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  1. greengoby.jpg


  2. yellowgoby.jpg


  3. Lenna

    Mantis Id

    I posted about this in my nano setup diary but I thought I'd put a post here where someone might know more about it. I spotted a little hitch-hiker today, a small mantis only around 2cm long. It's jet black with white edges on each segment. Does anyone know what species it is? I googled for some...
  4. Lenna

    18g Nano Setup

    My second fish went in this weekend- a yellow clown goby. It's so samll, less than 1" long but very cute and with heaps more character than the green coral goby. It sits on top of the LR all the time. I gave them a treat of some live brine shrimp. The green goby stays in its burrow and jumps out...
  5. Lenna

    Large Filter Systems

    Thanks CFC, I thought it was pretty dodgy. The whole argument started when the fish started to look sick. They dosed the tank with the usual malachite green, which had no effect. They started dying by the dozen and at that point I asked if they'd done a water change. This was when I was told it...
  6. Lenna

    Large Filter Systems

    I'm putting this post here mainly because some of the people who frequent this part of the forum have large tanks and know a thing or two about filtering larger systems. I'm asking this question because I'd like to know if the setup in the aquaculture department at uni worries me a little. For...
  7. Lenna

    18g Nano Setup

    sf05, The goby dug a burrow almost immdiately and didn't come out of it for almost 2 days. Now it won't get off the glass :S I tried feding it but I don't know if it ate anything, it seemed obsessed with trying to get through the glass. It's very cute though and so pretty since it started...
  8. Lenna

    18g Nano Setup

    A green coral goby went in yesterday. I should have taken a pic before he disappeared into the rockwork :rolleyes: . I wondering if they are diggers because I've noticed little clouds of debris being spat out from a space under the LR not far from where I last saw the goby. I got some more...
  9. Lenna

    Problems With My Ei Tank

    Ok, I'll increase the CO2 and see if it makes a difference. If not, I'll black out the tank for 3 days and try not to peek. :P
  10. Lenna

    Problems With My Ei Tank

    I'v had my tank set up EI for about 3 months now. Recently I noticed some BBA reappearing on some of my wood. This used to be in my old 40g tank befor I knew about EI, so basically I had no nitrates back then. I killed it all with excel before putting it in my new tank. I've been keeping my new...
  11. Lenna

    18g Nano Setup

    My LFS didn't have many snails left, but I got the last trochus and several scavenger type snails like nassarius. The trochus is amazing though, it's taken 12 just hrs to hoover up half the algae on the LR. Here's a pic of it in action. Now the tank is cycled all sorts of things are starting to...
  12. sea_star.jpg


  13. snail.jpg


  14. Lenna

    Parasitic Worm?

    I looked at pics of anchor worm, these are different. Anyone know what treatments will work on worms, assuming I can catch these fish?
  15. Lenna

    18g Nano Setup

    Anybody know what builds little tubes out of grains of aragonite sand? These little sand tubes have popped up in my tank and seem to get a little longer each night. I tried to see one of their inhabitants/builders by night with a torch but whatever they were shot back in too quickly. :X I'm not...
  16. Lenna

    Tetra Pengiuns Terrorising Each Other!

    I have 5 of them and they're nasty little buggers. I've had them hassle other fish to death, ripping their fins, etc. :crazy: They squabble amongst themselves constantly, but since I haven't added anything new they haven't bothered anything. I still love them though :rolleyes:
  17. Lenna

    Parasitic Worm?

    Yeah, unfortunately I'd get half a dozen fish if I tried that. Then I'd have to sort through them all. They're such pigs. :rolleyes: The cardinals are more mid to bottom feeders though, only my sharks, hockeys, kribs, etc fed at the surface.
  18. Lenna

    Parasitic Worm?

    I've just noticed some worms on a couple of fish in my planted community tank. I've never seen anything like them before. They are white and approximately 5mm long. I've looked at some pictures of anchor worms, etc but they are different. The affected fish (2 cardinals & 2 rummynose tetra) seem...
  19. Lenna


    I hope they're good. I got some as hitch-hikers in my nano. :D
  20. Lenna

    Light Trouble

    I've posted on the Australian reef forum, but no luck yet. None of the ebay sellers with them ship to Australia. I've found a company that's getting them in in 2 weeks and another that stocks something similar. Both ship to Australia so its all good. :D It'll just be a pain getting them every...
  21. Lenna

    Light Trouble

    I ordered a light for my nano on ebay and it arrived yesterday. The fella who sent it to me had wrapped it properly and labelled it as fragile. (I'm not blaming him, he gave me a good deal) However, somehow in transit it has been dropped or bumped and something inside the bulb has broken (I can...
  22. Lenna

    18g Nano Setup

    No, there's nothing in there yet :crazy: I'm just used to doing cycles on freshwater tanks where you have to stock them once the cycle finishes otherwise the bacteria die off. Do the nitrifyng bacteria in LR live happily without a constant supply of NH3? I guess they must since snails and...
  23. Lenna

    18g Nano Setup

    The cycle is going well, refractometer is on its way and my light has arrived :D . Unfortunately, the bulb was broken in transit so I'll have to get a new one :-( . It's no major disaster though because I'm not trying corals for a while yet. BTW if anyone knows where to get a 17" coralife 96watt...
  24. Lenna

    18g Nano Setup

    I didn't think I had quite enough LR (there was a bit of a space at the back), so I got another piece about 2-3kg. Now there's 10-12kg in the tank which is probably a bit more than I needed but I don't think it's too crowded. The pieces have lots of holes and I've placed them so there's plenty...
  25. wholesalt3.jpg


  26. Lenna

    18g Nano Setup

    They look a little like these zooanthids (taken from Moye's Reef) Except, the colour is reversed (body khaki green, tentacles purple) and the tentacles are shorter. Unfortunately my camera does not have good enough resolution to get a decent picture. I'm not sure what type of LR it is; it's the...
  27. zooanthids.jpg


  28. Lenna

    18g Nano Setup

    Aiptasia :crazy: . I thought they were the clear ones shown in the stickies. The ones on my rock don't look like them at all. Or am I completely wrong? -_-
  29. Lenna

    18g Nano Setup

    Here's a closer picture of the orange egg-like hitchhikers. They don't look like sponges. I can see each "egg" in the sac which looks like jelly surrounding them like a protective coating. They remind me of freshwater snails eggs, just much more colourful. Sorry I can't get any closer. My...
  30. anemone_closeup.jpg


  31. unknown_eggs.jpg


  32. Lenna

    Nano Reef Aquapod 24 Gal

    Your tank's starting to look really good. I hope mine turns out so nice. :D
  33. Lenna

    18g Nano Setup

    Sorry I've taken so long to put up the next pics. This is from 24hrs after the first pics. More LR added, 2 larger pieces and 1 smaller piece. whole thing from left from right Closeup of some hitchhikers. These fellas popped out after I turned on the light, I hope they survive the cycling...
  34. anemone_closeup2.jpg


  35. saltright.jpg


  36. saltleft.jpg


  37. wholesalt2.jpg


  38. Lenna

    Nano Marine Tank

    Looking good. :D I hope my nano turns out as nice.
  39. Lenna

    Some Pictures From The New Fish Room

    Beautiful fish. :D And was worrying about when I move :rolleyes:
  40. Lenna

    18g Nano Setup

    I've been thinking of setting up a nano for some time now and been lurking here and other places reading up about them. I've finally decided to give it a go. I already had alot of the equipment I would need so I just needed a few bits and pieces. I know people like to see how much everything...