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  1. J

    What Should I Put In

    Tbh most lfs are shocking imo, spent hours and hours going round them asking questions could of bought a 200g tank with all the fuel i have used. lol. Had some telling me to put fish that grow way to big and will eat everything else, ended up doing a fish in cycle on lfs advice (noobie) when...
  2. J

    What Should I Put In

    im asking for as much help and ideas as possible, ive now got my rio 240 set up and ready to be stocked, loads of rocks and caves, will post pics later. Ive searched and searched the forums and lfs's and finished up with an headache, what mbunas should i get :crazy: . Any ideas, stocking levels...
  3. J

    Am I Finally Cycled

    Tank stats still the same, now decided to go with mbuna, have set up all my rocks (40-50 kg) plenty caves. got to increase ph a little currently 7.4 and find a new home for my tetras. Going round all the lfs to get names of fish i like and will post a list for guidance on stocking levels and...
  4. J

    White Strands Growing From Plants

    hi ive had the exact same on my plants for about 3 weeks,i am pretty confident that this is normal, as my plants are growing like crazy. Im somebody with more experience than me (a noob) will put your mind at rest.
  5. J

    Am I Finally Cycled

    Will test for a few more days, as i understand after researching like mad, the nitrates are at an ok level at the minute, will do my usual weekly water change in a few days or before if the nitrates reaches 20ppm. If this isnt the right thing to do please free to tell me. all advice appreciated.
  6. J

    Am I Finally Cycled

    Hi all, this is my first cycle and unfortunately did this with fish, anyway after 40 days i have now gone 5 days with 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite,nitrate is at around 15ppm and slowly climbing. Am i there yet? No fish losses thankfully even with a dose of ich that i had to treat 2 weeks ago. thanks
  7. J

    Hi All (Newbie)

    Test results same again today, but 15 have become 14 without any trace. :unsure:
  8. J

    Hi All (Newbie)

    thanks again tested again today, ammonia and nitrite still 0 though nitrates appear to be between 0 and 5 ppm.
  9. J

    Hi All (Newbie)

    Thanks Oldman47 as all people i want to stock my tank to the levels i have planned, i dont mind waiting at all, but if i am having a silent cycle (something i havent come across in my research) as you say i will not have a clue about my bacteria levels and could be at risk adding fish even in 2...
  10. J

    Hi All (Newbie)

    just tested using 4 drops of jeyes Kleen off in 10 litres of water and got a reading of above 4ppm, so test kit is working. how will i know if my tank is cycling, do i just follow the info given on cycling and wait for nitrates to show.
  11. J

    Hi All (Newbie)

    if i was one of the lucky ones wouldnt i be still getting nitrite or nitrate readings? I do have 5 plants in the tank aswell, could these be removing the ammonia/nitrite and nitrate?
  12. J

    Hi All (Newbie)

    Thanks Chris Ill try adding some ammonia (jeyes Kleen off) to a 10 litre bucket of tap water and do test again tomorrow, see if i get any results then.
  13. J

    New Tank (Cycling)

    Hi all im new to fishkeeping so will need as much advice as possible, took delivery of a juwel rio 240 2 weeks ago. Was going to do a fishless cycle, but lfs advised me to cycle with neon tetras, wish i had gone with my original plan after reading more info on cycling. Anyway im 8 days in and...
  14. J

    Hi All (Newbie)

    Hi all im new to fishkeeping so will need as much advice as possible, took delivery of a juwel rio 240 2 weeks ago. Was going to do a fishless cycle, but lfs advised me to cycle with neon tetras, wish i had gone with my original plan after reading more info on cycling. Anyway im 8 days in and...