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  1. S

    over feeding disaster

    No offence Dan but I disagree. :P 15 hours is pleanty of time for a bacterial bloom. The fact that it looked ok at 1300hrs (5'ish hours after incident) but was cloudy 10 hours later... particularly if the tank was operating at 26C or higher. Good advice though. :thumbs:
  2. S

    The Garlic debate/experiment

    On-line experiment...If you want to join in please post your thoughts and findings here. Be prepaired to be amazed at how well this works. The email below has been copied from 'Tropical Fish Emergencies' and is here to put this new topic into context......... Greetings all... Kept fish for...
  3. S

    HELP whats happened to my tank ?!?

    Any low-protein content dry food... nothing too rich. No dried live food. Algae waffers work well... but take alot of soaking. Catfish pellets also work well. I tend to crush a fresh clove onto a glass surface and then mash basic flake food into the garlic oil using the back of a tea spoon...
  4. S

    over feeding disaster

    Cian McLiam is spot on. Bacterial bloom. Not to serious. Looks worse than it is. No need to add more gunk to water with the cloudy water treatment... you know what the cause was. Suggest starve the fish for 4-5 days. They will be fine! Increase airation and allow fresh air to circulate...
  5. S

    HELP whats happened to my tank ?!?

    Greetings all... Kept fish for 25 years.. only just discovered this site. Great to be on board at last. Hi there, Shame about the tank. Lets try to improve fish health whilst you work out what caused the change to the water quality. Have you fed them anything different. Or possibly live...