Search results

  1. Matt_Lam_97

    Should I be concerned? (Dwarf Gourami)

    At least he has healed up! ...but it's too late to change the name, lol! He was was definitely proving his territory whilst the Opalines were here, despite them being double his size, they were behemoths, lesson learned as for as Gouramis are concerned! Thankfully they are doing just fine back...
  2. Matt_Lam_97

    Should I be concerned? (Dwarf Gourami)

    Just a quick update! Minnie must definitely have had a damaged scale. Thankfully - healed up rather nicely! Thanks for the help!
  3. Matt_Lam_97

    Should I be concerned? (Dwarf Gourami)

    Possibly yes - that's why we rehomed our two male Opalines as they were a bit stressed and had definitely outgrown all 168L! Our aquarist said it had been a long time since he had seen two Opalines that large! We went in to check on how they were doing and they've settled in well back at the...
  4. Matt_Lam_97

    Should I be concerned? (Dwarf Gourami)

    A slight possibility but has always been a very peaceful fish that I've not once seen harassed - would have had to have been during the night. Maybe got caught on one of the ornaments but there's nothing too sharp in there! It's not gone pink or gotten any worse today, if anything, it looks...
  5. Matt_Lam_97

    Should I be concerned? (Dwarf Gourami)

    Hi guys - been a rough week in the tank this week. We had a silver shark sadly pass on us earlier in the week - our regular aquarist seems to think he may have knocked himself unconscious and then not come back around. We did a big water change just last week and another after the shark's death...
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  8. Matt_Lam_97

    Is this Ich?

    Cool! Good luck with the move, damn that's a shame about your final year - but glad you enjoyed it! Keep me updated on your Phantoms 🤟
  9. Matt_Lam_97

    Is this Ich?

    That is absolutely awesome - I would have loved to have done something like that! That is an insane achievement to have under your belt! Oh no, what a nightmare, sorry to hear! How soon do you move back? Absolutely - It will be thriving again before long!
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  11. Matt_Lam_97

    Is this Ich?

    Cool! They really are amazing in groups that size - always nice when you get something free from the store! Very nice, congratulations on finishing Uni, what did you study may I ask? Hopefully those pics display the aquascape well enough! Lots of live plants, plenty of hiding places and a...
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  18. Matt_Lam_97

    Is this Ich?

    Ouch, poor fellas, hope they recover soon! Beautiful fish - we've got two in our tank and they made friends with our silver shark when we introduced him to the tank a few months ago! They must think he's just a bigger version of them! I'd like to get some more at some point, we only got two at...
  19. Matt_Lam_97

    Is this Ich?

    Ah okay - fair enough, thanks for the heads up, no more since yesterday anyhow! He seems as sprightly as ever this morning!
  20. Matt_Lam_97

    Is this Ich?

    One red plant a week before last, no new fish for over a month. It could just be a bit of poop stuck to him, or food! I'll keep an eye on him, he's a hardy little bugger so I'll be able to tell if anything changes.
  21. Matt_Lam_97

    Is this Ich?

    Hi guys - just noticed this on my lil orange guppy Sully. Can't tell whether it's the start of Ich or not. Very hardy fish, one of the first we had actually last year, he's been through a big tank change already and he's always happy and darting about with his best mate Stitch (blue guppy). He's...
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  23. Matt_Lam_97

    Possible Cotton Fin - Swordtail

    Thankyou very much for the help! Sadly Luigi did not make it through the night (Weds), which we are absolutely devastated about because he was such a lovely fish. We only changed the water 2 weeks ago but will follow your advice just to keep the tank as clean as possible. Will also clean the...
  24. Matt_Lam_97

    Possible Cotton Fin - Swordtail

    Our magnificent male Swordtail Luigi seems to have lost some of his very long sword and appears to have what looks like Cotton Fin - I just want to confirm it. He's usually very macho and struts his stuff but he's definitely stressed out and I want to help him ASAP. Any help would be...
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  27. Matt_Lam_97

    Shy Black Phantoms?

    We've got two live plants so far, slowly replacing our fakes with real ones as the tank matures! They do like lurking beneath our bigger plant!
  28. Matt_Lam_97

    Shy Black Phantoms?

    Yeah just the two of them currently - I did think they may be feeling a bit intimidated, I'm going to look into putting some more Black phantoms in there with them to bulk it up to six of them. I love our Swordtails but I don't want to over crowd the tank, I may have to swap them for the BPT's -...
  29. Matt_Lam_97

    Shy Black Phantoms?

    You can see one of the Black Phantom Tetras at the back, and the other on the other picture a bit closer up (he just seems to dwell in one spot, bobbing about) which is weird as they weren't like this at all before we got the latest additions?
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  32. Matt_Lam_97

    Shy Black Phantoms?

    I'll try and grab some now - the Tetras have been in there since November, they were the first batch - it's only since this new lot have joined? Maybe I'm over thinking it - my other half says I'm worrying too much and they are probably very happy lurking beneath their big new plant!
  33. Matt_Lam_97

    Shy Black Phantoms?

    Hi all! Hope everyone is managing through yet another lockdown here in the U.K! Just wanted to get some thoughts on my Black Phantom Tetras! We've had our tank around 2 months now and we're really pleased. We got our latest additions around 4/5 weeks ago which were two Red Honey Gouramis and a...
  34. Matt_Lam_97

    First time fish keeper - but need some help!

    I'm excited indeed! Yeah the seller at the aquarists did say that they would be having babies along the way. We have an incubator for when that happens and he said he'd be happy to have them from us should we not want to keep them! The two Swordtails don't seem massively infatuated with each...
  35. Matt_Lam_97

    First time fish keeper - but need some help!

    Ha! Yes me and the Mrs are already considering another tank after Christmas - I think we're in dangerous territory now! ? Yes in hindsight we'd have kept the old filter in for a bit, we did add some filter boost for the new one when we started. I suppose it's all part of the learning curve! We...
  36. Matt_Lam_97

    First time fish keeper - but need some help!

    I'm getting there with the tank shots... I hope!
  37. Matt_Lam_97

    First time fish keeper - but need some help!

    Hey all! Another quick update - the tank is going really well and everything is as it should be. The levels have dropped and everything seems to be flattening out! We took a sample for testing at our local and he said everything came back good and healthy and said it would be safe to add some...
  38. Matt_Lam_97

    First time fish keeper - but need some help!

    Thanks - Absolutely - I'm ready for my Christmas break in a few weeks! This year's been tough! At least we've got some lovely little fish to brighten the year up ?
  39. Matt_Lam_97

    First time fish keeper - but need some help!

    Hey guys! Big update - been a while since I've been on. Ended up doing a ton of hours this week at work so my lovely other half has been tending to our fish! I've not had chance to get on here! We've been testing every day and everything so far still seems safe. Ammonia levels are still safe as...
  40. Matt_Lam_97

    First time fish keeper - but need some help!

    Massive thanks for the reply! We replaced the foam filter straight away before we got it running so we had a clean start. The gravel that came with the tank had been cleaned and separated so we ran cold water over it before we put it in and then added a bag of our own pink gravel over the top...