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  1. Myuu


    I just wanted to know if I had any room to stock some more fish. Over the past week I had given my serpae tetras and chinese algae eater to my sister's husband because I didn't have room for a school of serpae tetras, and had learned that CAE do not make for good community fish. I have a ten...
  2. Myuu

    Dwarf Puffers

    Snails shouldn't be the staple of their diet. Snails aren't that nutricious, I don't think. You should feed them frozen blood worms, much more nutricious. You could also feed them brine shrimp and blackworms as treats. As for breeding snails, it might take a while. But you won't be able to...
  3. Myuu

    Snails, Pros And Cons

    So you can take out the cucumber, covered in the snails you don't want, and throw them in trash, or whatever you want to do with them.
  4. Myuu


    Yeah, Ijust found out about the CAE thing yesterday. And it has stopped eating the algae, so might as well. How would you go about taking the fish back to the store, anyway? And the tank has been running for about 2+ years.
  5. Myuu


    Another question- Do I need to get more of my fish? Like, should I get more tetras becuase I only have two, and more cories? If so, how many should/could I get? edit: I have a 10 gallon
  6. Myuu


    Thanks! I guess they are serpae tetras. Do fish stores usually mix up these fish?
  7. Myuu


    But don't my fish's fins and body look more orange than that shade of red?
  8. Myuu


    .____. I got both answers. fweee... Well, I could try to take a picture of the other one, who has shorter fins. But that one is shy and hides. But, yeah, the one in the picture has much longer fins than the one not pictured.
  9. Myuu


    *Takes a bow* This is my first time posting in this forum, but I have been lurking for a few days. Anyways, I joined this forum so I could become a better fish-keeper. And I not sure of the species of one of my fish. I currently own 2 species of fish; an albino cory cat, a chinese algea eater...