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  1. B

    algea on the lights

    thanks for the info. I cleaned it off today. Good thing I did cuz it was huge. It probably would've fallen into the tank soon.
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    algea on the lights

    I never really paid much attention to the glass that protects the lights but i just noticed a huge amoun of green algea growth on them both. It looks big enough to be a plant. I am going to clean them but I was wondering is this normal or is something wrong. Either way what is the cause? Thankyou
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    I have a 50g tank. The lighting is very low. I would like to get new lights that really bring out the color of the fish. I don't know if I just need to go higher watts or some type of lighting. Eventually I would like to add real plants but that is secondary to bringing out the color of the...
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    LOL :rofl: . That is funny. Nice pics
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    I could never do this again

    Wow thanks everyone and thanks for the noms, my first. I didn't expect that!!!! :o :D :o Now how do I go about placing this nom into the FOTM category?
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    I could never do this again

    Just trying to get some descent shots of my fish tonight and I lucked out with this one.
  7. ZD.JPG


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    What type of camera do u use

    I have a Sony Cyber Shot P5. I am still figuring it out. I have gotten better but have a long way to go.
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    Quick NitrIte question

    Thanks for the quick response. That is what I thought would happen too. Before I added the new gravel I had posted a question about it and was told that there shouldn't be any ill affects from adding new gravel, but maybe there is. Well I did the water change and the nitrItes went down. I...
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    Quick NitrIte question

    After a tank is cycled what can be the cause of a nitrIte spike? The only things I have done are add 2 baby Bristlenose about a week ago and about 10lbs of new gravel. I am doing a water change as I type this message. Hopefully the reading will go down some. Thanks
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    My fish were being nice today

    Thanks for the compliments. I have been trying really hard to learn how to tak e fish photos. That is a Wal-Mart betta. I have a male too but have been unable to get a clear shot of him.
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    Tail type?

    I don't know much about bettas but the last picture he looks like a parrat. :D
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    My fish were being nice today

    Last but not least
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    My fish were being nice today

    I could never get a pic of him. Fianally :D
  18. DSC00398.JPG


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    My fish were being nice today

    Follow the leader
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    My fish were being nice today

    first cucumber
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    From my experience it depends on what you are looking to purchase. I buy equipment from chains stores but over the internet. In the store the prices are outrages but the same store over the internet is usually less than half the price. Fish can be cheaper in chain stores but now you are...
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    Baby Bristlenose

    Rub My Belly
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    Baby Bristlenose

    It took awhile but I finally got a couple of descent shots. Supper Time blurry close up
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    Ooh Ooh What's In The Bag!!!!!

    Thanks for all the comments. They are tiny!!! About an inch. I have been trying to get a pic of one of them but I can't seem to get a clear pic. I am still trying to figure out how to use my camera to the best of its ability. But as soon as I get a descent shot I will have it up for all to...
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    Another tank with Yellow water

    I have read that people use charcoal to get rid of the tannin from the bogwood. HTH
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    Ooh Ooh What's In The Bag!!!!!

    The new guys. 2 Bristlenose Plecos
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    Adding more gravel

    Well that is hard to answer. I have it pretty uneven. Its pretty waivey. I originally put in 50 lbs of gravel. My tank is 48x13x18. I just rearranged the decorations today. I just pruchased to very tiny Bristlenose plecs. I wanat to start the planting around the drift wood. I'll post the...
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    Adding more gravel

    I would like to begin added real plants to my tank but I need alittle more gravel for them. Is it ok to ad more gravel to an established tank? Will I get a mini cycle? If it is ok can I just ad it like I did the original gravel? Rinse it well and throw it in. Thanks
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    Beginner: Tank questions

    I am also new but I will offer what little knowledge I think I have. 1)As far as I know as long as the intake stays below the water level on water changes you will be allright. UGFs-as I researched for my tank the common opinion was unfavorable towards them so I have stayed away and I haven't...
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    New Tank, New Keeper

    I agree with clutterydraw. The males are more colorfull so general sell better in stores cuz that's what most people want. Just look around for other stores some have more of a variety. Like privatle owned stores rather than chains. Atleast where I live.
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    The New Crue.

    I have a Sony DSC-P5. I am hoping that it can take good quality pictures. :D
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    Another Clown Loach Pic

    I have 3. They are about 2 inches long. I have had them for about 3 weeks. First fish to add after my tank completly cycled. Here is a pic of all of them.
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    The New Crue.

    I really enjoy all your pictures!!! I am trying to learn how to take better ones myself. I was wondering what camera you use? (If you don't mind :D )
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    Another Clown Loach Pic

    Tried to make the pci bigger this time.