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    Blood & white patches on Guppy

    :( I don't know what it is, but I see a little blood spot on one of my guppies too.
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    :) I'm not trying to pick sides I undestand what Pure 14k is saying. Then again I can see how Fish breeder got offended even though is was more of a comment rather than an offence but I see what you both are saying. :)
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    Wow about cat fight! :D just kidding. I read the postings..but Fish breeder what I think Pure14K was saying in the begining was that she was just more concern about the fact that you have soo many cats and if you were going to keep them all or just give them away. The reason why...
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    I need help!

    What does it mean when your fish just stay in the bottom? I can see them breathing, but they never did that before.
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    I did everything wrong yesterday!

    I'm osrry about the loss of your fish, I lost one of mine as well. :sad:
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    I need help!

    :nod: Thank you for your help. I will do that for sure today. It really is sad when they go 'cause you just get to them in their silly way.
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    I need help!

    :-( My Mini passed away today. He was the most infected one I guess, he did have a lot of those dots. :-( But I really can't remeber what I did, all I remember is that I added a multi-purpose water conditioner, multi-purpose bio support and I think some stress zyme also. So...I did raise...
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    I need help!

    The guy from the fish store told me to let it cycle for about 2 weeks bfore I can actually put any fish in there. In my first tank the fish have been there for about 4 months and the second one not even a month. Is that wrong? what do I do?? :unsure:
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    :cool: Thank you guys, hey do you mind if you guys go to the emergency forum and see if you can help me out. I noticed that some of you guys did already and I thank you so much for that. :thumbs:
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    I need help!

    :) Oh wow, thank you guys for helping me out. The white dots are like very light white dots, they seem to be spreaded throughout the body but also right at the end of their fins. I also noticed that they do seem to be swimming faster. So maybe it is the parasite. Now when you say if my tank...
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    I need help!

    :o Hey guys can you answer some of my questions pleaseee?! I just want to know what does it mean when some of your fishies are getting little white dots on their fins and body? Also what's the meaning of them changing colours? I have 2 that are getting a little ligther in colour? What's going...
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    Hey Hey - new to the forum

    Welcom to the loving fish community. :cool: I'm new to here as well, but I hope you like it, I know I do. :D
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    :thumbs: Thank you guys! :)
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    Hey guys I'm new here. :thumbs: Wow I didn't know sooo many people love fish. :cool: It's good to see that, I simply love all animals. I have so many questions to ask about fish since I am a new fish parent. I hope you guys can help me out. ;)
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    :rolleyes: I'd like someone to answer some of my questions that I have about one of my fish. Please help! :thumbs: