Search results

  1. Rochiie

    Diamond Head Neons Not Doing So Well

    I got the water tested for nitrates (i never remember if its nitrates or nitrites you dont want) and that was clear and the same with amonia. All the water that was tested was clear with no tinge of colour at all, i got it tested twice with the same results at two different places so i was...
  2. Rochiie

    Diamond Head Neons Not Doing So Well

    iv recently vanished from the forum for a while due to a problem with my internet, so thanks to all for the help provided before about the questions i had before getting fish. So heres my update on the tank... But i need MORE help. Gosh its never ending!! So i got my water tested again on...
  3. Rochiie

    Info Wanted On A Couple Of Fish

    Whats the point in seeking advice if your going to ignore it? that must be pretty annoying spending time helping someone for them to not even acknowledge the advice given. And Sebn, not yet, just got on the labtop now little oens asleep so im going to look into some fish now! I thought rams...
  4. Rochiie

    Info Wanted On A Couple Of Fish

    I honestly appreciate everyones time that they are putting into telling me about the fish i like and the set up, and im thankful that some ones come along and told me where im going wrong and what to avoid, most pet stores and garden centres have told me different but we all know why that is and...
  5. Rochiie

    Info Wanted On A Couple Of Fish

    I do love tetras and because theirs so many types, i dont know what to choose or what i prefer but will get searching google for some. Never heard of Rasbora, but another thing ill look into. Someone told me last week that plecs will only grow to acomidate the tank,but was going to look into...
  6. Rochiie

    Info Wanted On A Couple Of Fish

    Not sure what these would be classed as but the ones that iv taken quite a liking to are; Bettas, Pleco's (Not sure why, but iv fallen inlove with these little algi eating little fellas) Clown loach Tiger barb As boring as it sounds, i quite like fancy guppies Id like a redtail shark Quite like...
  7. Rochiie

    Yay! Water Is Ready For Fish!

    Ah must be the Ammonia that had traces, the one that turns pink was completely clear and i was told thats a good thing. but the Ammonia one was the slightest tinge of yellow but still pretty clear, i was told itll quickly clear up as it wasnt enough to worry about but if it was yellow or turning...
  8. Rochiie

    Info Wanted On A Couple Of Fish

    Thankyou for settling that, amazing how many places will tell you that the fish you like will live perfectly in your tank! Ill look into some smaller species, although i have a few ideas of ones i like. Any suggestions on some suitable fish to look into will be appreciated.
  9. Rochiie

    Info Wanted On A Couple Of Fish

    I was told to add fish flakes every so often to the water to feed the bacteria, not sure if its strictly true but i cant see any harm itll do so iv been doing that, the fish were transfered into the other tank that morning before this one was emptied and ready for me to collect, they bagged the...
  10. Rochiie

    Yay! Water Is Ready For Fish!

    because of the nitrates i think (the test that makes your water turn yellow or green?) well the water was a hint of yellow so there was low levels of the stuff and the rest was 'perfect' so we ad to deal with that problem. They said that you should use rain water in your tank, but they bottled...
  11. Rochiie

    Yay! Water Is Ready For Fish!

    The tank before i had it was up and running for about 2 and a half years, with the filter working right untill i collected it, although there was no fish in the tank for about a week, they kept the filter running, and they told me they put a little fish food in it every few days, it confused me...
  12. Rochiie

    Info Wanted On A Couple Of Fish

    he took three different samples, and put a liquid in each, i cant remember what he did for the ph because i was handing my daughter her juice while he was doing that one, but i know the rest where mixed with a liquid and then compared to a chart on the colouring after a min or so, both where...
  13. Rochiie

    Yay! Water Is Ready For Fish!

    Thanks guys! I thought it was a little odd that the water seemed 'perfect' so quickly, so thought id turn to you guys and see what info you can throw at me! I have read through the link you gave me the other day flute and i found it VERY helpfull. i got my water tested today just to see the...
  14. Rochiie

    Info Wanted On A Couple Of Fish

    The tank i have isnt brand new and is second hand, a friend had it running for about 2 and a half years and sold it to me as they wanted to downgrade to a smaller tank, so the filter media and gravel all held the bacteria, and i never used raw tap water so that i tried to keep as much of the...
  15. Rochiie

    Info Wanted On A Couple Of Fish

    Hi all, im still full to the brim with questions before i add fish to my tank so ill apologise now if im getting on peoples nerves lol! I got my water tested today and everything is perfect, so the next step im assuming would be adding fish! Wich were planning to do this weekend. But theres a...
  16. Rochiie

    Yay! Water Is Ready For Fish!

    I got the water tested today, the guy at the pet shop said its perfect to start popping fish in. Its been up for about a week and a half now, so im quite excited to start adding fish. Any tips? I know not to add too many at once, im pretty nervous about not doing it all properly and my fish die...
  17. Rochiie

    Tank Decorations

    Thanks for the reply! i popped the wood back into the tank after abit of boiling, scrubbing and soaking and it hasnt taken much effect on the water really, so quite happy about that. As for decorations, iv been abit worried about putting anything other than aquarium spicific items in there...
  18. Rochiie

    New Impulse Bought Betta, I'm Thinking 'pinky'

    Is he a particular type of betta? Im not really up on my fish yet so i cant remember what their called, but im sure you can have more than one of those living together, could be wrong though so dont hold me to it
  19. Rochiie

    New To The Hobby And To The Forum From Nottingham!

    Cheers flute! there seemed to only be a slight hint of it in the water, and i bought some of this rain water stuff that i was told should sort it out. A friend advised me to add some of her pond water into the tank and let it filter through, apparently her pond water is tested regular and is...
  20. Rochiie

    My Set Up!

    Awh brilliant! Thanks for that, ill add it back in later this afternoon then.
  21. Rochiie

    Tank Decorations

    Hey all, i hope iv put this in te right section of the forum! Forgive me if i havent. Just after a little advice on decorations for tanks, I currently have about 6 rooted plants in my tank and two bits of bogwood soaking, My first question is, how long should you soak it for? Iv put boiled water...
  22. Rochiie

    My Set Up!

    Just waiting to put the fish in now, Although i have removed the bogwood and its been soaking for a couple of days as i wasnt told it stains water!
  23. Rochiie

    New To The Hobby And To The Forum From Nottingham!

    Hi all, My names rochelle... And im from nottingham. Iv recently set up my first and new tank, 10 days ago now but still no fish as iv been told by an aquatic store that my water still isnt right (Perfect PH, but the test that turns the water green and yellow was a tinge or yellow.. i was told...