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  1. K

    What's Wrong W/ My Betta?

    I got some advise on the Betta Forum, but he has weird symptoms. Here are his issues. Please help! He is my only pet, and I love him. I need to know what I need to do so I do not waste time buying meds and trying to fix things he does not have or creating new issues. He is a blueish auqua...
  2. K

    Is My Fish Sick?

    I got another look at him with the flashlight. He definately looks very red around the head and the gills. He does not looks good at all. He is always breathing heavy too. The heavy breathing is a symptom of velvet. I feel like I have wasted so much time too because my fiance keeps telling...
  3. K

    Is My Fish Sick?

    And, yes he is eating without any issues. He is a picky eater, but he eats 3 Hikari Bio-Gold baby pellets 2 times a day. He is always looking for more, so I know he has not lost his appetite. :)
  4. K

    Is My Fish Sick?

    I tried to find the fish emergency section, but I couldn't. I will try again. Maybe I am missing it. I did look at the diseases on the Tropical Fish Forever Home page, and it seems like they all say it should be white spots. His are redish and dark gray on his head. He is not lathargic at...
  5. K

    How To Pronounce

    You pronounce it "bay - tah" It's "betta" like the greek letter. Good luck. They have big personalities, and you are likely to get very attached to him. Take care of him!
  6. K

    Is My Fish Sick?

    Well, he is a bluish-aqua colored fish. When he is back-lit, or when the tank light is on, you can see some red through his fins near his body. In regular lighting, he is totally blue. He has a little bit of a darker color on the top of his head. It is not red, but it is not blue like the...
  7. K

    Is My Fish Sick?

    Thank you for all of the advice. I think I should try to get a silk plant instead of the plastic one. The plastic one I have in there really does not have any edges or anything. It has very smooth rounded leaves. If you could see the way my fish swims, you would understand why it would be...
  8. K

    Is My Fish Sick?

    I got him a little house type thing yesterday. It was really hard to find something at the pet store without a lot of rough edges on which he could get his fins cought. They just do not make a lot of tank ornaments for fragile finned fish. When I put it in the tank, he was a little wary of...
  9. K

    What Pellets Do You Feed Your Bettas?

    Mine LOVES Hikari betta bio-gold baby pellets.
  10. K

    I Lost My Betta Last Night

    I'm so sorry to hear about your betta! I don't know what I would do if I lost my betta. He is my only pet. I love him sooo much. He is my little buddy. It does not sound dilly at all! I would be inconsolable if my fishy died. My fiance has already said he is not looking forward to that...
  11. K

    Is My Fish Sick?

    The water stays 70F - 80F.
  12. K

    Is My Fish Sick?

    I don't think he had the rips when I got him. It keeps getting a little worse. I hope he will heal if I get him a home and he stays away from the filter. I am going to get him a little house with some hiding places in it today. I was thinking his fake plant might be ripping his fins too...
  13. K

    Is My Fish Sick?

    I have an aqua colored betta in a 2.5 gallon tank. I got him at PetSmart about a 2 months ago. First, I had him in a 1 gallon bowl. It was getting really cold in our place during the day, and he was always really cold and barely moving when I came home from work. A couple of times, I thought...
  14. K

    Is My Fish Normal?

    I was thinking he might be fighting with his own reflection, but he does not flare up. I don't know. I just hope he does not have mad fish disease or something.
  15. K

    Betta In Need Of Help!

    That is the color of my betta, "Killer." He looks like that when his tank light is off. When his light is on in his tank, you can see a little bit of red through his fins. That made me worry at first, but looking at all of these other betta pics on this site, it looks kind of normal. My...
  16. K

    Is My Fish Normal?

    I bought my betta from PetSmart about a month ago. He started getting slight red streeks, and he was lathargic for the first couple weeks when I had him in a 1 gallon bowl. He seems healthy though. I moved him to a 2.5 gallon tank with a filter. Now, he is really hyper-active, and he swims...