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    Algae On The Surface

    It was pretty good my filters powerful but i turned it donwn coz the shrimp dnt like fast water ive angled the filter more upwards though since you think that might be the problem and il giv it a day or to coz its looking a bit better already. Thanks a lot mate.
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    Algae On The Surface

    Hey guys inside my tank is absolutely fine with two plecos and cherry shrimp no algae problems at all. However on the surface of the water slowly getting thicker is a green algae what do you recomment to get rid off this. I have a time on my lights so i can quite easily change the time my light...
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    Flies Vs Shrimp A Weird Dilemma

    Hey guys my cherry shrimp have virtually free run of my tank and have been starting to breed really well theres two many babies growing up to count. The problem is somehow green flies have got in my tank and are breeding i keep killing them over and over and the surface of the water is littered...
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    Wanted Tiger Shrimp

    thanks a lot realtree he's good for tigers i've got my heart set on blue tigers at the moment though.
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    Wanted Tiger Shrimp

    Ideally i would like some blue tiger shrimp but im having trouble finding them,
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    Wanted Tiger Shrimp

    He guys just wondering if anyone here new of a cheap place I could get some tiger shrimp.
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    Cherry Shrimp Breeding! Now I Want Friends,

    Thanks a lot for the help you two. I'm looking towards tiger shrimp and thai micro crabs. I want something that will breed like my red cherrys will these two do this. If not it there something that will breed in the same conditions apart from fish and snails. Do you know anywhere cheap i could...
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    Cherry Shrimp Breeding! Now I Want Friends,

    Hey guys I am glad to say my cherry shrimp are breeding well and my two plecos keep the tank clean and don't bother the young. But i was looking at maybe getting some other guys in the tank to make it seem a bit more exciting although my cherry shrimp are great and i want them to keep breeding...
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    Shrimps-Snail Medication- New Plants?

    Yesterday i added a hornwort bunch of plants from ebay to my 150l shrimp tank. A few hours later the shrimp started acting really weird letting the water wash them round and onto there backs and jumping when there was nothing there. I immediately thought there must have been something on the...
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    Japanese Firebelly Newt

    make sure you make sure theres no place out the tank they are escape artists. My brother had one for over a year and one day after a water change wed moved some wires and there was enought room for him to squeeze out the top he mudt have wondered round the house and sadly i found him dead on the...
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    Breeding Red Cherry Shrimp Do's And Don't

    DISASTER! I now have 7 cherry shrimp left out of ten i'v been checking over and over now and it's official 7 is the most i can count. My dwarf gourami has been removed to my brothers tank and now apart from two plecs my cherry shrimp have free reign in my 150l tank. The problem is I am unsure...
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    Breeding Red Cherry Shrimp Do's And Don't

    JUST TO CHECK! lol cherry shrimp exoskelotons when they shed do have legs and antenna messing round with the gravel and it just shot up into the water i would say it was definately a moulted shell but the legs and antenna through me. I hope old gouramis nbot already killed one lol.
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    Breeding Red Cherry Shrimp Do's And Don't

    Thanks a lot that really puts my mind at ease I've searched forums and videos and theres no information about how red cherry shrimp babies behave so ashemely you may just be the first to put this information on the web lol. Lets hope it eases the mind of other people reading the forums.
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    Breeding Red Cherry Shrimp Do's And Don't

    also will my rcs babies do their best to avoid my dwarf gourami if he did come across them or are they slow with bad survival instincts. There are no videos of any moving on youtube if you go anywhere near the adults they move so fast and just appear in another spot with cover i don't see many...
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    Breeding Red Cherry Shrimp Do's And Don't

    yeh bettas deffinately coming out and going in my brothers tank luckily he doesn't have one. I think i'll se ho things go with the dwarf gourami and plecs (probably common) i bet they are vegetarians and don't bat an eyelid at the cherry shrimp adults. A little more java moss in places and the...
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    Breeding Red Cherry Shrimp Do's And Don't

    I'm not sure about taking my dwarf gourami out either he never goes anywhere near where any of the shrimp hang out just swims around full speed at the top happy as anything never seen a more active fish loves the current of the filter. I have some decisions to make breeding red cherrys and...
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    Breeding Red Cherry Shrimp Do's And Don't

    Thanks a lot guys i think I'm gona keep the plecos in there. I'm not sure about that solid food thing because in my little brothers tank they eat tubifex, flake food and algae wafers anything really lol nut hopefully they can't handle shrimp and aren't to bothered. Great idea with the java moss...
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    Breeding Red Cherry Shrimp Do's And Don't

    Thanks for the reply. Right i can't find the name of them but they are the second picture down on this site,%20Plecoctomus.htm and were the cheapest ones at the store. I think there a very common one. In the pet store they were labelled sailfin plec but I'm...
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    Breeding Red Cherry Shrimp Do's And Don't

    So far in my research I have learned that when breeding red cherry shrimp it is not good to keep them with most fish since the babies will be eaten. I have java moss in my aquarium to keep nitrates down and for my cherry shrimp to grave on. I also have lots of plants and lava rock for cover so...
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    Cherry Shrimp. Will The Babies Survive.

    Even with all the cover are they fast or elusive in anyway my tank looks empty and due to the amount of cover i hardly see any of the cherry shrimp either apart from when there swimming about. The gourami and betta are not interested in the adults but am worried about my babies I dnt what to...
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    Cherry Shrimp. Will The Babies Survive.

    I've read a lot of information on the web about my new cherry shrimp that has lead me to removing all ornaments from my aquarium to catch some Yo-Yo loaches that were very elusive. From reading forums i learned that shrimp are part of their diet in the wild and since i hope my cherry shrimp...