear tube is a mess...
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    Kia Ora. Hi. Our PH is 7.2 at the tap. The water is very hard..139 mg/l calcium. But thats all quickly treatable, I would expect it would be in good parameters before there is any deterioration of the rock or make the water worse than it already is (which is not good is it..) Looking at your...
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    'All about biotopes' section suggestion

    Kia Ora... great idea, especially if members are open about their creations and everyone plays nice. Kia Kaha. Phil.
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    KiaOra, thanks for the reply. Seiryu Stone is on my list but I am hesitant because our water is already very hard. But I'm also looking at lava stone or Dragon stone paired with Dragon wood. Both very safe and I really like the look of the Dragon stone as long as it's aligned properly. It's...
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    Yes this guy is so cool and laid back. I also watched the you tube workshop and guided tour of Horizon by Marc Young... maybe spelt wrong, but the Dutch guy who does all the cube aqauscapes. I am just going back and forth in my head what I want. I have a couple of very clear images but the...
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    Thanks Wills... yeah that spending can get out of hand. Looking forward to it... Horizon... apparently they have a bacon butty caravan parked opposite.
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    Kia Ora. Thanks for the reply.... strangely I've just got off the phone with them! I'm going to take a road trip in the next couple of weeks.
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    Kia Ora, Thank you for your kind reply, I did consider that approach, but it's not what I'm looking for. Maybe if I could go into some old oak forrest with a few nice streams........ but I'll know it when I see it. It's finding a big enough selection to choose from, I don't really want to "make...