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  1. M

    Planting Substrate

    i am startin up a new tank could i use this soil as a base substrate;isSearch=false with sand or gravel on top?? thanks
  2. M

    External Filter

    i currently have a juwel rio 125 with an internal filter. I was wondering if it would be recomended to buy a external filter to keep my tank cleaner with the dirt outside the tank. if so which one would be recomended and where is good to buy them from cus i would want i mature one i think?? thanks.
  3. M

    For Sale - Aquaone 40 Black 28ltr Filter+heater £35

    i meant because the tank was advertised at £40 pound with the co2 unit included, would it be cheaper now the co2 unit has been sold seperately.
  4. M

    For Sale - Aquaone 40 Black 28ltr Filter+heater £35

    is the tank still up for grabs mate? and is there a new price due to the co2 unit being sold?? thanks
  5. M

    External Filter For A 90l Tank

    Sorry to post on your topic it was instead of starting a topic on basically the same thing. I am after a external filter for my juwel 125. which would be best for me? and where should i look to buy one? ive just heard that it would keep my tank cleaner then keeping my standard internal filter...
  6. M

    Nannacara Anomala Male Agression

    they were tank bred and raised, i bought them off a friend who had bred them. Ok il try that
  7. M

    Nannacara Anomala Male Agression

    she does have damaged fins, where he has nipped at her.. and there is no breeding yet just chasing and fin flaring. Can i induce the breeding in any way??
  8. M

    Nannacara Anomala Male Agression

    i have a male and a female in a 3ft tank with plenty of caves and hiding places. The male seems to be really bullying the female, constantly chasing and nipping her, but she and the male are both displaying breeding colours. is this normal?? should i do anything to stop this? thanks