Search results

  1. ogelthorpe

    Fluval Flex 9 Gallon Aquarium with Fake Plants (Beginner) - Stocking Suggestions?

    Thanks for this. I got the hardness information from my water provider and it is mg/l. I like the idea of a large chili rasbora shoal - do you think I could do either pygmy cories or kuhli loaches on the bottom with the chili rasboras in this tank?
  2. ogelthorpe

    Fluval Flex 9 Gallon Aquarium with Fake Plants (Beginner) - Stocking Suggestions?

    Hello all, At long last, I am nearing the end of my cycle process. Ammonia at 0, Nitrites are at 0.5ppm and falling! My tank is a 9 gallon fluval flex with dark gravel substrate, spider wood, blue seiryu stone and a massive fake bamboo plant that makes it look like a jungle but with some clear...
  3. IMG_2874.jpg


  4. ogelthorpe

    Cycling Question

    Excellent - thanks very much!
  5. ogelthorpe

    Cycling Question

    OK thanks. So don't add any more ammonia until nitrites go under 0.25? Then add the 3ppm ammonia daily until I get 0 for both ammonia and nitrites?
  6. ogelthorpe

    Cycling Question

    Hi everyone, I am mid-cycle and have used the instructions on this forum ( Everything seems to be progressing well. I reached "Stage 3" and had ammonia at 0 and nitrite at less than 1, so I proceeded to add a...
  7. ogelthorpe

    Cycling Tank - Question

    Perfect! Thanks again.
  8. ogelthorpe

    Cycling Tank - Question

    Oh ok that makes sense. Should I keep dosing with ammonia up to 3ppm every couple of days until I see nitrates? Thanks again for your help!
  9. ogelthorpe

    Cycling Tank - Question

    No water changes yet and tank has only been setup for 4 days. On the first day, I added ammonia and then Fritzyme 700 bacteria. Next day tank was cloudy but I waited 24 hours and it cleared up. Everything tested at 0ppm. Added ammonia yesterday up to 3ppm but didn’t add the bacteria this time...
  10. ogelthorpe

    Cycling Tank - Question

    No plants and I don’t think I mentioned that so no worries at all.
  11. ogelthorpe

    Cycling Tank - Question

    Thanks again for the feedback everyone. I read the fishless cycling instructions and dosed ammonia to 3ppm yesterday. I know it says to wait a couple days, but I tested today for kicks and it came back at 0ppm ammonia, 0ppm nitrites and 0ppm nitrates. Does this make sense? Where is the...
  12. ogelthorpe

    Cycling Tank - Question

    OK cool. Thanks for the advice.
  13. ogelthorpe

    Cycling Tank - Question

    Hey - thanks for the reply. Using the API Freshwater Master Test Kit and Prime Dechlorinator. I note the Prime Dechlorinator also detoxifies ammonia, nitrite and nitrate as well, so perhaps I should have waited longer to introduce the ammonia and bacteria? I did wait several hours though.
  14. ogelthorpe

    Cycling Tank - Question

    Good day everyone, Just setup my new Fluval Flex 9 tank (again!) yesterday. No live plants - just plastic plants, spider wood, stone and black gravel. I added Fritzyme Fishless Fuel (ammonia) last night and a couple hours later added the Fritzyme 700 Turbostart nitrifying bacteria. This...
  15. ogelthorpe

    Cycling Advice

    Ok cool. Will give it a try. Would you suggest like a 50-75% water change?
  16. ogelthorpe

    Cycling Advice

    Will see if I can find out what they add. I assume stocking numbers should be lowered on the fish you suggested? You may recall I added ammonia yesterday followed by the Fritzyme turbo 700 bacteria. Just tested ammonia and it’s still at 3ppm but also tested for nitrites and they have climbed to...
  17. ogelthorpe

    Cycling Advice

    Yes indeed. I believe they add a lot of calcium based on what I’m finding online. So I guess stocking wise, I’ll have to focus on fish that do well in very soft water.
  18. ogelthorpe

    Cycling Advice

    I think it’s mg/L calcium carbonate. First two columns in the attached (Raw and Treated Water) provide the analysis of our city water supply. Does this make sense?
  19. 60BA05C2-835C-4CDA-93C3-79FD331A2193.png


  20. ogelthorpe

    Cycling Advice

    Unit of measurement is apparently mg/L. Got this directly from an engineer at the city water commission.
  21. ogelthorpe

    Cycling Advice

    Man this is awesome info. Thanks again! PH is testing right around 7 in the tank today but a friend of mine at the water commission tells me the water supply here is typically base coming out of the tap (7.2-7.4). GH is 4-26. Looking forward to your recs!
  22. ogelthorpe

    Cycling Advice

    Awesome! Thinking I might start with 7-8 ember tetras, a couple nerite snails and maybe lastly a betta. Also like CPD’s and open to other suggestions for interesting nano fish. Here is a photo attached. Thanks again for all your advice!
  23. EC303456-50EF-4BA1-9FAA-B01916C2DE2C.jpeg


  24. ogelthorpe

    Cycling Advice

    Thanks Byron. So after the plants take up the ammonia and reduces it to 0ppm, and the nitrites will be at 0 too, what will my next step be?
  25. ogelthorpe

    Cycling Advice

    Thanks for this. Before you replied I actually added some Fritzyme ammonia and tested an hour later. It came in at roughly 3ppm. I then added the Fritzyme 700 nitrifying bacteria based on the instructions on the bottle. I guess I should test tomorrow again but what would be your advice on next...
  26. ogelthorpe

    Cycling Advice

    Awesome - thanks!
  27. ogelthorpe

    Cycling Advice

    Good afternoon. Here with a cycling question. I've got a Fluval Flex 9 that I setup about 5 days ago - fully planted tank. Been testing the past couple of days and ammonia is still at 0. Should I be adding pure ammonia to get the cycle going and keeping the ammonia level at 2ppm or do I just...
  28. ogelthorpe

    Fluval Flex 9 gallon Stocking ideas

    Thanks very much - Great suggestion. I'm a beginner so hardy fish would likely be a great choice for me and from the videos I've seen they color up nicely! How many embers would you suggest in a tank this size and what (if any) tank mates would you suggest with them?
  29. ogelthorpe

    Fluval Flex 9 gallon Stocking ideas

    Great advice! Really like the idea of pygmy cories and happy you mentioned the issues with them and the flourite substrate. If I changed the substrate to the quikcrete, how many pygmy cories could I fit in this tank?
  30. ogelthorpe

    Fluval Flex 9 gallon Stocking ideas

    Hi everyone, Just setup my tank (pic below) and waiting for it to cycle. Fluval Flex 9 with Seachem Flourite Black natural substrate, including about 20+ assorted live plants, spiderwood and blue seriyu stone. I realize options may be limited for such a small tank, but looking for any...
  31. fluval flex 9 day 4.jpg

    fluval flex 9 day 4.jpg

  32. ogelthorpe

    Questions from a newbie to the hobby

    Thanks very much for the feedback and advice - much appreciated!
  33. ogelthorpe

    Questions from a newbie to the hobby

    Great advice - thanks very much!!!
  34. ogelthorpe

    Questions from a newbie to the hobby

    Good afternoon, I am new to the hobby and just set up a Fluval Flex 9 last night. Planted tank with fluorite black substrate, some spiderwood and blue seriyu stone (pic below). Added water conditioner to remove the chlorine from tap water as well and have just been letting it run the past...
  35. Fluval Flex 9.jpg

    Fluval Flex 9.jpg
