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  1. D

    Spontaneous Generation Shrimp?

    A shrimp pictured below appeared in my 10 gallon planted tank (Java Fern, Java Moss, Anubias nana) currently housing a school of zebra danios. No plants, decor or fish have been added to this tank in over a year. I thought maybe Tetra pellets as they list shrimp eggs as ingredient but Tetra...
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    New 10 Gallon Tank

    I use black aquarium sand, nothing special. Also I have a black sponge board on the outside back of the tanks; I think dark colors calm the fish and hide draped wires, tubing, etc. Since all of the plants don't need "planting", I keep the layer thin. Fern and Anubias' rhizome can't be...
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    New 10 Gallon Tank

    I have 3 ten gallon tanks like you describe. I have a very thin sand base, and have planted them with Java Fern and Java Moss that have thrived into a veritable forest and a front and center Anubias nana. All 3 plants are not fussy about lighting, substrate or fertilizer. Some duckweed floats...
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    Switching From Tank To Bowl

    I had good luck with Bettas in 1-2 gallon jars with Java Ferns in each jar, but still had to do twice weekly water changes of 75%. The ferns flourished and didn't need substrate. Here in Massachusetts I needed heat so I had four of the jars in an old ten gallon tank that just a served as a...
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    Two Bettas In Divided 10 Gallon?

    Thanks for the feedback.  I guess I will for stick with each male in his own 10 gallon tank.  They do seem to enjoy the room.  I perform a 25% water change weekly as the tanks are heavily planted with a forest Java Fern, a clump of Java Moss, an Anubias nana, islands of floating duckweed and...
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    Two Bettas In Divided 10 Gallon?

    What is consensus regarding male bettas in divided tanks where divider is transparent, i.e. Mesh. No possible contact between fish, sharing 10 gallon kept at toasty 78-80F in cycled, heated, sponge-filtered, heavily planted tank. Only snails for tank mates. Currently each betta has 10 gallons...
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    Bettas Succumb In Larger Quarters?

    Though there is a glass canopy with LED light above each tank, there is plenty of airspace above water bad below glass and canopy is NOT snug so good gas exchange. I may just cycle now empty tanks and give up on betta for a while trying another small tank species. Just wish I knew what I did...
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    Bettas Succumb In Larger Quarters?

    No pictures of new tanks, old setup was eight 1/2 gallon jars in 2 lines of 4 nestled in heated 10 gallon tank with Java fern in each jar. One other variable I did not think of was I added dose of concentrated bacteria starter, house brand from mail order company Dr.Foster in states. Could...
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    Bettas Succumb In Larger Quarters?

    Had eight male bettas in 10 gallon tank segregated in 1/2 gallon jars, tank being a water bath to keep them at 80F. Did 75-80% water changes twice weekly and rotated neighbors! All were happy, healthy and active. Each had a Java Fern in with them. But I felt guilty after joining the board...
  10. D

    Tank Size For Tiger Barb Shoal Tank?

    I now have all small tanks, 10gal or less for Bettas and would like a shoal (6-12?) of Tiger Barbs in a new tank but space is an issue. Would a 20gal long suffice for them alone, with maybe some Cory's or Oto's? Since so much importance is given to surface area, is a 29 gal much better as both...
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    Appropriate Betta Tankmates In 10 Gallon

    I appreciate your ideas, getting back into fish keeping slowly after decades away. Though I have kept many fish over the years, most exotic was a Mbuna tank in late 70's. Adding Shrimp or maybe a largish snail or two intrigues me though I have never kept invertebrates other than the minuscule...
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    Appropriate Betta Tankmates In 10 Gallon

    I would like suggestions for Tankmates for a male betta in a 10 gallon tank, ph7, temp 78F, small sponge filter, heavily planted with Java Fern on Driftwood. I had 8 male bettas in 1/2 gallon canning jars in the tank (75% twice weekly jar water changes) with the tank being essentially a water...