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  1. C

    Cloudy Water

    Yeah both of these are really high but everytime I do a partial water change I have to turn my filter off and I'm concerned as that is when the cloudiness started, could I get rid of the Ammonia and Nitrite by doing 10 % twice daily water changes? and if I;m using Tap Conditioner in the water...
  2. C

    Cloudy Water

    Well the water is totally clear now and all my fish are alive and well so I'm going to test the water tonight and then see how it goes, can someone please tell me what is a safe level of ammonia as I don;t want to disturb the water after the last few days the fish may be quite stressed so I was...
  3. C

    Cloudy Water

    Well last night I got home and everyone was still swimming which is good, I checked the filter and the pump had somehow may be knowcked the control down to minimum so I turned the pump up and there was a blockage near the vent on the pump so now I have sorted that out it looked much clearer this...
  4. C

    Cloudy Water

    It can't be that then has anyone else got any suggestions water changes arent clearing it and I darent add anything else to the water:
  5. C

    Cloudy Water

    I can;t think why it would kill my fish though, someone I know has suggested that because I turned my filter off when I did my partial water change that I could have cuased an air blockage which may have stopped my filter working so I am going to investigate that tonight.
  6. C

    Cloudy Water

    Right I went home at lunchtime and found one of my Congo Tetras dead aghhh !! I'm panicking now I have had no problems so far. I tested the water and Ammonia levels are very high but I am using Ammo Lock so Can't tell for sure if the ammonia is getting neutralised, also Nitrite and Nitrate...
  7. C

    Cloudy Water

    Hi , Tha tank is about a month old I have a testing kit and I'll post up results later on I had a look last night at some simialr topics and I think you may be right it might be a bacteria bloom as the tank is nearing full the full cycle now. Thanks so far and watch this space I'll post up...
  8. C

    Cloudy Water

    My tank is in the process of cycling and has fish in it. Theyhave been fine and I am testingthe water regualrly, tonight I did a 25% water change using buckets that have ONLY been used for water changes and the water has gone very cloudy. I am using Stress Coat and Ammo Lock and wondered if...
  9. C

    What Fish To Choose?

    Actually there are reasons why I cant get rid of the fish but you just assumed I was cruel your malicious and this personal attack on me us totally un called for well done you on totally making me feel unwelcome here I won't be posting again. You weren't trying to help you were patronising my...
  10. C

    What Fish To Choose?

    Right that is it I have taken so much patronising comments on this thread and now your calling me cruel I work for a charity to help with hearing dogs and I rescue animals you don;t know me, you have NO right to judge me and I am thoroughly upset by your comments. I will no longer be using this...
  11. C

    Congo Tetras

    Yeah when the lights are on they swim fine so I think there OK it's only when the lights are off hey still swim but just on a funny angle. Glad there not the only ones though that have weird sleeping habits
  12. C

    What Fish To Choose?

    I can't take my fishies back I want to keep them so I am stuck there but I want to get a few more once the cycle is complete and don;t want to get too many if it will not be a good idea, so once the cycle is complete how many can I get. I don;t fully understand why fishless cycling means I can...
  13. C

    What Fish To Choose?

    Once the Cycle is complete how many ifsh can I add I have read on a few threads that I will need to add gradually but once it is fully cycled as it is surely I can start adding more fish once I have had the spikes in Ammonia and Nitrite?
  14. C

    Congo Tetras

    On a night my Congo Tetras swim on a funny angle then when I turn the light on in the morning they swim normal again ? Does' anyone know why this is ? Also I think they are trying to mate and wondered how I can spot the eggs?
  15. C

    Any Way To Speed Up Cycling?

    I'm using Stress Zyme at the moment and this along with daily 10% water changes is bringing my ammonia levels down and things seem to be going well.
  16. C

    Updated Pics Of My Rays

    Wow they look amazing and very happy in there too welldone you !
  17. C

    What Fish To Choose?

    Thanks for the advice, I have also taken samples from my tap water and they came out similar apart from the ammonia was zero obviously. I have done a water change tonight just a small amount but I will test again in two days and see what my results are, I was feeding the fish twice a day which I...
  18. C

    What Fish To Choose?

    OK I have bought my test kit done the tests and here are the results I have had this tank set up for a week so if anyone can tell me how long the cycling takes too that would be useful I don;t want to buy anymore fish till I;m completely cycled now. These test results are from the tank water...
  19. C

    What Fish To Choose?

    Thanks It was a number of comments to be honest that drove my feelings but like I said it's easy to tell anyone what they are doing wrong what I need to know is how to do things right and I seem to be getting that info now so thank you. I am going to persevere with my Tetras mainly because I...
  20. C

    What Fish To Choose?

    Thanks for that info I am going to buy a full test kit tonight as the nearest store for me is 20 miles drive and at this rate I'll be spending more on fuel than water testing ! I am getting a full kit to test Ammonia, Nitrate and Nitrites plus hardness and PH so I will post my chemistry findings...
  21. C

    What Fish To Choose?

    Thank you for that post I do want to get some useful advice but it's so hard to post knowing that I may be doing things wrong. My fish are doing very well and I aren't overfeeding them so they seem to be happy enough. I am going to buy a test kit tonight and one thing I didn't mention earlier is...
  22. C

    Cycling With Fish

    thank you Squid !
  23. C

    Cycling With Fish

    Can anyone tell me where the pinned topic is about Cycling with Fish, I read a few topics which say there is an article somewhere and I was interested in reading it so I can gain more info, I am getting my water tested again tonight with my two congo tetras in to see what the levels are they...
  24. C

    What Fish To Choose?

    To be quite honest I think I will stop posting I understand people may be trying to help but I seem to be just feeling a lot of negativity from this forum and don't feel like this is helping. I understand that you are all very knowledgeable on this much more so than myself but maybe instead of...
  25. C

    What Fish To Choose?

    My tank is 180 litres I have checked and doubled checked. !!! I have dropped the tempreture down slightly and its about 26 now. I got all my water tested last night at a specialist shop and my levels are fine I have bought 2 Congo Tetras to start with and plan on adding more fish later on. How...
  26. C

    African Dwarf Frogs At Night

    They look great ! good film work Attenborough would be proud
  27. C

    What Fish To Choose?

    Thanks for the advice I have Cycled the tank and I have the filter and tempreture set up so that the water will be ready for the fish, I have the tempreture set to 28 degree Celcius that's the advice I was given. The tank dimensions are 101cm wide , 41 cm deep and 120 cm height it holds 180...
  28. C

    What Fish To Choose?

    It's about 3ft by 4ft and holds I've been told 86 litres
  29. C

    What Fish To Choose?

    Hi, I have just bought my first Aquarium quite a large one too. Some of my friends have had tropical fish in the past and I have set everything up just waiting now till the water is suitable to add fish. I am stuck though as to which Fish to go for I want tropical Fish and definately a...