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  1. G

    How Hard Is Your Water ?

    Hi, I'd just like to find out how much hardness of water comes into the equation with successful plants........I live in Cambs (anglian water) and my water is very hard, I do have good lighting and pressurised CO2 tap water - ph 7 kh 10 gh 23 !! my...
  2. G

    Bba And Excel

    zig, how are the plants today ? some of my vallis has started disintegrating too, the egeria isnt looking too well. My crypts are all doing fine and look healthy....the green spot algae I had is gone and the brush algae is a light greyish colout...............Im getting a bit concerned about...
  3. G

    Bba And Excel

    Hi I started the 'excel' regime 4 days ago and Ive had to remove some of my Ergeria yesterday for the same reason, Im keeping my eye on the remainder, the other plants are fine as are the fish......fingers crossed..
  4. G

    George Inactive

    I dont think I'd be able to survive for 6 weeks weeks with getting on the internet !! how sad am I :lol: whatever your doing have a great time
  5. G

    All Sorts Of Algae ..... Journal

    Hi well Ive been on my new regime for a few days with the excel 'overdosing' and IE using seachem ready mixed (Im lazy - but I will get some dry ferts as I cant copycat some of the posts on this forum unless I do !!) and trying to adjust my pressurised CO2 to 40ppm (was up to 57 yesterday...
  6. G

    All Sorts Of Algae ..... Journal

    "you will probably want to start to thinking about about how you are auctually going to do the water changes, its quite a big tank, you will be changeing 120 litres a week, a python might not be a bad idea (a python is an hose type apperatus which makes water changes really easy, you just...
  7. G

    All Sorts Of Algae ..... Journal

    All thanks for the advice, just waiting for everything to arrive........I shall post again after Ive been on the EI for a while,, regards, Terri
  8. G

    All Sorts Of Algae ..... Journal

    Hi, yes the algae is fab isnt it :sick: still every cloud has a silver lining as I'll enjoy watching it die !! The CO2 was lower but I have had it at 30 for the last few days, I shall increase it to 40 as you suggest. The tank holds just community fish, tetro, barbs, rasbora, shark, corys...
  9. G

    All Sorts Of Algae ..... Journal

    QUOTE Hi, Ive read youre postings about using flourish to combat bba. I have this in my tank......its 240 litres, I have pressurized CO2. Im wondering how I dose the flourish as the instructions tell me to dose a capful (10ml) once or twice a week. My nitrates and phosphates are both nil, ph...
  10. G

    Battle With Bba

    Hi, Ive got probs with bba too and have seen the advice on this site about flourish, how much do you overdose and how often ? Ive got a 240 litre tank with pressurised CO2 at about 33, ph about 6.8 gh at 17 and kh at 5 .....negligible phosphate and nitrate readings.....................Ive...