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  1. »äshleÿ«

    Gold Gourami

    So sounds like I should just keep one in my tank, thanks guys! I mis my 120 gallon :( 15 gallon isn't too bad (24 1/4" x 12 1/2" x 12 3/4"). His tankmates are 6 neon tetras, 4 black neon tetras, 2 apple snails and 2 dwarf frogs.
  2. »äshleÿ«

    Cory Missing Half It's Face.

    If he seems to be fine I'd keep him in a QT tank with water a tad warmer than normal and a little bit of aquarium salt. Will help quicken the healing process and he should be fine in no time :)
  3. »äshleÿ«

    Should I Use Aquarium Salt ?

    It's not needed but it's definitely beneficial (depending on fish). Salt works best as a medicine when the quantity is raised, so keeping some in the aquarium at all times isn't a bad idea. The standard measurement is 1 tablespoon (approx 15mL) for every 5 gallons so I'd use just a bit less if...
  4. »äshleÿ«

    Aquariums are so peaceful ♥

    Aquariums are so peaceful ♥
  5. »äshleÿ«

    How Much Salt For My Mollies And Swords?

    Ich is a pain but it's really easy to treat without the use of meds. Raise the temp to 86°F (ich cannot breed at this temp or higher and therefore won't survive). Use approx 15mL (1 tablespoon) of aquarium salt for every 5 gallons. Make sure you have a bubbler in the tank or your filter output...
  6. »äshleÿ«

    Fin Rot

    Could you tell us the parameters of the water? Temp? What other tank mates are in the bigger tank? Hopefully we can diagnose your problem and move your goldies into their new home :)
  7. »äshleÿ«

    Question About Bio Bags?

    Bio bag is Tetra right? It's just filter mesh filled with carbon. I don't prefer them since you throw out the whole filter instead of just reusing the mesh and changing the carbon; beneficial bacteria can't thrive if you keep throwing out media it lives on. I use a filter that has a separate...
  8. »äshleÿ«

    Gold Gourami

    I have a planted 15 gallon tank that my gold gourami calls home. I know he is male and shows no sign of aggression to my other fish. I even had my betta floating in a bag in the tank while I was cleaning his 2 gallon and the gourami swam over to look at him and lost interest. He did that a few...
  9. »äshleÿ«

    All My Fish Are Dying

    Yeah, true that plecs can be sensitive, but a small amount of NaCl (true aquarium salt, nothing with added minerals like marine salt) will be very beneficial right now. The only problem with a water change is that it won't really be effective unless the parasites are in their free-swimming...
  10. »äshleÿ«

    Hey There

    My camera isn't the best and makes my tank look dark, but thanks! The plastic canvas in the back with moss growing on it adds to the darkness too.
  11. »äshleÿ«

    All My Fish Are Dying

    I would treat the whole tank. Your tank is cycled, correct? When was the last water change? Do you use any aquarium salt? 1 taablespoon (approx 15mL) of aquarium salt for every 5 gallons will help add essential electrolytes and help with intake of oxygen in water. Make sure you pre-dissolve it...
  12. »äshleÿ«

    Hey There

    I've been looking for a new forum to join and Google took me here. I was a moderator of WA FishBox (WA state aquarium hobbyist forum) but the website wasn't holding up very well and neither were it's members so I decided to leave and find a new place to call "home". I currently have a planted 15...