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    Platy looking bad

    well, i'm now down 3 neons. the IDIOT from my lfs told me that jewels would be fine in a comunity!!!! i could kill him!!!!! i just saw them eating a neon
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    Platy looking bad

    could it be that i have some carbon in my filter thats been there for a couple of months and is now poluting my water?
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    Platy looking bad

    NO it doesn't look like a fungus, but her tail seems to have been bitten to shreds, looks lie i may have to end her suffering. But i have just found a dead neon aswell!!! My nitrite levels were .3 and ph 6.7 2 weeks ago, i have been changing water regularly
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    Platy looking bad

    Hey, my female platy is looking really bad. She has been fine all day but now she is almost lying on the floor and is covered in white patches? can i cure her in time?
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    Reptile tank as aquarium

    Hey as the title says, i have just been given a 4 foot reptile tank, it has 5mm glass and doesn't seem to be re-enforced in any way. my 3 foor tank has double layered glass and a re-enfocement at the top. Can i use it? Please help i really wanna set it up ASAP
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    Home made reflectors

    Hey, i just used a long piece of aluminum and bent it, works like a charm :)
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    CO2 messing with Ph

    Hey I just wana know if a CO2 maker could be causing a Ph problem, because my Ph was round 7.5 i think and i been running the CO2 for about 2 weeks and i did a water test today and found my Ph ant 6.8 !!!!!! And my nitrite levels are now 0.3 !!!
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    Shrimp and betta

    yeah they are cool, my betta doesn't mind em all. but i put 1 in a comunity tank and he's getting chashed all over, but he's quick :P ! So will they be allright in a 2.5 G without filters and heater?
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    Shrimp and betta

    i think it is a Sri Lanka Algae Shrimp as it looks very simular to This
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    Shrimp and betta

    Hey, i would just like to know if shrimp would be allright in a betta bowl. i got three small litle ghost or glass shrimps (not sure), but i'm not using a filter or airstone or anything, will they survive. My fighter doesn't seem to mind them, they've been in all day and he just looks at em...
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    Light about to blow???

    Why is it that unles a topic is about some expensive filter or what ever that people never get a response?
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    Light about to blow???

    Sorry i also forgot to add, i have an air stone under neath it wich seem to create a constant steam of tiny bubbles some of which pop and land on the tube. Will these little drops of water damage the tube?
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    Light about to blow???

    Hey, I recently found my brothers old UVB light 30 w 90cm and ballast, I changed it for a smaller 25 w 85cm (sun-glo), the guy at my local fish shop said it will work and even tested it. After running all day yesterday and today i noticed the ballast is extremly hot and the plastic appears to...
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    box filters

    Hey just a quick question, i have a 100 liter tank (24 galloons i think) and i'm using 2 power filters, 1 aquaceal pumps 375 l/h and 1 dolphin pumps 250 liters p/h, I'm also using a smallish box filter from a cycled 50 L tank. Now i would like to know if i surround the box filter with gravel...
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    Swollen Angels and Platies

    Will do, but i have also just noticed that my dwarf gourami now has a dark blue stripes running down his sides which seems to have popped up. It seems to look natural but it seems odd that it would just pop up, unless adding more plants did it?
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    Swollen Angels and Platies

    Also, my dwarf gourami seems to be quite aggresive toward the angels. I'm not sure if its a teritorial thing or if i should get anouther one, I heard it calms them down ????
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    Swollen Angels and Platies

    Hi, well i dont know if i'm over exagerating or if I got a problem. The tank is about 26 days old, and i had the nitrite level tested - 0.2, i'm not sure if my tank is at the begining or end of it's cycle anyway. It's a 3 foot /100l +-24 gallon (i think) Tank I have 4 angels and 3 seem to very...