Search results

  1. G

    Pentazona Barbs....

    Hi guys - I have 6 Pentazona Barbs in my 90Gal Community tank along with Zebra Danio's, Red Eye tetras, Silver Tip Tetras, Cory's, Khuli loaches and algae shrimps. They are very attractive, although down here in Sussex, very hard to find - I had to special order mine. I always wanted Tiger Barbs...
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  3. G

    Step By Step Guide - Riccia And Java Moss

    Hi chaps and chapesses, thought I would add my attempt at Jimboo's technique! I wanted little mounds so used parts of a broken unglazed teracotta pot. I bought the riccia off ebay and heres the result - two weeks from first to last pic - also put what I had left in a tub on the windowsill and...
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  6. G

    My New Tank - Be Gentle With Me I'm A Virgin Poster!

    Thanks - I must admit to being pretty pleased with it - considering its only been 6 weeks! The Riccia idea was nicked wholesale from the expert!!
  7. G

    My New Tank - Be Gentle With Me I'm A Virgin Poster!

    Not at all - thanks for all the advice guys - Im going to tank it all on board and let the tank mature for a couple of months to see how it develops. Just bought some fish that will take me to a reasonable stocking level for the next few months - hope I'm not overdoing it!! Currently I have the...
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  9. G

    Just Got Mugged By A 9 Year Old And 10 Baby Cory's!

    Actually forget that - just seen they need a sand substrate and I have small rounded gravel - oh well...
  10. G

    Just Got Mugged By A 9 Year Old And 10 Baby Cory's!

    Hi guys - well had the baby cory's about 2 weeks now and i dont have any babies left :( But dont worry - thats just because they are all great big adult sized ones now !!! :) :) :) I thought they would grow - but goodness me!! The smallest was no more than 6-7mm when i got them - the smallest...
  11. G

    My New Tank - Be Gentle With Me I'm A Virgin Poster!

    Thanks guys thats all really helpful. I have 4 30w tubes so I guess thats only just over 1w/g, oddly even with such low light the red plants seem to be doing the best! The only thing I can figure casting my mind back to my botany classes at university- and I am sure someone will correct me -...
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  15. G

    My New Tank - Be Gentle With Me I'm A Virgin Poster!

    Thanks Lurks - glad Im not alone. I bought the tank/filter/lights/heater as a set second hand off of Ebay for 250 quid and overall was delighted but it was a bit bigger than I anticipated!! Thankfully the floor took the weight - after all its just like 4 blokes my size standing in the corner of...
  16. G

    My New Tank - Be Gentle With Me I'm A Virgin Poster!

    Well all was going swimmingly until I turned the lights on 3 days ago and the tank had turned milky. Test results, fish, plants all going well, so a quick search revealed that it was an algae bloom, as it got worse the longer the lights were on. Tried removing the carbon from the filter and...
  17. G


    Hi there - that sounds pretty much like my Rena tank - not sure if they are available to the US The 120 x 50 x 70.5 version works out pretty close.... Sorry - should learn to read!! Got the depth and height transposed - apologies
  18. G

    My New Tank - Be Gentle With Me I'm A Virgin Poster!

    Good news - 4 weeks in (I think- kinda lost track) and this mornings readings again for the 4th day in a row are Ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 20 so I guess that hopefully means that I'm officially cycled!! 3 of my Zebra danios are getting awfully fat! Either they are just quicker to the food...
  19. G

    Just Got Mugged By A 9 Year Old And 10 Baby Cory's!

    I'll go straight to the LFS at work and get some first thing tomorow - thanks for the tip!
  20. G

    Just Got Mugged By A 9 Year Old And 10 Baby Cory's!

    Thanks guys - I can see why people get addicted to them they really are quite cute and never seem to stop moving for a second! How quickly do they grow?
  21. G

    Just Got Mugged By A 9 Year Old And 10 Baby Cory's!

    Do you think they are bronze then? My Zebra Danios found them very interesting to start with but soon realised they werent food and left them to it!
  22. G

    Just Got Mugged By A 9 Year Old And 10 Baby Cory's!

    Just visited one of my local LFS's and got well and truely mugged by the owners son who just started selling his first batch of home bred cory's!! how could I not buy some! So I walked away with 10 bronze ones I think looking at the pics online - they range from 1/2 inch to 2/3 inch long and are...
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  24. G

    My New Tank - Be Gentle With Me I'm A Virgin Poster!

    Thanks for all the nice comments everyone - made my day!! Am at home now so the lights are 2 x Phillips TL-D 30W AQUA RELLE 2 x SYLVANIA GRO-LUX F30W/GRO Hope that means something to someone!! Cheers!! Gaz
  25. G

    My New Tank - Be Gentle With Me I'm A Virgin Poster!

    Phew thats a relief - thanks to all of you for putting my mind a rest at least a little! I readd your article on fish cycling - very informative thank you. However as I said previously I am a little concerned about doing 20 gallon water changes daily as they seem to stress the fish out more...
  26. G

    My New Tank - Be Gentle With Me I'm A Virgin Poster!

    Thanks chaps - cycling with fish was down to my ignorance and the advice of the LFS - if I had my time again I would go fishless without any doubt. I bought a load of plants assuming some would make it and some not - then try and get more of the ones that liked the conditions - some of them...
  27. G

    My New Tank - Be Gentle With Me I'm A Virgin Poster!

    thanks FF - its roughly 48 long x 20 inches front to back and 24 deep Fish wise I was given bad info by the LFS so although the tank is still cycling it has 15 zebra danios and 6 red eey tetras. Plant wise I have no clue as this is my first foray into a planted tank! If anyone can give me any...
  28. G

    My New Tank - Be Gentle With Me I'm A Virgin Poster!

    OK - it worked!! pic 1 - day one pic 2 day 2 or 3 pic 3 day 15ish pic 4 day 21ish I am really struggling to get any height although the red plant in the middle is growing real fast! Can I just cut it off and replant the bits to bulk it out a bit? I have been looking for some big bits of wood...
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  33. G

    Another Misled Newbie!

    I'll look out for the test kit you mentioned - in the meantime I'll post some sequential pics in the members tanks bit!!
  34. G

    Another Misled Newbie!

    Thanks for that - I did read the fishy cycling article- very interesting, like I said things sure have changed since I last had a tank - for the better in terms of the welfare of the fish is concerned - i've never been able to work out why fish should be treated any differently to other pets in...
  35. G

    Another Misled Newbie!

    PS sorry if this is in the wrong bit of the forum - I'll get the hang of it I promise!!
  36. G

    Another Misled Newbie!

    Hi everyone - I used to keep fish about 20 years ago and things have certainly changed a bit!! OK I took the plunge a bought a second hand tank with external filter, lights heater etc etc, then proceeded to visit my LFS (see I read the guide to abbreviations :) to ask for some advice. The very...