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  1. W

    Huge 900g Tank Project

    I would kill for a tank half that size! I have had a dream of having my own fish room/garage/house/mansion/ocean. Good luck on getting the funds and I can not wait to see it in the end! ~WeeMan~
  2. W

    Pics Of My 32g.

    Very nice setup! I love the plecs and corys. ~WeeMan~
  3. W

    My 56 Gallon Setup

    Thank you! Sorry about that blurry picture, but I didn't realize it until it was uploaded. I know the balas will need a bigger tank later in life, but that wont be a problem. Everyone tells me that I shouldn't have put the barbs in there, but there are never any problems between any of them. I...
  4. W

    My 56 Gallon Setup

    I currently have 1 tiger oscar, 2 bala sharks, 3 tiger barbs, and 2 small black mystery snails. I have a zebra pleco on special order and hopefully will join the crowd in a week or two.
  5. W

    Handfeeding Gar

    Wow! Very nice. I wish I had a tank big enough for all those kinds of fish. I will post pics of my tank soon. ~WeeMan~